Monday, January 22, 2007

"Dutch Doctor Pioneers Remarkable Cancer Cure Based on Extracts Taken from the Human Placenta".

Dutch born M.D. William H. Van Ewijk of "Autobiologics" is quick to point out that cancer is not necessarily the killer it is painted out to be. Founder of the "Placenta Research Foundation", until recently located in the Netherlands; he has pioneered some remarkable anti-cancer treatments based on extracts from a specific part of the human placenta.

Dr. Van Ewijk is of the opinion that cancer is a natural phenomenon and likens it to pregnancy. Because in pregnancy cells multiply and proliferate in much the same way as in that series of diseases we have come to call cancer. However, in the case of the latter this gestation appears "at the wrong time and in the wrong place." Human Chorionic Gonadotropin or hCG, a hormone of pregnancy, is found, curiously enough at the surface of all cancer cells. As a result it has come to serve as a universal marker for this disease. The link between cancer and pregnancy is by no means new thinking and this is borne out by the older classic oncology textbooks.

The connection between cancer and pregnancy was first muted by Dr. Cohnheim way back in the mid-nineteenth century. At that time it was known as "the theory of embroynal rest". Dr Beard was a firm advocate of the hypothesis and it remained in medical acceptance well into the twentieth century. William Van Ewijk has taken the ideas of Russian Doctor, Victor Govallo, and developed them still further.

The placenta, a word taken from Greek, is by far the most important organ of pregnancy. It is important because it provides protection and nourishment for the fetus during its stay in the womb. Being similar in constituency to the mother's white blood cells it acts as a filter for immune cells and other factors that go to bolster resistance against infection and disease. The placenta is also the site for many, many cellular factories that manufacture suppressor lymphocytes another great boon to the immune system.

Dr. Van Ewijk's treatment protocol involves taking a specific extract from the human placenta. Moreover, he has perfected an innovative product VG-1000. This is an immune system modifier designed to prevent and treat cancer. This non-toxic, organic product acts like a vaccine and unmasks cancerous cells as they mutate into life threatening malignancies.

Ina's X-rays showed cancerous signs on the liver and was diagnosed with Ardenocarcinoma in 1998. After a Liver de-tox and only 7 doses of the VG-1000 her right sided liver pain subsided and her overall feeling of weakness and malaise reduced. The following year, again following a liver de-tox, she took 2 doses of the remedy per week for 5 weeks. Since 2001 she has been taking 3-5 doses of VG-1000 per month and now lives quite normally without symptoms. She is just one of the many recorded successes Dr. Van Ewijk has had with his amazingly successful " IET" or "Immuno Embryo Therapy" treatments using extracts of the human placenta.
Interested in this subject? Try this link for more of the same

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