Thursday, November 30, 2006

Combination Hair Care

Hair care is an overall term for parts of hygiene and cosmetology involving the hair on the human head. Some basic hair care can use to improve the health and look of your hair. Diet and lifestyle are two major factors that influence the health of the hair. Poor diet, illness and deficiencies of any particular vitamin and mineral affects the quality of hair and problems like dandruff, thinning hair, balding, premature graying etc. spoil the hair. To speed up the drying process, pat your hair dry with a towell and let the remaining moisture in your hair dry naturally. Gently use your fingers or a pick to untangle any knots while your hair is drying. Coloring your hair is another hair treatment option. It is a nice change from the way you normally look. Cut your hair in layers, this will make you look a lot younger. Hot air can be damaging to your hair so when using a hair dryer use the cool setting. Don't leave the blowdryer in one spot for more than a few seconds, keep it moving and at a good distance away from your hair. Squirt your dry hair with styling spray and then use a medium curling iron to curl 2-inch sections of hair before rolling hair in Velcro rollers.

Color your hair regularly. Color your hair every 28 days by doing this you may actually prevent your hair from getting damaged. Apply besan in the hair and wash it with water drained from the cooked rice. Soak a handful of gooseberry in a cup of milk for two hours. Make it as a paste and apply in the hair. Apply the mixture of an egg white, 2 spoon of castor oil, 1 spoon glycerin, in the scalp and hair. Massage hair with warm coconut oil an hour before washing. Cover your head with a hot towel and wash your hair after an hour or so. Boil a few hibiscus flowers in coconut oil. Filter and use this hair oil to control hair loss and thinning. Graying of hair is a natural process that happens with increasing age, but if the hair starts graying before the age of 35, it is termed as premature graying that occurs due to the aggravation of Pitta dosha. Excessive intake of tea, coffee, alcohol, meat, fried, oily, greasy, spicy, sour, and acidic foods increases pitta and leads to graying prematurely. Take a cup of coconut and mustard oils. Soak half a cup of curry leaves in the oil mixture and keep it for a night.

1. Avoid shampoos that contain sodium laurel sulfate, or sodium laureth sulfate.

2. A hot oil treatment to deep condition your hair. Warm oil penetrates the hair shaft making the hair more flexible and giving it shine.

3. Eat right and consider taking vitamin and mineral supplements to encourage healthy hair.

4. Use a wide toothed comb, or your fingers to work with your hair. Brushes can destroy African American or extra curly hair by shearing it out of the scalp.

5. Avoid sleeping in hair accessories such as barrettes, scrunchies, head bands, etc. This can lead to hair damage.

6. Massage your scalp to help stimulate hair growth. Massaging helps stimulate hair growth by increasing the blood flow to the scalp.

7. If your hair ends are damaged, give yourself a trim every so often to remove damage.

8. Hot air can be damaging to your hair so when using a hair dryer use the cool setting.

9. Apply the mixture of an egg white, 2 spoon of castor oil, 1 spoon glycerin, in the scalp and hair.

10. Coloring your hair is another hair treatment option. Color your hair regularly.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Hair Color Mistakes

Hair coloring is very popular today, with over 75% of women coloring their hair. Hair color can also impact hair texture since it will instantly add volume to thin, fine strands and may impact curls and waves in some cases. Men and women have been coloring their hair since the beginning of time using chemicals, plants and pigments. In recent times, men and women dye their hair a variety of colors including everything from blonde to blue. Hair coloring can add spice and enhance many hair styles. A good hair color can add shine, drama and fun to your hair style. It can make some hair types easier to style. Hair color is not like paint that can just be removed with paint remover. A common mistake people make is thinking that hair color is foolproof. Hair blunders are common mistakes women make and usually do not even realize it. Many factors influence the outcome of your hair color. Perms, other processing, and the amount of time you leave it in will all make a difference. Avoid the temptation to add more color or try to remove the color at home with bleach or other harsh chemicals.

