Sunday, January 28, 2007

Successful Breastfeeding - Prepare Yourself!

"I'm going to breastfeed", is a common refrain amongst pregnant women. But what many women don't do is to prepare for breastfeeding beforehand. They simply make the statement and then put it to the back of their minds. The next time the issue arises is often in the delivery suite when the new mum has just gone through the ordeal of childbirth.

When presented with her newborn, the new mum may be exhausted and the last thing she wants is to have anyone else poking at her. The result? All her good intentions to breastfeed become overshadowed when a bottle is produced and the exhausted mum is told that she can try to give a breastfeed later on in the day!

To stand the best chance of successfully breastfeeding, pregnant women need to prepare during their pregnancy. Successful breastfeeding results from careful planning. And the most important way to successfully breastfeed is to give the newborn baby a breastfeed within half an hour of her birth! Not later on!

Being committed to breastfeeding, but not placing too much pressure on oneself, can work wonders! If a new mum pressurises herself she is likely to end up feeling stressed and, as a result, will be more like to give up breastfeeding early. Having a new baby is stressful enough! By preparing to breastfeed whilst you are still pregnant, you will feel more relaxed about it when the baby is born.

The following will certainly aid you in your breastfeeding experience:

Join a Breastfeeding Support Group to chat to new and experienced breastfeeding mums. Ask questions about breastfeeding and enquire if you can watch some babies being offered the breast.

Observe how each baby is put on the breast.

Look at how different mums hold their babies. Getting the right position is essential to avoid early problems.

Also ask for advice about breastfeeding friendly shops and changing facilities!

Read books, magazines or online articles, to find out as much as you can about breastfeeding successfully.

Get measured for a nursing bra when you are around 38 weeks pregnant. Many baby stores now offer this service. Try a few different styles to find one that is comfortable. Also purchase a couple of night-time nursing bras.

Nursing pads are essential for absorbing leaks and avoiding embarrassing stains!

Nursing shells can be very useful on nights out, as they will catch leaks. Or you can use them during breastfeeding to collect milk from the breast not being used, storing the milk for later use.

Nipple Creams can help soothe sore nipples.

Front-opening or Nursing Nightdresses or Pyjamas can make it easier to breastfeed at night.

Loose- fitting tops can be comfortable during the day. Try layering so that your back is not exposed when you are feeding. Or use a poncho or wrap if you feel anxious about breastfeeding in front of other people.

A Breast-pump is a fantastic investment as it can be used to collect milk for bottle feeds, making up first solids or when you are away from the baby to prevent engorgement or ease mastitis. Ask other mums to recommend one they liked.

A V-shaped Cushion can make breastfeeding more comfortable as it offers good support for mums back. Or a Nursing Pillow can be used to raise the baby up to a more comfortable height for mum.

A Steriliser is a compact way to keep baby utensils and breast-pump attachments clean and sterile.
Some mums find a Gliding chair very useful, particularly for night feeds.

If you are well prepared for breastfeeding there is no reason why you should not succeed.

Breast-milk is nature's diet for babies; perfectly balanced for a great start to life.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Breast Enhancement Pills

The point of this article is to help you to the next level and show you what this amazing subject has to offer.

Having small or drooping breasts can be a spring of disappointment or even shame for many women. solo women regularly feel that dating and verdict a mate are greatly more tiring because of their unimpressive breast dimension and shape. Married women may grow concerned that their husbands are displeased with their breasts, moreover because of their small size, or because of their drooping shape. Breasts sag with age, and regularly sag after breast feeding ends and milk production dries up.

During pregnancy, even small-breasted women gain stiffness and dimension to their breasts. If they breast feed, this trend will continue awaiting the baby is weaned. This increase in dimension and stiffness can be very exciting for the woman, as well as her delighted husband. Their disappointment once her breasts "deflate" after weaning is regularly great. Her new, depressed shape can be a spring of farthest embarrassment and disappointment for such a woman. Her confidence is shaken.

Many sensible, sensible women would never deem breast augmentation surgery. Surgery is expensive, hazardous and flawed. So many women who tolerate breast augmentation end up with very fake looking breasts, due to capsular contraction. Even if a lady simply goes from an A cup to a B or C cup, capsular contraction can make her bigger breasts look hard and fake.

As you continue to read this article, pay special attention to how parts 1 and 2 relate to one another.

The smartest choice for down-to-earth women who longing larger or firmer breasts are breast enhancement pills. There are many such pills on the market. The best of them use phytoestrogen (non-hormonal hide estrogen) to spur puberty-like increase in the woman's breasts. This increase is brought about because the birth hide estrogen stimulates the woman's prostaglandins, which in fork stimulate the glands in her breasts to grow.

Having this information handy will help you a great deal the next time you find yourself in need of it.

Pueraria Mirifica Pills KWAOTIP THAI FDA. G. 187/42

Kwaotip is a premuim grade Thai traditional herbal formula resulting mainly from White Kwaotip Krua (Pueraria Mirifica). After many time of explore from Dr. Wichai Cherdshewasart, the studies indicated that this basil shows estrogenic and rejuvenate property to the female body especially at the breast, hip, facial skin, body skin, wool and vaginal epithelium. therefore elevate the appearance of the female secondary sexual characteristics and also the skin beauty.

ALL tangible Dietary Supplement

Hight Phytoestrogen (especially isoflavonet):

*Increases sensitivity and vitality

*Promotes soft shiny wool ,keeps wool pattem bone calcium accumulation

*Enhances breast and skin appearance

*Serves as a anti-wrinkle agent

*Enhances tangible and mental ability

*Serves as a fountain of youth

Ingredients: Pueraria Mirifica and other herbs (60 capsules per box)

Recommended Dosage: Take 2 capsules after breakfast and dinner.

Precautions: - Not for women under 20 time old.

- Women with developing sore at the ovary, breast, and uterus.

- Pregnant women and breast feeking mother should prevent winning this product.

- Women who are winning birth dominate pill should not take this product.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Phentermine and Pregnancy

Obesity is the main problem during pregnancy and may lead to diabetes in pregnant women. As per the latest survey carried out by the various research teams, there are no side effects of Phentermine in case of pregnant women if it is taken as per prescribed doses.

But if the doses of Phentermine are consumed in large quantity, there is a risk of abnormal development of foetus, so to reduce these risks, prescribed doses needs to be followed in proper manner under strict vigilance of the doctor. But it is an advice to the pregnant women that they should avoid Phentermine during pregnancy period because it may lead to gestational diabetes. Sometimes Phentermine can cause various withdrawal symptoms in case of pregnant women. To avoid all these side effects, Phentermine should be stopped before start of pregnancy stage and doctor needs to be consulted for more information about Phentermine.

In case of breast-feeding mothers, Phentermine is to be avoided, so that the newborn baby is safeguarded from various side effects. As Phentermine is from the family of sympathomimetic amines and it is almost similar to the Adipex-P, pregnant women should avoid taking Phentermine. This may lead to an addiction if the doses of Phentermine are taken in large quantities. If doctor permits you to go ahead with Phentermine during pregnancy period, you should gradually reduce the dose to avoid the symptoms of withdrawal. Before opting for Phentermine, please go through the instructions and quantity of doses written on the leaflet. Do not follow self-medication practice, it may result in abnormalities.

Along with above stated abnormalities, there are various side effects of Phentermine during pregnancy period and they are as follows.
� Phentermine may lead to allergic reactions during pregnancy stage.
� You may feel abnormality in breathing.
� Throat choking in pregnant women is a common side effect of the Phentermine.
� It might lead in swelling of lips and face.
� Phentermine may lead to risk of abnormal babies.
� Phentermine may cause abnormal heartbeats and the risk of high blood pressure.
� Headache and the dizziness occur in case of pregnant women due to Phentermine.
� Diarrhea and constipation are other minor side effects of the Phentermine, in case of pregnancy.
� The common and minor side effects in pregnancy are soar throat, confusion, anxiety, insomnia and the abnormal taste.
� There is also a risk of impotency due to the Phentermine.

Basically Phentermine is a type of medication that is used for reducing the appetite and obesity as it simulates the nervous systems in case of pregnant cases.

In general, Phentermine is not recommended for pregnant women as losing weight may lead to under-weight babies or with abnormality such as neural defect in which the spinal has abnormality. In case of such problems, it is better to get examined to have a healthy baby. The examinations or tests recommended by the doctor are ultrasound examination, which enables to check the physical behavior of the baby in mothers' womb. Even this ultrasound can provide complete details of the head and the spinal cord of the baby. In such cases Phentermine should be stopped immediately.

Women who breast-feed their babies should also avoid taking Phentermine as the contents may pass on to the baby through the milk and may affect the health of baby. Tremors and agitation may occur in baby due to breast milk because the main function of Phentermine is to stimulate the central nervous system and that may lead to side effects. Before breast-feeding, mothers who plan to take the dose of Phentermine, should consult with the doctor.

All of the above information regarding side effects and disorders during pregnancy is only a guideline and not to be treated as authority for the Phentermine users. Readers are advised to discuss the issues with their doctor before opting for Phentermine.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Breast Lifts Natural Remedy Are Breast Enhancement Pills From Plant Estrogen

We have numerous other articles written on this very subject. Each one tackles a different aspect of this complex topic.

Some lucky women are entirely content with the dimension and nature of their breasts, from puberty all the way through their 30s. However, many of these women become increasingly dejected with the shape, feel and appearance of their breasts as ptosis sets in. Ptosis is breast sagging, and it has many causes. Aging, of course, most often leads to baggy breasts.

