Monday, October 16, 2006

Hair Loss Solutions

Hair loss is a normal process that involves loss of around 50 to 100 scalp hairs everyday. When hair loss starts exceeding this limit then you should start worrying about that hair loss. Baldness is a condition that results when the hair regeneration is, at an extremely slow rate compared to the hair loss rate.

Hair loss is caused by many reasons most of the time the reason is Androgenetic Alopecia also known as Male or female pattern hair loss. Telogen Effluvium is the type of hair loss that is caused from stress. The stress causes the hair in the resting phase to fall out without providing any replacement of the hair, thus resulting in baldness.

Anagen effluvium occurs due to chemicals, Chemotherapy is one of the medical treatments that can cause it. Chemotherapy is used to kill cancer causing cells but besides killing these cells as a side effect it also kills the hair follicles. This results in hair loss which would automatically stop as soon as the chemotherapy stops. The hair loss in this case is temporary.

Hair loss treatment can be quite challenging as most of the treatments are not effective and have side effects. New Generation Hair Loss Solutions are different in this respect they are effective and have no side effects. New Generation also provides hair care products along with their hair loss remedy. Once a New Generation Customer always a New Gen Customer

The New Generation hair loss prevention products include a hair loss shampoo , a conditioner, an overnight formula and a dietary supplement. All these products provide you with a comprehensive treatment that treats all your hair loss problems efficiently. These incredible products are based on the renowned hair growth formula of Dr. Ilona Schreck-Purola, M.D of University of Helsinki and are backed by California Pacific Research. Polysorbate 60 is one of the main ingredients in this amazing overnight formula which is responsible for the wonderful results that New Generation products provide.

New Generations hair loss products provide the user with a healthy environment for thicker fuller healthier hair by deep cleaning, increasing scalp circulation, energizing and revitalizing the scalp. Visit the site and order your set of these incredible products today why wait any longer to look great.

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