Hair color is a reflection of light off the colored pigment of the hair shaft. Different colors add or subtract from the hair color giving it various hues and shades. Colors that are too beige or ashy don't complement skin tones. Try using gold or warm tones, this gives the skin a more youthful, healthy glow. Try not to panic and rush to find a solution that might cause even more harm. Do not condition your hair a few hours before applying hair dye, shampooing will do the trick. Pick a color one shade lighter when dying your roots. This will make the transition from your colored hair back to your natural hair color graceful without roots that are a completely different color sticking out. Protect your skin by wrapping a towel around your neck as the dye can irritate your skin or affect your clothes. Gloves should be used and must be included in a hair dye kit. Applying petroleum jelly or cream around your ears and neck part will keep off stains. Wipe off oil after shampooing.

Hair coloring Tips

1. Highlighting is a great way to add tone to monochromatic hair.

2. Hair colors, like perms, are chemically based. If you're pregnant, be sure to check with your doctor before coloring your hair.

3. Henna hair dyes are organic based hair colors that don't mix well with chemicals.

4. Stay out of the pool and the ocean after coloring your hair. Neither sea salt nor chlorine mixes well with chemical hair colors.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Hair Length Myths - The Long and Short of it

The Truth
The hair growth cycle is in three stages; the Anagen phase, the Catagen phase and the Telogen phase. The first stage called the anagen phase is the phase of active hair growth. In This phase hair grows from the hair follicle (these are the tiny holes that hair can be seen growing from) on average 0.33 mm/per day, which is about 10.5mm ( or approximately 1cm) per month. The length of the anagen phase varies from 2-7 years, and between 80-90% of hair on the hair on the scalp is in the anagen phase at any one time (there are over one hundred thousand hairs on the scalp) After the growing phase the follicle then enters the catagen phase. This phase lasts for approximately two weeks. Approximately 1% of hair on the scalp is in this phase at any one time. The final stage is the Telogen Phase. This is the resting phase of the growth cycle, and lasts for approximately three to four months. When the resting stage is complete the cycle begins again. As the new hair grows up the follicle it pushes out the old telogen hair. Everyday about 100 scalp hairs are shed per day, these are old telogen hairs.

Ok now the science is over let me clarify a few things. If your anagen phase is only a few years long the likely hood of your hair sweeping the floor is very slim, if however your anagen phase hair growth is years long up to 7 years, then you could have potentially very long hair (as I mentioned earlier the length to which your hair grows is genetic, so if you have hair that can grow below your shoulders you have inherited genes that allow your hair to grow for a good number of years in the anagen phase). But what about people, who have dreads/locks, how is it that their hair can grow so long? I hear you ask. Well the long and short of it, is the fact that the hair that should have dropped out in the telogen phase can't as it is waxed together with the new hair from the anagen phase. So you get hair that should have naturally fallen out being stuck to new hair, which makes it seem like the person could have hair that has a long anagen phase growth cycle.

But fear not ladies and gents whatever the length of your hair it can still look its best with TLC, It's not all about how long your hair is, it's about how good and healthy it looks. So start with a good diet, regular trims and the best hair products on the market-'Roots2Ends Natural Hair Pomade!'

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Improving Curly Hair

These are often called curl boosters and curl revitalizers. There are several benefits that you will get from this curly hair care product. These curly hair products can help you by getting your styling product back up and running, so to speak. They also work on moisturizing your hair and giving you that refreshed look. They can also minimize frizz considerably. It is something you have to have for curly hair.

For those that use water in a spritz bottle, this will actually work against you giving you more of a frizz when the hair dries. What makes these curly hair products work then? There are many ingredients in them that help to deliver moisture and help to define curls. Magnesium sulfate works to activate styling products. Humectants like glycerin, botanical oils and honey work to help you as well in this manner. Polyquateriums as well as silicones are contained in these boosters and they help to minimize frizz and give your hair more definition.

One product that can help is that of the Mop Top Detangler & Refresher. It helps to add more moisture to your hair without leaving you with a sticking and frizzy mess. This curly hair care product is ideal because it has sea botanicals, aloes and honey in it along with glycerin, all of which help to promote healthy hair. The salts that are included, such as magnesium sulfate and sea salt, are ideal for helping to boost the quality of your curl without causing that sticky feeling. These help to balance the curly hair care product and keep it weightless without limiting the curly hair benefits it offers.

