Monday, December 25, 2006

Choose the Best Hair Loss Treatment for You

Hair Loss is a common problem that almost everybody faces at least once in his or her life. That is the reason why hair loss products have become a multi million business today. Some natural and herbal hair loss solutions are also available in the market that are having least side-effects and cure your hair loss problems from the root.

Hair loss Treatments Commonly Used

� Propecia � Propecia is a prescription pill that is taken once in day which blocks DHT (di-hydro-testosterone) that causes hair fall.
Side Effects � It can cause complexion problems, decreased libido and decreased volume of ejaculation in men. Women should not take Propecia.

� Rogaine - Rogaine is an over-the-counter topical hair loss treatment that is applied to your scalp twice a day.
Side Effects � It can cause itching when incorrect amount of Rogaine is applied.

� Nizoral � Nizoral is a non-surgical hair loss treatment. It is a shampoo-based hair loss treatment. Its effectiveness though has been especially proved when used along with Propecia or Rogaine.

� Retina A � It is another active ingredient being used with some success in preventing hair loss.

� Hair Replacement (Hair Transplant or Hair Fusion) � It is a surgical method in which the hair is grafted onto the scalp. The duration of retaining this transplanted hair and its growth thereon is based on various reasons.

Natural Hair Loss Treatment

There are some herbs like Amla, Thulsi, Basil, Yashti-Madhu, Bhringaraj, Henna and Brahmi which are found to be very useful in hair loss treatment. They are given in forms of powders, gels, oils and paste for hair loss.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

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