Pregnancy and breast feeding can radically change the nature of a woman's breasts, as well. emphasis loss can change her shape, too. corny skin that has gone its elasticity because of aging can no longer hold the gray glands of the breasts in place. This is particularly correct for women who habitually go lacking sporting a bra. Even if you show a bra now, not sporting one during your youth may have already caused permanent damage.

Many women who would never goal of having a breast enlargement are seeking out mastoplexy, or breast lifts. Well over 50,000 women undergo breast lifts each year, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. The surgery may take one to three hours. Women can think to yield to work and their normal lives in about one week, except they experience surgical or post-surgical complications.

From now until the now until the end of this article, take the time to think about how all of this information can help you.

Many women who concern the risks of false surgery but fancy to once again like the breast volume and breast density of their youth are now revolving to natural remedies. The best of these natural remedies are breast enhancement pills. These pills are regularly resulting from plant estrogen, called phytoestrogen, which triggers activity in the woman's prostaglandins, and lump in her breast glands. Gland activity leads not only to better breasts, but to firmer breasts.

Pueraria Mirifica Pills KWAOTIP THAI FDA. G. 187/42

Kwaotip is a premuim grade Thai traditional herbal formula resulting mainly from White Kwaotip Krua (Pueraria Mirifica). After many time of examine from Dr. Wichai Cherdshewasart, the studies indicated that this basil shows estrogenic and rejuvenate property to the female body especially at the breast, hip, facial skin, body skin, coat and vaginal epithelium. therefore elevate the appearance of the female secondary sexual characteristics and also the skin beauty.

ALL relaxed Dietary Supplement

Hight Phytoestrogen (especially isoflavonet):

*Increases sensitivity and vitality

*Promotes smooth shiny coat ,keeps coat pattem bone calcium accumulation

*Enhances breast and skin appearance

*Serves as a anti-wrinkle agent

*Enhances bodily and mental ability

*Serves as a fountain of youth

Ingredients: Pueraria Mirifica and other herbs (60 capsules per box)

Recommended Dosage: Take 2 capsules after breakfast and dinner.

Precautions: - Not for women under 20 time old.

- Women with developing spot at the ovary, breast, and uterus.

- Pregnant women and breast feeking mother should shun pleasing this product.

- Women who are pleasing birth limit pill should not take this product.

The next time someone asks you about this topic, you can give a little smile and provide them an informative answer.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Diets During Pregnancy

Motherhood is a wonderful experience of a woman. Nature ensures the continuance of living beings through their progenies, human beings being no exception to this universal rule. The development of human consciousness and scientific advancement though has put some restrictions or exceptions to the very purpose and end of a man woman relationship, it is the nature's design for obtaining progeny and thereby ensuring the continuance of the human race.

Diet is an important factor to be taken care of during the pregnancy. One has to bear mind that one has to eat for two during pregnancy though overeating is not the remedy for this. One has to take sufficient quantity of proteins, vitamins and minerals since the mother is the only source of al these essential items for the baby.

Pre natal diet do not recommend complete non carbohydrate diet since it may result in production of ketones in the blood stream in the absence of carbohydrates, that may result in the risk of brain damage for the baby. Besides this also may lead to constipation in pregnant women since they are supplied with additional doses of iron required for the baby.

The pre natal food need include enough fruits to ensure vitamins in required quantity. One need be careful not to over eat that may lead to obesity especially those who suffer from diabetics or low B.P. or over weight.

Normally low carbohydrate diet includes whole grains and fruits with minimum white rice and pasta. If one take high carbohydrate diet it is better to go for frequent meals. One may avoid processed meat as it contains less nutrients and more calories. Sufficient quantity of nuts salads and fruits are to be taken. Large doses of salt and sauces are to be avoided. One is best advised to consult the gynecologist to get a balanced diet prescribed. There is definitely a connection with the pre natal food and the baby's health.

One has to prepare oneself to be a good mother by enriching the knowledge of baby care, and the post delivery health care. One needs to be emotionally prepared to keep adjusted with the physical, and emotional changes one is subject to during this period. The role of a loving husband during the period cannot be over emphasized. It is he who has to give her the care, comfort, and the confidence to prepare herself to become a matured, healthy and loving mother.

This article is to be used for informational purposes only. The information contained herein is not intended to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice regarding pregnancy. Prior to beginning any diet or taking any medication, the patient must consult a licensed medical doctor for advice and/or to determine the best course of action for his/her individual situation.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Give This Mom a Hand!

Your best friend or sister just performed a miraculous feat�she gave birth! Yea, let's all give her a hand!! No really, I mean let's give her a hand�a helping hand. Because all new moms (unless they have a full time nanny and maid staff) need help...and not just on Mother's Day. Your friend's newborn needs constant care, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Needless to say, in a 24/7 clock, it's hard to squeeze in time for the kinds of activities that keep a woman sane, like walking, getting her hair done or taking a yoga class, not to mention, showering, eating and sleeping!

After I gave birth to twins I quickly realized, both from personal experience and witnessing other new moms around me, that many new moms are stressed, overwhelmed and under supported. And, we all know that stress, exhaustion and lack of support, negatively impact a mother's ability to parent. It is true that a relaxed, joyful and supported mom is a better mom who raises happier children.

Now, you're a good friend and you want your friend to be relaxed and well-adjusted (if only for the kid's sake.) And well�I know you don't need a "What's-in-it-for-me?" reason, but here it is anyway; if you give her the help she needs, she'll think you're a hero and be indebted to you forever. There I've said it.

So, let's say you're on board for helping her out. But, you haven't had a baby yet, or it's been a real long time since you did, and you don't really know how to offer your support. Also, you may be afraid that if you pose the "Hey, how can I help?" question to your friend, she'll probably tell you she's got it all under control. Yes, mothers are notoriously hesitant to ask for help � except of course from their mom (but that's always a double edged sword isn't it?). Generally, new moms want to give the impression that they can do this baby-thing by themselves with one hand tied behind their back. It's a weird sort of "mommy machismo."

So, how do you � the best friend or sister � work around her natural resistance in asking for help? Well, you do it by simply jumping in there with specific action.
What specific action? Glad you asked. Below I've listed nineteen specific suggestions for giving her the support she's inwardly screaming for. Which activities you choose to do will obviously be determined by how close you are with the new mom, and how much time you have available. So here they are:

1. Call her up and tell her what a great mom you think she is. Tell her that her baby "picked the lucky card" to have her as a mom. Let her know what an amazing job she's doing balancing baby care with whatever else she's got going (whether it be work, other children, husband, social or community responsibilities).

2. Are you worried about disturbing her with a ringing phone, just in case she has found that 20 minutes to rest while her baby is napping? If so, send her an e-mail instead listing several things you find terrific about her.

3. Really want to look like a hero? Then offer to help her out with a time jam. Suggest perhaps picking up her other kids from school, taking over a project she no longer has time for, or being her proxy at a meeting or an event.

4. Tell her you'll run an errand for her. Offer to pick up the laundry for her, or go grocery shopping for her.

5. If things are bothering her, encourage her to get it all off her chest. Listen to her unconditionally while she vents. Just nod your head and don't say a thing until she's done. She'll feel much better.

6. Also, new moms love to brag about their children. "Oh, you won't believe what Brooke did this morning. She rolled over all by herself! She's so far ahead of schedule. We think she may be gifted." Just listen and smile.

7. Tell her you want to come over and "spell" her for 20 minutes so she can lie down and rest. Even twenty minutes can be so rejuvenating.

8. Bring her a meal one evening. If you've got the time and inclination, make it yourself. If not, call a really good take-out place and have it delivered to her door.

9. Stay-at-home moms, in particular, get so used to talking in that "baby talk" voice; they need some time around adults to bring their vocal quality back down to a human level. Offer to take her out for coffee and "grown-up" conversation.

10. If you haven't had a baby, you can't imagine how little things that appear so simple can be so helpful and mean so much to your friend. For instance, while you are visiting with her, you witness her baby dropping the pacifier yet again. You, the hero, pick it up, wash it off and hand it back to mommy. Or, you take it upon yourself to wash the baby bottle when it's finished. Wow.

11. When she's ready, offer to go for an aerobic walk with her. And, when you reach an incline, offer to take the stroller and push it up the hill. Do it regularly and she'll get into shape quickly and start feeling much better about herself.

12. Along those lines, when's the last time your friend got to the gym or a yoga class? If you belong to one, offer to take her as your guest. Many gyms now have a babysitting service while you work out.

13. Next time you go to the bookstore or library, pick up a book for her. Just make sure it's not another "How to Take Care of Baby" book. I guarantee she's got plenty of those. How about some fun escapist fiction?

14. While you are visiting the new mom at her house, step into the kitchen and start washing her dishes or wiping off sticky countertops or the floor. Don't ask her, she won't accept. Just do it.

15. Can Daddy watch the baby some night for a couple of hours? Suggest he baby-sit, then take her out to a movie. Or, how about shopping? Just remember to assure her that she'll soon fit into those cute outfits she's eying.

16. Women's feet take a lot of abuse during pregnancy. It's weird, but they usually grow a size or more and get really scruffy looking. How about offering to pamper her by giving her a pedicure�or, the gift of one at nice local spa?

17. Let's not overlook the most basic of all...tell her you love her. Call her, e-mail her, or write her a card and tell her you love her. That's it. Simply, you love her.

18. And now�the piece de resistance: offer to baby-sit for an evening! Let her go out with her hubby so they can re-discover each other. Most marriages become slightly compromised when a baby comes into the picture.

19. Finally, you know your friend best. What would put a smile on her face? What could you do to lighten her load and let her breathe for a bit? Think about it, then do it. Don't wait too long. Those little infants grow into big kids faster than you can keep track.

