Monday, January 1, 2007

Advice To Stop Hair Loss

Some Considerations For How To Stop Hair Loss

Hair loss can be common for everyone. Knowing the causes and how to deal with it is important. The reasons are numerous and are most likely caused by genetic disposition. However, undiagnosed illness, medicine and/or vitamin use, fluctuations in hormone levels, stress and some factors in the environment can all be causes. It is important to consult a physician to rule out any of those possibilities and to put a plan in place on how to halt the hair loss process.

Hair loss occurs in both sexes. It manifests itself in different ways and hair loss has various causes. It should therefore not come as a surprise that alopecia can be treated in a multitude of ways, and arresting the process is also possible by various means. The first step is to comprehend why the hair loss is occurring before you decide on the most suitable course of action.

Everyone has different reasons and patterns of hair loss unique to them. As is the case with most health care interventions, most treatments work better for some people than they do for others. There is no one right answer to fit everyone.

The first step is to determine why you are losing your hair. If you a a male in good health and hair loss is common in your family history the reason may seem obvious to you that it is genetic. However, it is always a good idea to consult your doctor to make sure that there aren't other contributing issues such as undiagnosed illness or a deficiency of some type. You may also find that some medications you take could contribute to hair loss.

Even if you have a medical condition known to cause hair loss, such as chemotherapy, you should consult a doctor. Although you may feel you know the reason for your hair loss, consulting a doctor can provide information about the factors contributing to your hair loss. Developing an understanding for the processes at work in your particular case can lead to effective strategies to address hair loss.

A wide abundance of hair-loss remedies are currently available. Many do not require a prescription, although some still do. Two of the most popular and commonly recognized products are Rogaine and Propecia which can be purchased from most drug stores and retail outlets. If you or someone you love is suffering from hair-loss, these products can provide relief by decreasing the rate of loss or even promoting new hair growth. As with any product, you must consider your individual health condition and should discuss use of any new product with your doctor. Also available are shampoos which thicken remaining hair, inexpensively minimizing the effect of hair-loss. On the more expensive end of the spectrum are outpatient surgical procedures such as plugs and implants, or more traditional solutions like wigs or toupees. Careful consideration should be given to determine what option best fits your lifestyle and your budget.

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