Another product that can be helpful is that of the Curlisto Glow and Shine. It helps to give this same weightless shine and provides a finished, tailored look. Another solution to keep your curly hair looking great for more than one day is to use Davacurl Set It Free. To use, flip your hair over and spray it down. Then, flip it back over and do a very light misting of the curly hair care product over the top. You can also use this product to help you with a freshened up look so that you do not have to wash it as often as you are currently doing.

When you add a curly hair revitalizer to your hair the second day after a washing, you will be able to extend the use of the curly hair products that you used the day before. More so, you are increasing the moisture of the products in your hair as well. The key to success here is using a water soluble product that will not build up in your hair. You also do not want to overuse the product because that too can cause frizz and a weighed down look that you do not want.

Those that have locks and twists in their hair will want to use a curl rejuvenator as well. Here, the curly hair product is going to work to provide you with more moisture and a refreshed look. To use this product for this need, simply give each of your curls a spray with the product when they need it. Your curly hair will look nothing short of amazing when you do so.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Herbs For Healthy Hair

Hair is a reflection on the overall condition of your body. A healthy and well-nourished body reflects in bouncy and healthy hair. Healthy Hair care encompasses a wide range of treatments ranging from preventive hair care to tips for maintaining long hair. Because healthy hair is dependent on the health of the scalp (hair requires a plentiful supply of nutrient-rich blood to nourish the hair follicles in the scalp) it makes sense that eating nutritionally balanced meals will promote healthy follicles and healthy hair growth.

Herbs For Healthy Hair

1. Rosemary: Enhances dark hair.
2. Burdock Root: Promotes hair growth and reduces hair from falling out.
3. Chamomile: Promotes healthy hair growth.

Home Hair Treatments

Here are some herbal homemade hair treatments and natural home remedies for hair, which have also stood the test of time:

1. When your hair looks very stressed, nettles are a wonderful tonic and detox. Infuse dried nettle leaves (some health food stores now carry nettle tea bags) and drink the tea. The infusion can also be used as a hair rinse.

2. Home remedy for conditioning your blond hair - To shine and condition blond hair, rinse in chamomile tea. Add one teaspoon of lemon juice to a liter of tea for extra shine.

3. If your hair is very dry, infusions of elderflower, parsley or sage is a great home remedy for dry, frizzy hair and it will calm the frizz and restore moisture.

4. Greasy or oily hair will benefit from a rinse made with lemon balm, rosemary, lavender or mint. All these herbs will calm the scalp and reduce the sebum production. Learn more about natural remedy or shampoo for oily hair.

5. Red heads add highlights to their hair by using a strong infusion of calendula (marigold) as a hair rinse.

6. A rinse made with sage will darken brown hair as will an infusion of rosemary. Both can also be used to darken gray hair, giving a brown tint.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Hair Loss Causes: Fact or Fiction?

Think you know what really causes hair loss and hair damage? Take this hair loss quiz and find out if you know as much as you think you do!

Fact or Fiction: Dandruff can contribute to hair loss
Dandruff is caused by a type of fungus called Malazzesi Globosa. This yeast-like fungus lives on the scalps of most healthy adults without causing problems. However, sometimes it grows out of control, leading to an increase in the amount of dead skin cells and an itching sensation on the scalp. Continuous scratching by the fingernails can damage and even remove the cuticular scale, a protective covering on individual hairs. This loss leaves the hair shaft weakened and permanently damaged, making it susceptible to breakage and hair loss.

Fact or Fiction: Prescription shampoos for scalp diseases cause hair damage.
The two most common scalp diseases are dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis. People often view products that treat these conditions as harsh and medicinal. Some hair loss sufferers think they have to choose to live with the scalp problems rather than use with what they fear are harmful chemicals. However, technological advances now allow prescription shampoos to have the necessary medication to treat dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis while also containing the same mild cleansers found in cosmetic shampoos. When used properly, prescription shampoos can effectively help keep your hair healthy.