Most of these suggestions are so simple, but they can help shift a new mom's stress into a more relaxed and joyful parenting experience.

As a mom and an entrepreneur, I thought it might be fun to put all these ideas into a coupon gift booklet that friends and family could give as a gift to the new mom. Not only would the recipient feel supported and understood, but it would be handy and practical as well. She could tear out and cash in whichever coupons she felt comfortable redeeming. I wanted to make it cute, whimsical and fun so that the new mom would find it easy to ask for support. So I created it. The New Mommy Coupon Book, Or 28 Ways to Help Her Get Through The Day is available now through Colorful Images Catalog and at my website listed below.

Monday, January 22, 2007

"Dutch Doctor Pioneers Remarkable Cancer Cure Based on Extracts Taken from the Human Placenta".

Dutch born M.D. William H. Van Ewijk of "Autobiologics" is quick to point out that cancer is not necessarily the killer it is painted out to be. Founder of the "Placenta Research Foundation", until recently located in the Netherlands; he has pioneered some remarkable anti-cancer treatments based on extracts from a specific part of the human placenta.

Dr. Van Ewijk is of the opinion that cancer is a natural phenomenon and likens it to pregnancy. Because in pregnancy cells multiply and proliferate in much the same way as in that series of diseases we have come to call cancer. However, in the case of the latter this gestation appears "at the wrong time and in the wrong place." Human Chorionic Gonadotropin or hCG, a hormone of pregnancy, is found, curiously enough at the surface of all cancer cells. As a result it has come to serve as a universal marker for this disease. The link between cancer and pregnancy is by no means new thinking and this is borne out by the older classic oncology textbooks.

The connection between cancer and pregnancy was first muted by Dr. Cohnheim way back in the mid-nineteenth century. At that time it was known as "the theory of embroynal rest". Dr Beard was a firm advocate of the hypothesis and it remained in medical acceptance well into the twentieth century. William Van Ewijk has taken the ideas of Russian Doctor, Victor Govallo, and developed them still further.

The placenta, a word taken from Greek, is by far the most important organ of pregnancy. It is important because it provides protection and nourishment for the fetus during its stay in the womb. Being similar in constituency to the mother's white blood cells it acts as a filter for immune cells and other factors that go to bolster resistance against infection and disease. The placenta is also the site for many, many cellular factories that manufacture suppressor lymphocytes another great boon to the immune system.

Dr. Van Ewijk's treatment protocol involves taking a specific extract from the human placenta. Moreover, he has perfected an innovative product VG-1000. This is an immune system modifier designed to prevent and treat cancer. This non-toxic, organic product acts like a vaccine and unmasks cancerous cells as they mutate into life threatening malignancies.

Ina's X-rays showed cancerous signs on the liver and was diagnosed with Ardenocarcinoma in 1998. After a Liver de-tox and only 7 doses of the VG-1000 her right sided liver pain subsided and her overall feeling of weakness and malaise reduced. The following year, again following a liver de-tox, she took 2 doses of the remedy per week for 5 weeks. Since 2001 she has been taking 3-5 doses of VG-1000 per month and now lives quite normally without symptoms. She is just one of the many recorded successes Dr. Van Ewijk has had with his amazingly successful " IET" or "Immuno Embryo Therapy" treatments using extracts of the human placenta.
Interested in this subject? Try this link for more of the same

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Secrets to the Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Sarah is a pregnant mother of three who continues to breast-feed her 18-month-old. After each of her pregnancies, she has had difficulty losing weight. With all of her responsibilities, weight loss isn't a priority. Still, she wishes that, once this pregnancy is over, she will be able to return to her pre-marriage weight.

The average woman gains more than 25 pounds during her pregnancy. The procedure of childbirth may result in a weight loss of up to 14 pounds, which means that new moms still have considerable weight to lose once they leave the hospital. However, some women simply assume that this "baby fat" will never go away. Yet, it is entirely possible to lose weight during the post-partum period.

A number of medical experts recommend easing into a weight loss program after the birth of your baby. This means that you will not start dieting until about three months following birth. You should combine a low-fat diet with moderate exercise in order to achieve weight loss.

Don't expect instant results. It will take you a good nine months to get back to your weight prior to pregnancy. A go-slow approach is best because you need to give your body time to recover after childbirth. Certainly, you might be able to lose weight faster, but you might be sacrificing valuable nutrients as a result.

Interestingly enough, breastfeeding actually enhances weight loss. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has found that breastfeeding leads to the release of hormones which enable your uterus to return to its normal size. However, breastfeeding alone won't bring down your weight. You need to combine it with a sensible diet and a moderate exercise program. Keep in mind that you need to have at least 1800 calories a day while breastfeeding in order to keep yourself and your baby healthy. Still, stay clear of junk food during this period. You should rely on food with high nutritional value to maintain the proper level of calories each day.

There are many good reasons to exercise during the post-partum period. In addition to helping to accelerate weight reduction, exercise can help alleviate post-partum depression, improve your mood, and boost your confidence. Exercise can also "clear your head" so that you're better able to meet the demands of motherhood. You might consider joining a "Mommy and Me" exercise class so that your baby can exercise right along with you. Another helpful hint is to enlist the help of a friend or relative to act as your exercise buddy so that you'll have some emotional support while exercising. An added bonus of exercise is that it should boost your energy level, which is quite important when battling the fatigue which comes from caring for a newborn.

Your diet should generally be low-fat but not fat-free; vitamin rich; and high-fiber. Under no circumstances should you go on a fad diet. Such a diet could be quite harmful to your health and could actually slow your recovery from childbirth. It's a good idea to set weight-loss goals, but don't go overboard. Recognize that there's a limit to the amount of weight you can lose during a given period of time.

You may see a number of actress-moms gracing the covers of magazines shortly after the birth of their children. They appear svelte and elegant, totally devoid of baby fat. In the accompanying article, they may even talk about exercising right after childbirth. Such articles send new mothers a dangerous message: that you must do all you can to become thin as quickly as possible after your baby is born. Such a philosophy is not only ridiculous, it's also unhealthy. As a result, you'll need to "tune out" such messages from the media and stay the course with your own gradual weight loss plan.

The time right after the birth of a child can be quite challenging, taxing both your physical and emotional strength. While it is certainly a good idea to eat healthy, you'll need to pace yourself as far as weight loss is concerned. Over time, you should be able to lose the weight you gained during your pregnancy. In fact, you might find that you're actually healthier after your baby is born.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Pregnancy Exercise and Diet Tips - Sensible Advice for Expectant Mothers

Mothers-to-be have many questions about pregnancy nutrition and exercise. The tips and advice below will help you get started on a healthy pregnancy.

A diet containing the essential nutrients and vitamins are vital to the development of both mother and child. Vitamins are imperative to the health of a developing baby and the well being of the mother. Choosing foods that are rich in vitamins and other nutrients are a critical part of a healthy pregnancy nutrition plan and supplemental vitamins are necessary as well.

Follow a well-planned pregnancy diet to help avoid complications such as morning sickness, fatigue, anemia, and constipation. Your healthy diet must continue after pregnancy if you plan to breastfeed your baby.

Pregnancy food recommendations

* Your pregnancy diet should include plenty of complex and unrefined carbohydrates as they contain important B vitamins, trace minerals, and fiber that are essential to a fit, healthy pregnancy.

* Appropriate quantities of yellow and green leafy vegetables are vital for the growth of the baby and the health of the mother.

* Dairy products contain calcium that will assist in the developing baby's teeth and bones. If your diet is lacking calcium your body will draw calcium from your bones to meet it's increased need.

* Avoid excessive amounts of fat must be avoided during pregnancy, as it will only serve to add excess pounds, which will be hard to lose after the birth of your baby.

* Vitamin C in generous amounts is crucial to a healthy pregnancy, bone growth, and various metabolic processes. Including berries, citrus fruits, raw broccoli and cabbage can help provide you with the Vitamin C that you need.

Ideally, your pregnancy diet should include 3-4 servings of protein and meat, 2-4 servings of fruit, 6-11 servings of grains, 4-6 servings of dairy products, and 6-8 glasses of water, milk, and juice. A pregnant mother must follow a healthy diet that will benefit the developing baby but that will also maintain her general health as well.

Exercise recommendations during pregnancy

Exercise during pregnancy will promote strength, muscle tone, and endurance. Regular activity during your pregnancy will help alleviate swelling, fatigue, and backache. If you expect to remain fit during your pregnancy you will need to work your heart and major muscle groups. The type of exercise you do during your pregnancy will depend on your fitness level prior to pregnancy. Walking, pregnancy yoga videos, and swimming are excellent pregnancy exercises combined with stretching and other low-impact activities.

Exercises that involve a risk of falling or injury should be avoided such as bicycling, racket sports, horseback riding, and skiing. You will need to alter your exercise routine from trimester to trimester to accommodate your growing body. Avoiding over-exertion is necessary to avoid complications such as faintness, dizziness, vaginal bleeding, and premature contractions. Also, make sure you drink plenty of water before, during, and after exercising to reduce the risk of dehydration, which can raise your body temperature and cause harm to yourself and/or your baby.

