Friday, October 6, 2006

Hair Loss Solution


Losing hair in old age is a natural phenomenon but it could be a cause of genuine embarrassment if it happens in the youthful days of a man or woman.

However there could be multitude of reasons for losing hair, yet retaining them is a major concern. Though there is no sure-shot method of controlling their shedding, yet it could certainly be controlled to a great extent. It is worth noting that we lose hair everyday, but problem begins when they shed like leaves from a tree in fall. You must have observed people wearing caps to hide their baldness. However most of the people suffering hair loss lose hair in patches. Hair being a very important statement of one's style and beauty certainly has a vital space in one's life. It's no more an exception to lose hair and like graying, it is also a common phenomenon. However there could be multitude of reasons for hair loss, yet we can zero in on some of the basic reasons.


IF you think that its only men who go bald, then you are utterly wrong. Both men and women suffer hair loss but men tend to lose hair in their early thirties while women tend to have thinner hair with age advance. Genetic baldness is caused by the body's failure to produce new hairs and not by excessive hair loss. Also, both men and women lose hair thickness with progress in age. Most men are bald by the time they reach 60 years of age.


Getting bald in your youth is a bitter experience to have. If it happens before marriage, then it's a million time bigger trouble. How grave is hair loss problem could be gauged from the fact that a young boy or even a man in his late 20s would be embarrassed to see girls avoiding or problem while approaching with a marriage proposal. There could be multitude of reasons but we can understandably decide upon few. Think of an occasion when somebody had gifted you something interesting or attempted to insult you by offering a comb. I remember of person who was quite young and unmarried. Finally he was married but that after rejection from several places.


After a prolonged illness or a major surgery, hair loss is a common phenomenon but generally its temporary. Hair loss is automatic in some severe cases like cancer.


Everything related to human body is straight away connected to hormones. Production in excess or low production of a certain hormone might lead to hair loss.


Baby blues is not the only problem women suffer, in fact hair loss could be another in the series.


Some medicines could also cause hair loss and the shedding might in crease when you would stop taking them.


IF your grandfather went bald in his youth and your father too, then chances that you too would suffer the baldness in your youth. Thanks to hereditary cause.


Excessive use of strong chemical content shampoo over a period of time could adversely affect your thick hair. This might lead of losing of hair.


Healthy diet not only keeps you fir but also helps your hair hold tight to your scalp.


There is no sure-fire technique or medicine to stop hair loss, though it could be controlled to some extent. Medicines could slow the hair loss but getting rid of it completely would depend on the type of problem one has. Taking a healthy diet that would keep you fit and provides strength to your scalp to hold your hair more strongly.


Approach your doctor for verifying the actual cause. Don't think that the problem would automatically disappear, although sometimes it would be only a periodical phenomenon, yet at others, it could be really disgusting.

Normal hair shedding is a common phenomenon but problem begins when one starts to lose hair at an extensive rate.

Life style makes a big difference in the health of a person including hair. Though we can't change our life style fully, yet we can endeavor to make it fitting our health so that further damage could be put on hold. Having proper sleep every day could help a person keep fit. Keeping healthy is one way to keep away from hair disorders. Advanced options like hair transplants, (non-surgical) hair transplants are surely open for you.

On the contrary, being bald has its own advantages, including lesser time required to bath, no need to dry them, no worry to oil them or even comb them. However, to make one's style statement, its surely recommendable to retain them.

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