Sunday, December 10, 2006

Hair Loss Remedies � Simple Ayurvedic Treatments

Hair loss is one of the most embarrassing problem facing most men and women in the world today. It is a common notion that hair loss occurs normally with advancing age, and nothing can be done about that. But that is a wrong belief. There are several effective ways in which hair loss and other hair related problems can be nipped in the bud. The following are some of the most effective home remedies in which this can be achieved.

Treatment with Simple Home Remedies

Remedy # 1

This remedy works if your hair are continuously breaking off and falling. Extract the juice of a single lemon. Finely grind the powder of the root of a banyan tree and mix thoroughly in the lemon juice. Wash your hair with this solution. When done, dry your hair with a drier and then apply more than the normal amount of coconut oil on the scalp. Do this regularly. Within a few days you will find the quality of your hair improving.

Remedy # 2

Prepare the fine powder of the amalaki (Indian Gooseberry) and soak it in water. Keep this overnight. In the morning, squash the powder in the water and let it exude thoroughly into the water. You will get a mild pasty consistency. Then squeeze the juice of a lemon or two. Use this vitamin C rich solution to wash your hair. The solution will foam. Work your hands into the roots of the hair till the foam is profuse. After fifteen minutes of this treatment, you can wash it off. This kind of treatment will not only treat hair loss, but it will also make the hair blacker, denser, longer and softer. A month of this treatment on a daily basis will show you the positive results.

Remedy # 3

Boil some udad daal (lentils) in water. When boiled enough, let them cool. Then mash the daal and apply it vigorously on the hair, working at the roots. This treatment provides proteins to your hair, which is very necessary for their proper growth. Within a few days of this continuous treatment, your hair loss problems will begin to dwindle.

Remedy # 4

This treatment works for alopecia, i.e. baldness or thinness of hair. Take a dry ripe amalaki fruit and grind it to a powder. Put this powder in coconut oil or chameli (Jasminum grandiflorum, Spanish Jasmine) oil. Use this oil to massage the scalp. Then put this solution in water and wash the hair thoroughly. Continue this for a month to observe benefits. You must also chew on the dry amalaki fruit several times a day.

Remedy # 5

If your hair is thinning out, then the following remedy can help. Prepare a mixture of the powders of the seeds, leaves and peel of a pomegranate. Add this to mustard oil. Keep it on a flame. The powders will begin to get cooked. When the powders seem cooked enough, then strain the oil through a cloth and collect the filtrate in a bottle. Cork this bottle. Apply this oil twice or thrice on the scalp in a day. Within a few days, hair loss will stop and new hair will begin growing.

Remedy # 6

Grind some green coriander and extract the juices from it. Use these juices to massage onto the scalp. This will make your hair soft and black and stop hair loss. This remedy is simple but it is so effective that it can even make hair grow back on the scalp. Hence it is looked upon as a treatment for alopecia.

Remedy # 7

This is not a specific remedy, but it is a general method to care for your hair to stop hair loss in the future. Collect one tablespoon of powder of shikakai (Acacia concinna, acacia) and ritha (Sapindus mukorossi, soapnut). Add this powder to half pint of water and boil it. When the boiling has taken place properly, then cool it, strain it, and use the filtrate as you would use a regular shampoo. This is the best natural shampoo in the world, and perhaps the world's oldest pH balanced shampoo. Daily using this shampoo will keep all hair loss problems at bay.

Treatment with Special Ayurvedic Methods

Bhringaraja is the drug of choice for hair problems. It is either taken orally or is used for massaging the scalp on a daily basis in the form of Maha Bhringaraja taila or Nilibhringadi taila. The general mode of using it is to massage on the scalp thoroughly and then to have a bath one hour later. But it must be remembered that Bhringaraja will first remove the weak hair from the scalp. Hence it may appear that the hair is thinning more in the beginning. This is temporary though; the new hair that will grow will be healthier and stronger.

Hair loss (and in fact, all problems relating to hair) are kapha problems. They happen when the kapha dosha is vitiated. Hence, kapha must not be allowed to accumulate in the body. This happens when there is a common cold. For this reason, common colds must be treated quickly. The same can be said about sinusitis.

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