Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Shower Filters: A surprising secret to glowing skin and hair

Life is immensely colorful. Life enthralls you; amaze you at each and every step. Life gives you innumerable occasions to celebrate. And to enjoy life, one needs good health. But the fact is that it's difficult to have good health as most of the potable water available on earth is polluted.

The growing menace of impure water led to the use of devices and systems to purify and filter not only drinking water but other waters also. Municipal water treatments systems that started in the early part of the 20th century laid the foundations for a multi-tiered approach to maximize drinking water in a given water supply systems. But continuous use of chlorine in water to disinfect water has adversely affected the health of human beings. No doubt, it has benefits but in gaseous form, chlorine is at least an irritant and in its heavier concentrations, it is deadly. The exposure to chloroform in the shower can exceed that from drinking water by 600%. Chlorine in air can create acute respiratory problems in asthmatic patients. Excessive chlorine in shower water affects the softness of skin and makes the quality of hair dull. It makes hair break and split. Now it has been seen in some countries that many water treatment systems have begun substituting chloramines for chlorine as it produces comparable reduction in microbes while being somewhat toxic in drinking water. However, due to its being a derivative of ammonia, it too can have adverse effects, especially in gaseous form.

All of this brings us to the issue at hand � the necessity of using shower water filters to maintain good health. The cosmetic benefits of using a shower filter are obvious to anyone who has ever experienced the harshness of chlorinated water. The removal of chlorine from showering water guarantees softer skin and hair as the body is able to maintain its natural, moisturizing oils. Also chlorine removal allows for less frequent use of expensive lotions and conditioners because skin and hair remains naturally softer and healthier. There are many shower filters in the market and it comes in different shapes and sizes. Aquasana shower filter is the best in the segment and it uses an innovative dual-filter process. Stage 1 reduces chlorine and enhances pH balance with a natural copper/zinc mineral media called KDF-55D. Stage 2 uses a carbonized coconut shell media for the reduction of synthetic chemicals and VOCs. This ultra-modern process gives you chlorine-free water and without worrying, you can croon songs in shower water as long as you wish.

Install our shower filters in your bathroom and enjoy the difference it brings to your skin and hair.

For more information about home water filter, visit:

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