A regular exercise program is beneficial to both mother and child, but check with your health care provider to make sure you have no conditions or risks that will prevent you from participating in a regular exercise routine or could cause potential harm to yourself or your child.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Maximize Your Chance for Conception

One of the joyful times, in a relationship or marriage, deciding to have or conceive a baby. Either, that moment in time or sometime, in the near future, reality comes to fruition. Assuming, male and female, are in good health, conception is achievable. Once a month, female hormones, from the pituitary gland, stimulate ovaries, releasing an egg (When two eggs are released, non-identical twins) or ovulate. Unfortunately, irregular periods may decrease fertility. Fertility declines as a woman, gets older. According to National Center of Health and Statistics, women less than, twenty-five years old, have a 96 percent chance of conceiving. Women twenty-five to thirty-four years old, have an 87 percent chance of conceiving, and women, thirty-five to forty-four years old, have a 78 percent chance, for conceiving. Certainly, many methods increase odds of conception, by scientific and medical technology. There are many, pregnancy test kits available, provide almost 100 percent, accurate indication, when a woman, has become pregnant.

Suggestions: Increasing the Odds of Conception

Between, the time, a women has her period or menstrual cycle, a woman can get pregnant. Simply, count the number of days, until the cycle, has ended. Every woman has a different number of cycle days. The cycle days are usually 21 to 35 days. Day one is the observation of red blood, and last day, observing brown or pink spotting. Take total number of days, and subtract by 14 days. Calculated number should be remembered. However, when total number of cycle days, change, from one month to another, harder to calculate. From the calculated number, prior four days and two days afterwards, is the optimal time for conception. However, intercourse every other day (during this time), gives time for the male, increasing sperm supply. Using, an ovulation predictor Kit, provides a more accurate time, when intercourse, should occur. Starting a day early, then calculated, reduces the odds of miscalculation. Sperm can live, in the reproductive tract, up to seventy-two hours. Thus, starting intercourse, beginning days of optimal time, increasing odds of conception. During the morning hours, sperm count is the highest. During that time or within time frame of days, couple should put aside, their busy schedules or agenda, spending quality time together. Certainly, creating a relaxing and seductive environment, in a peaceful, moment of time. Creating setting, by aromatic candlelight, soft music, and any additional, pleasurable ambiance. According to, 'The Overachiever's Guide to Getting Pregnant Fast': "Approximately 60% of couples who are actively trying to conceive (having intercourse two to three times a week) will conceive, within the first 6 months of trying, 75% within 9 months, 80% within a year, and 90% within 18 months." Certainly, able to predict the ovulation period of time, helps couples, predetermine the month, child will be born (or multiple births), but certainly, there is no guarantee. According to the Chinese calendar, predicting the birth of boy or girl, high percentage rate of accuracy. Beware, a regimental conception, may cause stress upon woman or male, creating an infertile development. Obviously, exact length of pregnancies, does vary. Often, conception seems to occur, between February and May. Cold climate changes, seems to bond couples, closer and frequently together.

A woman's temperature is higher, during the period of ovulation. A Basal temperature thermometer measures minute changes, in temperature, and has range of a few degrees. When the Basal temperatures, is 96 to 98 degrees Fahrenheit, considered normal period for ovulation. Temperatures 97 to 99 Fahrenheit, time after ovulation. However, basal temperatures are not always accurate. Time for ovulation, will not always, indicate an increase in Basal temperature. Many pharmacies, sell Basal temperature thermometers, and available for sale, on the Internet.

Pharmacies, and Internet websites, sell male infertility tests kits. These measure sperm concentration. Test determines, a certain threshold, for a male fertility. Advance tests for male infertility, consulting a physician, for a semen analysis. Recommended, males should not wear briefs or Speedo bathing suits, may reduce sperm count.

Professor A.F. Haney, Obstetrics/gynecology, and chairman of obstetrics/gynecology, at the University of Chicago, Illinois, invented a watch, has a sodium monitor on the back. When sodium level increases, reflects the timing of ovulation. This occurs, when cervical mucus increases, and creates a more pliable and slippery area, facilities ease of more sperm, entering the female reproductive tract. During this time, prevolulatory rise in estrogen, lasting several days. The watch, referred to as OV Watch.

During intercourse, missionary position, conception is more likely. The woman should be, either laying down or kneeling. In this position, deepest penetration, places the sperm closer to the cervix. This maximizes amount of semen. Lying side-by-side, achieves the same results. However, provides a better relaxing position, when one of the partner's, is overweight or has back pain. After intercourse, the woman should remain in bed, laying on her back and elevating her pelvic region with a pillow, for at least half an hour. According to some experts, in this position, force of gravity, provides sperm additional travel time, reaching the fallopian tubes. However, those women, more likely, getting urinary tract infections, should avoid this position, and go to the bathroom, after intercourse. During intercourse, no conclusive evidence, a woman having an orgasm, will become pregnant.

Smoking Tabacco, changes the cervical mucus, may prevent, sperm from reaching the egg. Also, smoking increases potential, for miscarriage and causing birth defects. Second hand smoke or spending time, near someone that smokes, equally unhealthy.

Women, deciding to discontinue, taking a birth control pill, about half of those women, starting conception, will get pregnant, within first three months, and majority, within twelve months. Women having discontinued, using patches or rings, for birth control, have similar or shorter time to wait, than the pill. Discontinuing the use of Depo-Provera shot or progrestin-only hormonal method, (Delaying fertility), within six months, pregnancy is likely, through normal conception. When Intrauterine devices (IUD) are removed, usually, following first menstrual cycle, pregnancy is feasible.

Fertility institutions provide, advice treatment and alternative solutions, for conception. These alternative solutions include: Egg donation, surrogacy, ovulation induction, vasectomy reversal, and other suggestions. Also, drugs are available to stimulate ovulation, including Clomiphene Citrate, an oral fertility pill, and hormone injections. This technique is "Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation" ("COH") or "Super-Ovulation." Side effect, taking Clomiphene Citrate, women slightly increase their chance, getting ovarian cancer. Another drug, Pergonal induces or corrects abnormalities of ovulation. Fertility National Directory lists (, facilities located, in United States. Opened since 1999, are 399 facilities. Also, directory provides information, regarding companies and organizations, helping to secure, financing or credit options. Monarch Alliance offers affordable, and financially suitable plans, for fertility treatments. Contact information: Monarch Alliance - 5015 Birch St. Suite 121, Newport Beach, California 92660,

Telephone: 949 - 612 -6099, and E-mail:


Thursday, January 18, 2007

Babies: How to Get Your Children Excited About the New Arrival

The sudden appearance of a new baby can be rough on the other children in the family. Daily routines are disrupted and suddenly mom and dad are too busy to pay attention to older siblings. Worst of all, the new baby is the instant star of the family - the center of attention. The adorable baby is the big attraction for everyone from mom and dad, to visiting relatives, to casual acquaintances bumped into at the mall, right down to strangers on the street. Everyone is talking baby talk, cooing at the new baby, and making a fuss over the newborn. The older kids may feel shunted aside and resentful. This is especially true for the displaced former baby of the family.

Given these natural reactions, anything that you can do to prepare your other children for the new arrival will ease the transition. Everything you can do to involve your kids in advance and to get them to actually look forward to the birth will make a big difference in how they experience it. It might even help establish a stronger brother or sister bond with the new baby that will contribute to the lasting closeness of a positive sibling relationship.

Here are some simple ideas that expectant parents might try, to smooth the road ahead for their other children. Most are common knowledge or simply common sense, but sometimes too easily forgotten amid all the excitement and activity surrounding the birth of a new baby. A few might be new ideas that are worth a try. A little advance thought and preparation may go a long way towards making the "blessed event" a blessing for the ENTIRE family. Hopefully, you'll be inspired to try some of these ideas, so here goes.

Let your other kids in on the secret as soon as the pregnancy is confirmed, well before it is obvious just by looking at mom. Even with your youngest children, try to give them some understanding of the changes that mom is going through and what they mean. Check out your local public library. It should have books geared to all different ages that can explain, in terms that children can understand, the biological process of having a baby. Picture books about baby animals may also help crystalize the concept and relate it to something your kids have already experienced, like watching newborn kittens, for example.

The library or local bookstore should also be able to guide you to works of fiction, including picture books for preschoolers, that focus on the arrival of a new baby in the family and such issues as jealousy and feelings of neglect. Quiet parent-child story reading times can provide an ideal opportunity to prepare young children for changes that are on the way and to reassure them of their own importance and irreplaceable position in the family. Discuss things openly and answer your kids' questions.

Encourage your children to think about life with the new baby and how family routines will be altered. Coax your kids to develop their own lists of things that will be fun about having a new baby in the house - for example, they can push the baby carriage and help dress the baby. Help them think about all the things that they'll be able to share with and teach the baby as he or she grows up and how important their role will be as a "big brother" or "big sister."

At other times, let them focus on coming up with ways that they can help care for the baby or have them think of things they can do around the house to ease the burden on mom and dad. Also, take this opportunity to make your kids aware that babies require gentle handling and a quiet environment. You might even use a baby doll with your younger children to role play baby's diaper changing and feeding.

Nurture the feeling that every family member is of equal importance and that each occupies a special niche and has special contributions to make. No one is being replaced by the baby and the family cannot be whole unless EVERYONE is a part of it. If your kids internalize this belief, you may be able to avoid some of the trauma and the understandable resentment toward this little stranger who has stolen mommy and daddy's hearts. The better your children are prepared for the impending event, the better they'll be able to cope with it emotionally.

As part of that preparation process, from time to time plan special activities with your kids that relate to babies. For example, they might draw pictures of babies or collect baby photos from magazines and create a collage. Sit down and go through photo albums of your kids' baby pictures and reminisce with them about their own arrivals into the world. Re-tell any family anecdotes surrounding their births. Teach your children lullabies that they can sing to the baby, plus finger games and "peek-a-boo" games to entertain their new brother or sister.

Arts and crafts projects can furnish a special parent-child discussion and sharing time and may sometimes revolve around preparations for the new baby. Kids can make pictures to hang in the baby's room, or create a baby-safe mobile to hang over the baby's crib, or draw scenes in which they imagine their lives with the new baby - rocking the baby in their arms, and so forth.

Let the kids be involved in every facet of the preparations that you yourself are making for the baby's arrival. Your kids can help you repaint the nursery or paint a mural on the nursery wall, and help you pick out baby furniture, bedding and nursery decorations. They can choose baby clothes that appeal to them. All of these things can later give the children pride and a sense of importance and inclusion in the baby's life. When grandma says "What a cute bib the baby's wearing," your preschooler can say "I picked it !"

In addition, make your children key members of the family committee that chooses a name for the new baby. Keep the kids involved and actively participating and then, as the birth becomes imminent, dad and the kids may even conspire to prepare some extra, special, secret surprises for mom and the baby, like buying or creating a special keepsake item or putting together a "welcome home" party.

In short, it's always worth the effort to do as much as you can to get your kids involved in and excited about the arrival of a new baby. Include them in every step of the process. The more they feel that it is THEIR baby, too, the more positive their attitudes will be towards the baby. In this way, you can try to minimize the natural insecurities and feelings of jealousy that go with the territory.

The suggestions mentioned in this article can help lay the groundwork for good sibling relationships but, of course, you can't rest on your laurels once the baby is born. After the baby arrives, try to do everything you can to set aside some special time each day that's just for you and each of your other children. Offer them special little treats or outings or surprises, and encourage grandma and grandpa to do the same. To reduce jealousy, give your kids pride in the things that they CAN do that the baby can't do, like dressing themselves or enjoying a movie or reciting their ABCs. Continue along the path that you started on months earlier - reassure your kids that each of them is just as important as the baby is, so that they won't feel that they must compete for your love and attention.

Good luck and oh, by the way, congratulations !

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Sudden Hair Loss

Female pattern baldness is a major cause of hair loss among women. Apart from that, women also experience sudden hair loss or localized hair loss. It is the most common among all female hair loss problems.

In sudden hair loss, a woman suffers from generalized thinning affecting all parts of her scalp. However, the problem causes only thinning of hair and not any hair fall. A woman suffering from this problem is not a good candidate for hair transplantation surgery.

Factors causing sudden hair loss

Hereditary balding is not the usual cause of sudden hair loss. The cause might be nutritional deficiency.

Telogen Effluvium (TE) is a condition which causes the hair to be shifted into a resting, non-growth stage on the scalp, and shed after several months. This condition is sometimes confused with female pattern baldness. However, they are different. TE is trigged by the intake of a large number of drugs. The hair fall in this condition can be reversed by stopping the medication.

How is TE caused? It happens when the number of hairs in the growth phase drops and the Telogen stage of hair follicles increases. There is no certain pattern except general thinning of the hair. It is mainly the telogen hair which suffer the fall. The Telogen phase production causes gradual thinning of hair. Why? Because it does not give the time for the anagen phase to begin.

Trichorrhexis nodosa (TN) is another condition causing temporary female hair fall. The reason behind this condition is the absence of cuticle at some places, resulting in swelling at those places. Its usual cause is excessive hair manipulation. Overuse of hot combs and waves in hair styles are the causal factors.

Traction alopecia (TA) and trichotillomania are two conditions causing female hair loss. The main cause of TA is hair styles that include pulling at the hair roots like tight pony tails and cornrow hair style. The pulling at the hair roots sometimes causes serious damage to the hair follicle, which may ultimately result in permanent hair loss in women.

How can one develop Trichotillomania? It happens when a woman obsessively keeps pulling out her own hair, may be unconsciously.

Some other reasons for sudden hair loss

There are certain other reasons for sudden hair loss. They have no link with heredity and are mostly health related. These causes include anemia, thyroid dysfunction, endocrine problems, gynecological conditions like ovarian tumors, connective tissue disease, surgical procedures, crash diets and emotional stress.

Medications those are responsible for sudden hair loss

Sudden hair loss in women can also be caused by certain medications. These medications include oral contraceptives, thyroid medication, blood pressure medication, mood enhancing medicines and anti-depressants, cholesterol lowering medications and drugs such as cocaine or LSD.

The solutions

The problem can be solved by removing the causes of hair fall. That ultimately results into hair re-growth. In case the hair fall is caused by the use of some medication, then the problem can be solved by avoiding its use.

You better avoid the use of brushes on hair and hair styling involving chemicals. Using mild shampoo will be god choice.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Hair Loss Remedies for Men and Women

Regardless of your age, you need to be concerned about your hair. The appearance and quantity of hair that you have is a reflection of your internal health. You can use natural hair loss remedies to save your hair.
Of course, when you are young you have plenty of hair. But, there are even some of you at an early age, twenties, start to lose your hair.

The appearance and quantity of hair that you have is a reflection of your internal health.

Aside from a having a serious illness, your hair loss is affected by scalp cleanliness, stress, diet, and excess DHT. Knowing this, you can check out many hair loss remedies available to you.
Scalp cleanliness
If you have dandruff, you need to get rid of it. Dandruff can be a source of hair loss when it combines with dirt, shampoo chemicals, excess sebum follicle oil. Over time this combination of chemicals can create a film on your scalp that hardens and start to plug up your hair follicles. Once plugged, your follicles can't support hair growth.
Dandruff can be caused by excess stress, dry scalp, or chemical irritations. Look to see if you have excess stress in your life and find a way to reduce it. Chemical irritations can come from the shampoos that you are using.
Look for shampoos and conditioners that have natural ingredients. Start moving away from those hair products that have so many petrochemicals and dyes. Petrochemicals are those ingredients that you are not familiar with on the ingredient label - propylene glycol, phenoxyethanol, methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben, butylparaben, and FD&C colorings.
Stress is a major contributors to many illnesses. It can also be the main reason you can experience loss of hair. Many years I was under a lot of stress at my new job. During the first 3 month there I experience excessive hair loss on the top of my head.
When you have hair loss due to stress, you can recover this hair if you take action right away. First look at your high stress level and start reducing it. Next, start supplementing your diet with a good hair loss nutritional supplement.

What you eat feeds your body. The type of body you have is based on what you eat. If you do not provide enough nutrients to your body, you hair will not receive enough nutrients to grow and be healthy. Your hair is last in line for the nutrient you supply your body. One way to improve your diet is eat more fruits in the morning and more vegetable for lunch and dinner. You can consider eating natural food hair loss remedies.
DHT (di-hydro-testosterone)
When excessive amounts of testosterone are converted to DHT by the enzyme 5 alpha reductase, this DHT accumulates at the hair root where it blocks blood circulation to that hair follicle. This decrease in blood to the hair root weakens it and it loses its health.
DHT also accumulates in the follicle and starts to plug it, thus further inactivating this hair follicle. The result is your hair start to thin out.
For women, DHT formation is not a major activity until menopause. Before menopause, estrogen blocks the formation of DHT. When estrogen decreases after menopause, DHT starts to form causing hair loss in women.
There are now shampoos that help to clean off accumulated DHT from the scalp and from within the hair follicles. Use them to stop hair loss and to recover some of the hair follicles that are still alive.
There are also some pills that block the formation of DHT in the blood, but I don't recommend them since it is not known what the longer term effects are of this blocking.
Go to google to find out more about DHT (di-hydro-testosterone) shampoos.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Develop of Classic hair beauty

Classic Beauty encompasses the inimitable beauty of our entire being; our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual nature. From the time we are born we start with a rudiment of how we are apparent and how we act in response to our Beauty. Throughout our lives we continue to develop and expand the holistic sense of ourselves as women.
As girls, a number of us grew up without being shatterproof about how beautiful or smart we were. Others were told we were smart but not attractive, or nice-looking but not dominant! As years pass we have coped in different ways, sometimes by asset on to those premature judgments, and sometimes by becoming stronger and reinforcing our own sense of self-esteem and power. Our life experiences imitate these deep beliefs.
It is always a good idea to replicate on where we have been and where we are now, so we can continue to grow and express our beauty in heartening and highly gratifying ways.
Take a fracture occasionally to enjoy nature-a short walk or run in a park, by the beach, or in your environs if it is diplomatic and immature. Focus on recreation, tranquility and gratification rather than thinking about all you have done or need to do during your day.
Start on a new movement or one you have required to do and have been putting off. Be resourceful and pay attention to your heart's needs, even if it is something that is really out of the box for you. For example: painting, sculpting, learning a foreign language, traveling to an out of the ordinary country, museum trekking, girls' night out, enjoying new movies or innovative plays.
Every woman goes through convinced times in her life when she does not feel beautiful physically, mentally or emotionally. How is it possible to get back on follow, and to sustain empowering love and genuine beauty from the inside, out? As a life effectiveness coach, I have worked with thousands of women to help them make elegant their natural attractiveness, to accept and love themselves more completely from within, and to enthusiastically follow their dreams.
Let's celebrate everlasting Beauty tips by renewing a sense of balance, healthy beliefs, passion, and meaningful life experiences. Here are three essential keys to keep in mind during this process. What can you do on a weekly basis to feel attractive and effervescent physically? How can you shed light on beauty and well being from within through thoughts, words, feelings and metaphors? As women, most of us rush here and there every day trying to meet deadlines, dealing with commute traffic
And often nurture family needs along with domestic responsibilities. Our logical minds follow society's habits of approaching us relentlessly to move promptly, amidst the pandemonium it is decisive to STOP and to restock our mental, emotional, devout and physical health before illness or burnout forces us to stop everything.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Your Laser Hair Removal Solution! | Permanent Laser Hair Removal Cost!

If you're fed up of constantly shaving or waxing to get rid of unwanted facial or body hair, then maybe you've already thought about laser hair removal. Laser hair removal is the most permanent of all treatments available today, and more effective than shaving, waxing. Electrolysis is still in use, but as each hair has to be treated individually, it can be a painful hair removal method, and on occasions can cause scarring.

If you haven't thought about laser hair removal yet, or thought that it sounded too daunting, these 10 tips will provide you with the information you need.

1) Laser hair removal isn't suitable for every skin and hair type. The best results can be found on people with light skin and dark coarse hair. This hair removal procedure targets pigmented tissue, and doesn't work well on red, white, blonde or grey hair.

2) The most common areas for laser hair removal are the lips, arms and underarms, legs, bikini line, legs, chest and back. Laser hair removal takes more time, and is more expensive for larger body areas than for smaller areas.

3) Depending on the area and skin and hair colour, it usually takes between 6 and 8 sessions of laser hair removal to fully get rid of the unwanted hair.

4) There are very few side effects to laser hair removal. The most common is that the treated area can be a bit sore and swollen for between a few minutes and a few hours. In some cases, darkening or lightening of the skin can occur. Effects such as blistering or scarring or changes in the texture of the skin due to laser hair removal are very rare. Side effects caused by incorrect technique or wrong settings can be reduced by ensuring that the clinic you use for your laser hair removal treatment is registered and approved by the Healthcare Commission.

5) Ensure that you do some research before you make an appointment. Find the best qualified and experienced laser hair removal practitioner and ensure that the clinic is regulated. The cheapest clinic may not provide the best results, or be regulated. Laser hair removal clinics often advertise in fashion and lifestyle magazines and so you may be able get an idea of what to expect before you visit one.

6) Expect a thorough consultation from the laser hair removal clinician which should last 30-45 minutes and will cover your medical history and a test patch may be treated to see how you respond to laser hair removal.

7) Before your laser hair removal treatment, you will need to ensure that you follow the advice of the clinician. This advice will suggest such things as to avoid sun beds, sunbathing and fake tan and not to bleach or wax the area to be treated for several weeks before treatment. Your laser hair clinician may also provide other advice and information to take into account before your laser hair removal treatment.

8) Laser hair removal works by passing a laser beam through the skin to the hair follicles where the hair growth starts. The heat from the laser damages the follicle and so stops hair growth. There is often a cooling device fitted to the laser handset to cool the skin down. It usually takes several treatments to get rid of all unwanted hair, because hair has several phases of growth. Laser hair removal treatment lasts from around 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the area being treated.

9) During laser hair removal, the area is thoroughly cleaned, and then the treatment begins. Most patients report very little discomfort or pain thanks to the cooling device fitted to the laser. Immediately after the treatment, additional cooling and moisturiser is applied to the skin.

10) Laser hair removal is quick and after the treatment, make up can be worn straight away, but perfumed products as well as steam rooms and saunas should not be used for a day as they may cause irritation. Exposure to the sun or sun beds should also be avoided for several weeks. You may see a hair growing several days after treatment; this is the dead hair coming out naturally. This may happen for several days depending on the size of the area that has had laser hair removal treatment.

As laser hair removal is so quick and has so few side effects, it is even possible to have the treatment in your lunch hour! Get rid of unwanted hair today!

Total Fitness Laser Hair Removal Clinics are registered and approved by the Healthcare Commission. Our highly trained team use the latest Alexandrite Laser Technology and will advise what sort of results to expect. Take advantage of a Free Consultation and test patch today, you don't even need to be a Total Fitness member.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

10 Things You Didn't Know About Laser Hair Removal

If you're fed up of constantly shaving or waxing to get rid of unwanted facial or body hair, then maybe you've already thought about laser hair removal. Laser hair removal is the most permanent of all treatments available today, and more effective than shaving, waxing. Electrolysis is still in use, but as each hair has to be treated individually, it can be a painful hair removal method, and on occasions can cause scarring.

If you haven't thought about laser hair removal yet, or thought that it sounded too daunting, these 10 tips will provide you with the information you need.

1) Laser hair removal isn't suitable for every skin and hair type. The best results can be found on people with light skin and dark coarse hair. This hair removal procedure targets pigmented tissue, and doesn't work well on red, white, blonde or grey hair.

2) The most common areas for laser hair removal are the lips, arms and underarms, legs, bikini line, legs, chest and back. Laser hair removal takes more time, and is more expensive for larger body areas than for smaller areas.

3) Depending on the area and skin and hair colour, it usually takes between 6 and 8 sessions of laser hair removal to fully get rid of the unwanted hair.

4) There are very few side effects to laser hair removal. The most common is that the treated area can be a bit sore and swollen for between a few minutes and a few hours. In some cases, darkening or lightening of the skin can occur. Effects such as blistering or scarring or changes in the texture of the skin due to laser hair removal are very rare. Side effects caused by incorrect technique or wrong settings can be reduced by ensuring that the clinic you use for your laser hair removal treatment is registered and approved by the Healthcare Commission.

5) Ensure that you do some research before you make an appointment. Find the best qualified and experienced laser hair removal practitioner and ensure that the clinic is regulated. The cheapest clinic may not provide the best results, or be regulated. Laser hair removal clinics often advertise in fashion and lifestyle magazines and so you may be able get an idea of what to expect before you visit one.

6) Expect a thorough consultation from the laser hair removal clinician which should last 30-45 minutes and will cover your medical history and a test patch may be treated to see how you respond to laser hair removal.

7) Before your laser hair removal treatment, you will need to ensure that you follow the advice of the clinician. This advice will suggest such things as to avoid sun beds, sunbathing and fake tan and not to bleach or wax the area to be treated for several weeks before treatment. Your laser hair clinician may also provide other advice and information to take into account before your laser hair removal treatment.

8) Laser hair removal works by passing a laser beam through the skin to the hair follicles where the hair growth starts. The heat from the laser damages the follicle and so stops hair growth. There is often a cooling device fitted to the laser handset to cool the skin down. It usually takes several treatments to get rid of all unwanted hair, because hair has several phases of growth. Laser hair removal treatment lasts from around 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the area being treated.

9) During laser hair removal, the area is thoroughly cleaned, and then the treatment begins. Most patients report very little discomfort or pain thanks to the cooling device fitted to the laser. Immediately after the treatment, additional cooling and moisturiser is applied to the skin.

10) Laser hair removal is quick and after the treatment, make up can be worn straight away, but perfumed products as well as steam rooms and saunas should not be used for a day as they may cause irritation. Exposure to the sun or sun beds should also be avoided for several weeks. You may see a hair growing several days after treatment; this is the dead hair coming out naturally. This may happen for several days depending on the size of the area that has had laser hair removal treatment.

As laser hair removal is so quick and has so few side effects, it is even possible to have the treatment in your lunch hour! Get rid of unwanted hair today!

Total Fitness Laser Hair Removal Clinics are registered and approved by the Healthcare Commission. Our highly trained team use the latest Alexandrite Laser Technology and will advise what sort of results to expect. Take advantage of a Free Consultation and test patch today, you don't even need to be a Total Fitness member.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Medium Hair Cuts

This section is ideal for those of you who do not want to spend so much time in daily hair care. Yes, it is not easy to maintain those lovely, full curly locks if time is so consuming.

Therefore, you can try some of the following techniques to keep your hair simple and elegant. Most importantly, use a shampoo which keeps your hair healthy and shiny. Avoid using those which leave your scalp itchy with dandruff, hair loss, dull, brittle with split ends. For conditioning solution, use a hair conditioner or softener after shampooing your hair to keep it soft and smooth, and easy to comb.

Once a week, apply hair masque all over your hair, avoiding the scalp, wrap it up with a shower cap or warm towel, leave the masque on for 20 minutes, rinse and towel dry after that. Use a hair dryer to dry your hair or just leave it to dry itself. Apply some hair cream or serum to keep hair moisturize.

Talking about straight hair, there are many styles of straight hair. You can try the U shape pattern, the V shape pattern, slightly layered at the sides, or just simple straight hair with some fringe in front.

Use a good shampoo and conditioner plus weekly hair masque to treat and repair your hair condition from exposure to changing weather.

You can tie up your hair for a change to look different. Try different kinds of pony tail, bun up, twist and clip. You may try to colour or highlight your hair to improve overall hairstyle.

If short hair matches your look, then it is great to stay with short hair. Try many short hair styles and you will not get bored. It is very easy to maintain, just trim the sides and back every few months to stay in shape. Shampoo, condition and treat your hair often. Try various kind of hair bands and clip to for extra style once in a while.

You may try to colour or highlight few strands to stay cool and up to date.

You like curls? Try the easy ones, go for soft perm with latest technique.

No need hair sprays or thick gels to stand your curls. Try soft perm at the hair ends, let your hairstylist know your requirements, so he or she will do something which you can still maintain your curls easily everyday without combing the ends.

Use a good shampoo and conditioner plus weekly hair masque to treat and repair your hair condition from exposure to changing weather.

You can tie up your curly hair for a change to look different. Try different kinds of curly pony tail, bun up, twist your curls and clip. You may try to colour or highlight your hair to improve your looks.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The advantages of using clip on hair extensions.

Long hair, pouring over the shoulders, is probably the most feminine and sensual feature a woman can possess. Supermodels, movie stars or singers have absolutely perfect long hair that women all over the world envy. Although they might look like out of this world, superstars are only human � if they can have hair that gorgeous, you can have it too. The secret to their glamorous beauty are the human hair extensions. Hair extensions give you that picture perfect look in an instant, with no hassle at all. At you will be able to choose between many styles of clip on hair extensions.

Magazines, advertisements, TV shows � wherever you look you see women with beautiful long hair. Unfortunately, for millions of women all over the world, having hair that looks like out of a magazine is only a dream. Some women have trouble growing hair due to a medical condition; others have hair that's too fragile or simply short. So what can you do to go from short or unhealthy to beautiful long hair? The answer is getting human hair extensions. Extensions made out of human hair look very natural and can be styled just like your own hair. They can also be colored and washed easily, without deteriorating. And the best thing about human hair extensions is that they give you the look you've always dreamt of in mere moments. offers clip on hair extensions of the best quality for every occasion.

Human hair extensions help you change your look quickly and with no hassle at all. They are perfect if you want to look spectacular for a special occasion or just add some glamour to your everyday life. You only have to choose the style and then apply them on to your hair. Taking them off after you get bored of you look is also very simple and will not damage your natural hair. Clip on hair extensions are also a good option if you have short hair and don't want to wait a couple of years for that glamorous long hair look. Hair extensions can also be applied to long hair, to make it fuller and easier to style.

Clip on hair extensions are perfect if you want to look fabulous at a party or any other event. They are usually used to make a dramatic change of look for a few hours. Although they have to be removed at the end of the day, there are still many advantages to using clip on hair extensions. First of all, these extensions are much cheaper than the permanent ones you get at a beauty salon. Furthermore, you can be certain that your natural hair won't suffer any damage. Attaching the extensions to your hair with a clip can be easily done at home and will only take a few minutes of your time.

Trying to look fabulous at a big event without any permanent hair procedures? Clip on hair extensions are just the thing for you. They can be easily attached or detached and will not damage your hair in any way. Furthermore, human hair extensions have a very natural look and are available in all styles and textures. Visit to choose your favorite clip on hair extensions right away.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Reverse Hair Loss - What you can do about hair loss.

Hair Loss is also known about Baldness and Alopecia. Hair loss is a big worry to many people, both male and female. Hair loss usually develops gradually and may be patchy or diffuse (all over). Roughly 100 hairs are lost from your head every day. The average scalp contains about 100,000 hairs. Hormonal problems may cause hair loss. Hair loss may occur if male or female hormones, known as androgens and estrogens, are out of balance. Hair loss has few medical complications, but several serious conditions can cause it. In addition, there are some psychological effects associated with going bald. Medicines that can cause hair loss include blood thinners , medicines used for gout, medicines used in chemotherapy to treat cancer, vitamin A (if too much is taken), birth control pills and antidepressants. Certain infections can cause hair loss. Fungal infections of the scalp can cause hair loss in children. Finally, hair loss may occur as part of an underlying disease, such as lupus or diabetes. About 30% of people have hair loss by age 30 years, and about 50% have hair loss by age 50 years. Each year, American men spend about $900 million on efforts to regrow hair.

Hair loss is so common that most of the time it is considered a normal variation and not a disease. Two-thirds of all men will eventually be affected by male pattern baldness � in the UK. For Men hair loss is male pattern baldness. Other types of hair loss, including rare conditions such as alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis, where the entire scalp and entire body, respectively, become completely bald due to a viral condition that is irreversible. For Women hair loss is different. There is no set pattern for womens androgenic hair loss, which like MPB, occurs in the overwhelming majority of cases. Women can suffer from alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis just like men. People with a lot of this enzyme make more DHT, which in excess can cause the hair follicles to make thinner and thinner hair, until eventually they pack up completely. Surgical techniques for restoring hair have improved greatly in the past couple of decades, but this is still an option that requires careful consideration.

Medicines may also help slow or prevent the development of common baldness. One medicine, minoxidil (brand name: Rogaine), is available without a prescription. Hair transplantation - tiny punch-holes of skin containing a few follicles of hair are taken from elsewhere in the body (such as the back of the head, if this is still well covered) and implanted into the thinning areas. Scalp reduction - devices are inserted under the skin to stretch areas of scalp that still have hair, then the redundant bald areas are removed. Alternatively, flaps of hairy scalp can be moved around the head. Regular aerobic exercise can help keep androgen levels (particularly free testosterone levels) naturally lower while maintaining overall health, lowering stress and increasing SHBG. Beta Sitosterol, which is a constituent in many seed oils, can help to treat BHP by lowering cholesterol. Eating a balanced, healthy diet is important for a lot of reasons, and it really benefits your hair.

Hair Loss Treatment Tips

1. Medicines may also help such as ,minoxidil (brand name: Rogaine), is available without a prescription.

2. Surgery is another method of reversing hair loss and baldness.

3. Hair transplantation - tiny punch-holes of skin containing a few follicles of hair are taken from elsewhere in the body (such as the back of the head, if this is still well covered) and implanted into the thinning areas.

4. Scalp reduction - devices are inserted under the skin to stretch areas of scalp that still have hair, then the redundant bald areas are removed.

5. Regular aerobic exercise can help keep androgen levels (particularly free testosterone levels) naturally lower while maintaining overall health, lowering stress and increasing SHBG.

6. Topical application of ketoconazole, which is both an anti-fungal and a potent 5-alpha reductase inhibitor, is often used as a supplement to other approaches.

7. Stress reduction can be helpful in slowing hair loss

8. Polygonum Multiflorum is a traditional Chinese cure for hair loss.

9. Beta Sitosterol, which is a constituent in many seed oils, can help to treat BHP by lowering cholesterol.

10. Modern mini-grafting and micro-grafting techniques have resulted in convincing, natural looking hair transplants

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

FAQ - Can A Laser Comb Such As The Androhair Really Stop Hair Loss

Laser phototherapy is a new way to combat hair loss. The claim is that the Androhair and other laser combs use laser photo therapy to not only stop hair loss but can actually regenerate the scalp and thus bring about thicker hair growth than a person has experienced during the thinning of the hair which is a natural process of growing old.

The reason everyone does experience some form of hair loss is the body naturally produces a chemical called DHT. DHT is the culprit that visible sign is the loss of hair at the crown and temples of a man and lead to an overall thinning of the scalp in a woman.

The laser comb can help the body and scalp although it is the hair follicles in particular that concern system such as the Androhair. These combs use laser light to regenerate hair follicles that aren't dead but in the telogen or resting phase. The low level laser therapy works on the hair follicle using monochromatic light, which means all the energy is essentially one wavelength of color, whereas a light bulb produces a broad spectrum of light and energy waves. Laser energy is also collimated which means it is a tight beam of light energy that spreads or diverges only a little at great distances while a light bulb loses its brightness very quickly with distance.

It is this monochromatic light that they claim can bring resting hair follicles back to a growth cycle and therefore lead to thicker and healthier hair. Laser phototherapy is in the early stages of evolution and time and clinical studies are needed to be done before we can truly answer whether this technology can really work, although the theory of using low level laser light does have a basis in fact.

The laser comb along with other technologies should be studied in more detail and results over time will show if the theory rings true.

Monday, January 8, 2007

FAQ � Androhair Uses Laser Phototherapy For Male Hair Loss - How Does it Work

There are many solutions that can lead to hair recovering such as laser phototherapy that one product the Androhair uses. This article explains the theory behind laser phototherapy.

Hair loss for a man can be the cause of low self-esteem and can lead to depression. The process can unfortunately start as early as the late teen years, however the majority of men it happens in their late 20's early 30's. The usual sign is thinning at the crown and temples first followed by wider hair loss of the scalp thus being more visible. There are many reasons why this happens.

Male baldness is often hereditary and passed down through the generations. The hair is usually lost at the temple and crowns because of an excess of a chemical called dihydrotestosterone, or DHT which leads to thinner hair follicles and thus leads to thinner hair.

The other main causes of hair loss can include:-

1. Iron-deficiency (anaemia)

2. Under active thyroid

3. Fungal scalp infection

4. Some medicines

5. Stress

If you believe that you male hair loss maybe caused by this then I would suggest consulting you doctor who may advise treatment to rectify the matter or at least stop more hair loss.

For example if you have anaemia then a doctor may suggest a change in diet and offer medicine to counter the problem of lack of iron in the blood. Please note that anaemia is can lead to loss of memory as well.

Can I stop it?

If however on consulting your doctor you find that it isn't a medical condition that you suffer from then a wig or hair transplant are the most direct forms of treatment

A wig though isn't most men's idea of a solution. There are then certain treatments that can be used and one is laser phototherapy. Laser phototherapy uses a laser diode operating in the red portion of the visible colour spectrum. Laser energy is also collimated which means it is a tight beam of light energy that spreads or diverges only a little at great distances while a light bulb loses its brightness very quickly with distance.

Studies using specific wavelengths of certain lasers show increased activity in cell and bacterial cultures, probably the result of ATP production. In simpler terms the laser phototherapy stimulates the weakened follicles and combined with increased vascularization leads to greater cellular metabolism. In other words it increases the blood flow to the scalp thus leading to healthy hair follicles allowing thicker hair growth.

Laser phototherapy has also shown to take away the harmful DHT chemical that causes the hair loss in the first place. It two part process allows the scalp to naturally recover and promote healthier and thicker growth. Laser photo therapy invigorates the scalp and can provide an answer to the male hair loss question.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

How you can look really fashionable and gorgeous with significant hair loss.

Baldness amongst women is something hardly discussed in the fashion press and yet it is estimated that as many as 6 million women in the UK suffer with significant hair thinning, excessive hair shedding, androgenetic hair loss (the female equivalent of male baldness) and significant hair loss through the different forms of alopecia.

For men, baldness has become increasingly socially acceptable, with many men now shaving their heads. If anything this is the preferred trend, currently more acceptable than the �comb-over' or the toup�e. For women it still remains the final taboo, an embarrassment beyond open discussion.

Hair represents so many things to each individual, even if your hair before hair loss could hardly be described as your �crowning glory'. Your hair still probably conveyed your general well-being, your sense of style and personality, even your lifestyle. It's highly understandable that for most women who have spent years defining and refining a hairstyle that makes them recognisable to family, friends and colleagues, should feel devastated at its loss.

With this taboo subject, there is little understanding of the social and psychological pressures women face. Hair loss isn't about mere vanity for women, it is about trying to maintain a healthy attitude to body image, which is critical to the recovery process as well as coping with longer-term hair loss issues.

So how can you deal with those issues? How can you repair the damage to your self-esteem, your confidence, your body image, your look, your style?

Two common options spring to mind: wigs � improving all the time, with the more expensive light weight wefted and monofilament models and wig personalization cutting services becoming more available. However wigs in the summer months can prove hot and itchy when worn over prolonged periods of time. So let's focus on the second fashion alternative - hats/ scarves. There is headwear available on the market specifically for women with hair loss, focusing on the practicalities of hiding that hair loss. Depending on your point of view, you could feel this actually highlights the problem, drawing attention to it, rather than softly distracting the eye away from it. And this doesn't do much to build the self-esteem.

Most women report their biggest concern with the onset of significant hair loss is that they feel everyone is looking at them. How do women get to feel comfortable in their own bodies again or indeed feel they can simply blend in wherever they go? In fashion terms it's all in the planning, take a good look in your wardrobe and figure out what you like to wear, what you feel good in and what other people tell you really suits you. List the number of complete outfits you can put your hand on and then think about how you're going to accessorise those outfits to go with your new hair loss image. Jewellery is key, if you only wear gold or silver consider now picking up colour in a piece of jewellery, i.e. earrings or necklace that complement the colours of an outfit.

This also means coordinating headwear, coordinating because if you're trying to �blend in' it shouldn't dominate your outfit, it should complement it and mimic the style of the outfit. The hat colour should ideally coordinate with you i.e. a colour selected because you know it suits your eyes/skin tone and the colour reflects something in the chosen outfit. Mimicking style can be hard for some people, for most of us it is �everyday casual', in which case soft fabric hats are the most accessible style to find and feel comfortable in. Find a hat style that suits you and stick with it, duplicate it, triplicate it, purchase it in as many colours as you like to suit your key outfits. Suddenly life will feel ordered and calm, we've talked to women, who once they knew they were looking the best that they could, their confidence soared and they felt able to cope. Fashion for them becomes like that magical cloak but they don't disappear, it simply deflects any curiosity and they can get out there and get on with life and focus on the important issue of recovery.

How do you achieve this? With a supportive network and an openness to experiment and work at achieving that new image. Headwear is nothing to be afraid of or concerned about, it is simply another item of clothing. Chose it well and it will serve you well and make you feel gorgeous, and people will only see the hat, your style, and you!

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Hair Loss Cure and Remedies

Hair loss also known as Baldness is a big worry to many people, both male and female. Baldness is not usually caused by a disease, but is related to aging, heredity, and testosterone. Hair loss usually develops gradually and may be patchy or diffuse. Some women also develop a particular pattern of hair loss due to genetics, age, and male hormones that tend to increase in women after menopause. The pattern is different from that of men.

Female pattern baldness involves a thinning throughout the scalp while the frontal hairline generally remains intact. Excessive hair loss can occur if any of the stages of hair growth become disrupted. For example, if follicles shut down instead of growing new hairs, there will be less hair on the head. Loss of hair at a very early age has become a common disorder these days. We loose 50 to 80 strands of hair per day. Do not get alarmed, this is quite normal. Unless there is some deficiency in diet, or ill health, lost hair is quickly replaced by new ones. Each hair grows between one quarter and one half inch each month.

Some men have areas on the scalp that are very sensitive to the male sex hormones that circulate in men's blood. The hormones make the hair follicles - from which hair grows - shrink. Another reason might be interference with the formation of new hair cells at the root during the growing phase; this occurs with some anticancer drugs. Baldness is generally regarded as natural, and not a disease. So if a person decides they wish to try to get their hair back, they will probably have to pay for the lengthy, expensive procedure themselves. This hair loss usually can be helped by treatment thyroid disease. Hair loss may occur if male or female hormones, known as androgens and estrogens, are out of balance. Correcting the hormone imbalance may stop your hair loss.

Women can also suffer hair loss, especially those with many relatives who are also prone to losing their hair. Fungal infections of the scalp can cause hair loss in children. The infection is easily treated with antifungal medicines. If a medicine is causing your hair loss, your doctor may be able to prescribe a different medicine. Treatments for alopecia areata include injecting steroids into affected patches to stimulate hair growth. This is not practical for large areas. Other treatments, such as oral steroids or ultraviolet light therapy, are either toxic or impractical. In most mild cases, patients can comb over the affected areas.

Treatment For Hair Loss:

1. Styling hair to cover the areas with the most hair loss is effective for mild cases. Washing and styling the hair will not cause further hair loss.

2. Minoxidil is a liquid that you rub into your scalp twice daily to regrow hair and to prevent further loss.

3. Finasteride: A pill taken once daily that blocks the effects of testosterone on hair growth.

4. If adequate treatment is not available for your type of hair loss, you may consider trying different hairstyles or wigs, hairpieces, hair weaves or artificial hair replacement.

5. Surgical procedures like hair transplants can be useful for some women as well as men to "fill in" thinned-out areas.

Use the following essential oils for massage of hair to reduce hair loss: 1. Jojoba oil.

2. Roman Chamomile.

3. Lavender.

4. Rosemary.

5. Grapefruit.

6. Cedarwood.

Home made remedies for reducing the hair loss:

1. For nourishing your hair, apply coconut milk all over your scalp and massage it into the hair roots.

2. Massage almond oil on scalp 2-3 times a day, daily. This will stop further hair loss.

3. Make a shampoo by mixing 100 g each of amla, reetha, and shikakai and boil in two liters of water until the liquid reduces to half. Use this shampoo for your hair for at least one month. Your hair will become thick.

4. Lettuce is useful in preventing hair loss. A mixture of lettuce and spinach juice is believed to help the growth of hair if taken to the extent to half a litre a day.

5. The juice of alfalfa, in combination with equal quantities of carot and lettuce juice, taken daily, also helps the growth of hair to a remarkable extent.

6. Onion has also been found beneficial in patchy baldness. The affected part should be rubbed with onions morning and evening till it is red. It should be rubbed with honey afterwards.

Friday, January 5, 2007

Sexy Holiday Style for Any Hair Type � Part II

Sensual, loose curls are in this season. Why not make this holiday your sexiest? This style is a combination of sophisticated and casual, perfect for all your holiday galas. Think bed-head elegance. Regardless of hair type, you too can achieve sexy waves in just a few simple steps.

Start with a layered cut to add more depth and sexy volume. Have a professional stylist do this; otherwise hair will look uneven when twisted.

Because wavy hair naturally reflects less light than straight hair, it is important to keep your locks healthy to promote shine. Keep up a weekly deep-conditioning regiment with a treatment such as the ISH Ionic Rescue One-Minute Treatment, which contains pure jojoba crystals.

For hair that's CURLY �

Start with clean, towel-dried hair. Apply a styling lotion like Back to Basic's Style & Finish Texture Defining Lotion. The natural blend will sculpt style, while maintaining movement and shine. Next, braid hair and twist it on top of your head. Hold in place with clips for 15-20 minutes. After, blow-dry hair using an ionic model to preserve moisture and shine.

For hair that's SHORT �

Slick hair back using a control cr�me, such as KMS Curlup Control Cr�me, which bundles hair into sexy curls while controlling frizz. Dry hair completely using a diffuser. Lightly run fingers through hair to create softer waves.

For hair that's STRAIGHT �

Avoid any gels or heavy lotions. Instead use a mousse or foam, such as ISO Daily Foam, and scrunch into towel-dried hair with your head upside down. Use 5-7 butterfly clips to put up sections of hair into zigzags against your scalp. The idea is to pull hair in different directions, giving body to naturally straight hair. Diffuse-dry hair for 15-20 minutes. Release curls and scrunch hair once more. Do not run fingers through the hair, as it may cause curls to relax completely.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Domestic Long Hair - The facts every owner of this cat breed should know

The Domestic Long Hair is the same breed of cat as the Domestic Short Hair, but with longer fur. It is descended from cats that were brought to America aboard ships to hunt rats and was selectively bred in America into today's Domestic Long Hair. The name Domestic Long Hair is given to cats whose parentage is in question; otherwise, it is referred to as an American Long Hair and only American Long Hairs can be show cats.

This long haired cat does require regular grooming if it does not like to groom itself and must be bathed every one to two weeks as part of the grooming process. For this reason, and many others, Domestic Long Hair cats do not make good outdoor cats � their coats are prone to matting which, if not attended to properly, can lead to infections.

Domestic Long Hair coats can come in a wide range of colors and patterns � there is no standard or predictability in color. This breed of cat also has almost as many different personalities so it is relatively easy to find a suitable cat for any environment and family. There is no average weight for this breed, but Domestic Long Hairs tend to be a medium sized cat. On average, they will live for twelve to twenty years.

Domestic Long Hairs are a hearty breed of cat (as part of their 'working cat' heritage) and do not have any specific medical problems or concerns, but they can be prone to obesity so it is important to monitor their diet.

There is a website that has great information on the Domestic Long Hair and most other breeds of cats. It has details that pertain to a cat breeds health, grooming, living conditions, best food choices and more, the website is called: Dog And Cat Facts, and can be found at this url:

By Robert W. Benjamin

Copyright � 2006

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