Saturday, January 6, 2007

Hair Loss Cure and Remedies

Hair loss also known as Baldness is a big worry to many people, both male and female. Baldness is not usually caused by a disease, but is related to aging, heredity, and testosterone. Hair loss usually develops gradually and may be patchy or diffuse. Some women also develop a particular pattern of hair loss due to genetics, age, and male hormones that tend to increase in women after menopause. The pattern is different from that of men.

Female pattern baldness involves a thinning throughout the scalp while the frontal hairline generally remains intact. Excessive hair loss can occur if any of the stages of hair growth become disrupted. For example, if follicles shut down instead of growing new hairs, there will be less hair on the head. Loss of hair at a very early age has become a common disorder these days. We loose 50 to 80 strands of hair per day. Do not get alarmed, this is quite normal. Unless there is some deficiency in diet, or ill health, lost hair is quickly replaced by new ones. Each hair grows between one quarter and one half inch each month.

Some men have areas on the scalp that are very sensitive to the male sex hormones that circulate in men's blood. The hormones make the hair follicles - from which hair grows - shrink. Another reason might be interference with the formation of new hair cells at the root during the growing phase; this occurs with some anticancer drugs. Baldness is generally regarded as natural, and not a disease. So if a person decides they wish to try to get their hair back, they will probably have to pay for the lengthy, expensive procedure themselves. This hair loss usually can be helped by treatment thyroid disease. Hair loss may occur if male or female hormones, known as androgens and estrogens, are out of balance. Correcting the hormone imbalance may stop your hair loss.

Women can also suffer hair loss, especially those with many relatives who are also prone to losing their hair. Fungal infections of the scalp can cause hair loss in children. The infection is easily treated with antifungal medicines. If a medicine is causing your hair loss, your doctor may be able to prescribe a different medicine. Treatments for alopecia areata include injecting steroids into affected patches to stimulate hair growth. This is not practical for large areas. Other treatments, such as oral steroids or ultraviolet light therapy, are either toxic or impractical. In most mild cases, patients can comb over the affected areas.

Treatment For Hair Loss:

1. Styling hair to cover the areas with the most hair loss is effective for mild cases. Washing and styling the hair will not cause further hair loss.

2. Minoxidil is a liquid that you rub into your scalp twice daily to regrow hair and to prevent further loss.

3. Finasteride: A pill taken once daily that blocks the effects of testosterone on hair growth.

4. If adequate treatment is not available for your type of hair loss, you may consider trying different hairstyles or wigs, hairpieces, hair weaves or artificial hair replacement.

5. Surgical procedures like hair transplants can be useful for some women as well as men to "fill in" thinned-out areas.

Use the following essential oils for massage of hair to reduce hair loss: 1. Jojoba oil.

2. Roman Chamomile.

3. Lavender.

4. Rosemary.

5. Grapefruit.

6. Cedarwood.

Home made remedies for reducing the hair loss:

1. For nourishing your hair, apply coconut milk all over your scalp and massage it into the hair roots.

2. Massage almond oil on scalp 2-3 times a day, daily. This will stop further hair loss.

3. Make a shampoo by mixing 100 g each of amla, reetha, and shikakai and boil in two liters of water until the liquid reduces to half. Use this shampoo for your hair for at least one month. Your hair will become thick.

4. Lettuce is useful in preventing hair loss. A mixture of lettuce and spinach juice is believed to help the growth of hair if taken to the extent to half a litre a day.

5. The juice of alfalfa, in combination with equal quantities of carot and lettuce juice, taken daily, also helps the growth of hair to a remarkable extent.

6. Onion has also been found beneficial in patchy baldness. The affected part should be rubbed with onions morning and evening till it is red. It should be rubbed with honey afterwards.

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