Fact or Fiction: Blow-drying hair with heat can worsen hair loss
Blow drying hair is a common morning ritual for many people. While it is a quick, convenient way to dry and style hair, blow drying damages hair as the high heat from a blow dryer can actually boil the water in the hair shaft leaving it brittle. In addition, vigorous towel rubbing or combing of wet hair also can cause hair loss, since wet hair is more elastic and more vulnerable to breakage than dry hair.
In order to minimize hair shaft damage hair should be allowed to at least partially air dry before styling and combing.

Fact or Fiction: Stress is one of the most common causes of Hair Loss:
In some cases, under extreme stress, hair loss can indeed occur, but stress is not a common cause of hair loss. The most common cause of hair loss is genetic.

Fact or Fiction: Improper hair care can lead to hair loss
If you wear pigtails or cornrows or use tight hair rollers, the pull on your hair can cause a type of hair loss called traction alopecia. If the pulling is stopped before scarring of the scalp develops, your hair will grow back normally. However, scarring can cause permanent hair loss. Hot oil hair treatments or chemicals used in perms may cause swelling of the hair follicle, which can also result in scarring and hair loss.

Fact or Fiction: Laser therapy can help hair loss
Clinical studies have shown that FDA approved hand held laser combs can contribute to hair re-growth and hair loss prevention.

For more information about hair loss and hair replacement please visit

Monday, November 20, 2006

Hair Extensions Manhattan gives colors and texture to your hair

Hairs are very important part of our body that brings a pleasing look in our personality. A healthy natural is desired by every individual but there are very few people who take care of their hairs. Hair extensions Manhattan are meant to give you a new and charming look. There are various types of extensions that can be used for your hair, thus giving you a trendy, modern look.Well, the use of hair extensions is not limited any particular age but can be used by anyone who desires. Especially, the Teenagers have the largest attraction to this because of the hunger for having a stunning look.

Hair extensions are attachments that are attached to every section of your natural hairs. The major advantage of using extensions is that they are invisible after the attachment process. Now a days there has been much advancement in the field of hair extensions and so it has become easy for an individual to experience it, as it has become more safe, easy and comfortable for the users. Hairs add perfectness in your look and will surely enhance your looks and appearance. For getting a trendy look, no one compromises and is ready to bear the cost of the extensions. The length of your hair increases after using the hair extensions. Choose the best extension that suits your style and look. For this, you can take the help of an experienced hair stylist who will help you to choose the best.

There are various types of hair extensions techniques like cold fusion, ceramic fusion links, and shrinkies that are available in the cosmetic world.Traditonally, the hair extension was a bit tough job to handle as it needed some extra care. For the attachment process, some kind of glue is or bond is used. The glue or bond doesn't lasts for long time because the attachments split after sometime and get separated. The separation is mostly due to the growth of your own hair. The extensions get loose when your hair grows fastly and it also depends on the amount of care you give for your hair. It's very essential to take care of your extensions. You cannot expect hair extensions to last long because it depends on the glue that fixes it. After you have used extensions in your hair, there are certain steps that your hair stylist will advice you.

As there will be increase in the length of your own hair, the length of the extensions will go shorter. To get it tightened, you need to visit the hair saloon. You can wash your hairs in a very natural way. Normally, a hair extension lasts between a period of two to six months. You can get the extensions retightened if your hair is growing at a faster rate or get it removed if it becomes very loose. Some recent and most used hair extension is strand-by-strand, weft and clip-on hair extension. To continue with a particular type of hair extension, a person feels bored and so to fulfill the desire of fashionable looks, you undergo various types of extensions. This brings a change in your outlook from the constant look that you have. One should feel free to use extensions in your hair as they are made up of natural hairs.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Herbal Treatments for Hair Loss

One of the biggest problems that the world is facing nowadays is the baldness. No doubt people are saying the baldness is in trends but every body knows the inner travesty. Hairs are the feature of mammals. Every mammal including humans bears hairs on their body. These hairs serve various essential purposes in the body.

Though hairs are not that essential to humans as for other animals but these are very much essential for cosmetic purposes. But due to hair fall people suffer from conditions like depression as these some way or the other causes mental disturbance.

What to do to prevent hair fall?

One of the best methods to prevent hair fall and to promote hair growth is massage. