Sunday, November 19, 2006

Herbal Treatments for Hair Loss

One of the biggest problems that the world is facing nowadays is the baldness. No doubt people are saying the baldness is in trends but every body knows the inner travesty. Hairs are the feature of mammals. Every mammal including humans bears hairs on their body. These hairs serve various essential purposes in the body.

Though hairs are not that essential to humans as for other animals but these are very much essential for cosmetic purposes. But due to hair fall people suffer from conditions like depression as these some way or the other causes mental disturbance.

What to do to prevent hair fall?

One of the best methods to prevent hair fall and to promote hair growth is massage. Massage your scalp regularly. This is the most important activity that should be done on the regular basis. Do massage your scalp essentially for 5 to 10 minutes. Massage gently with the help of your finger tips. One thing should always be kept in mind that never massages your wet hairs. Allow it to dry by itself or blow it dry.

How does massage help?

This massage helps in two ways. Firstly it improves the blood circulation of the scalp thereby supporting the proper nutrition to the scalp. Secondly it helps in getting rid of dead cells and improves the hygiene of scalp and hairs. These methods in turn help in supplying nutrition to the hair follicles. Our hair arises from the hair follicles that are present in our scalp. When these scalp pores (hair follicles) gets blocked some how, it leads to hair fall or growth bad textured hairs. Through massage these pores gets opened then thus promoting hair growth. Secondly as the nutrition is supplied to the hair roots that are situated in the hair follicle then it gets nourished and again leads to hair grown and its promotion.

Is massaging the scalp is sufficient for preventing hair loss and to promotes hair growth?

The answer here will surely be no. Thought massage is very essential to achieve hair growth but the massage should be done with the help of some nutrient and supplement that are essential for hair growth. These can be hair oils, hair creams and hair packs etc. These work as the food for hairs, providing nourishment to them.

What are these hair foods?

This is the term used for the nutrients that are required by hair follicles to satisfy there requirements. This helps in strengthening the root of hairs and also provides growth of healthy hairs.

Ayurveda, the herbal heath science has mentioned many of these hair foods. Some of them are listed below.

� Coconut oil � coconut oil is one of the best hair food. It helps in revitalizing hairs and makes them look lively. It has certain properties that are helpful in supplementing the deficiency of the hairs is responsible for hair fall. Gentle massage with coconut oil twice a week followed by streaming will give you excellent long and silky hairs. It is also effective in treating dandruff and premature graying of hairs.

� Til or sesame oil � another wonderful hair supplement that not only promotes hair growth but also makes your hair look black and shiny. It nourishes the hair roots that intern leads to the beautiful hair growth. It not only nurtures the hair follicle but also improves blood circulation to the scalp. It helps in curbing dandruff and makes hairs naturally black. Apply til taila (oil) once a week on the scalp and massage gently followed by streaming after one hour.

� Almond oil � massage with almond oil is a great assert to our body. No doubt it helps in good hair growth but it is also very beneficial for our brain, it helps in improving memory and mental concentration. Commonly known as badaam in Indian subcontinent. It is also a dry fruit and is very often consumed in India to enhance the memory skills. It is also helpful in improving the skin texture and makes skin complexion fairer. Almond oil should be applied once a week on the scalp followed by steaming after 1 hour.

� Amalaki powder � Amalaki or commonly known as amla. It is a wonder herb. The powder of its dried fruit is extremely helpful in reducing the hair fall and also stimulates hair follicles to promote growth of new hairs. It can be used in both ways i.e. for local application and for oral use. Its powder is mixed with water to attain a texture of a paste. This paste is applied on the scalp and left undisturbed for an hour. After that it is washed off. For oral consumption 3 to 5 grams of amla powder is consumed with water twice daily.

� Aloe-vera gel � aloe vera is a multipurpose plant that is very helpful in preventing hair loss and skin related problems. The gel or the pulp from the leaves is very helpful in promoting hair growth. It also provides coolness to the head and helps in preventing any infection on the scalp. Aloe vera gel can be applied on the scalp twice or thrice a week.

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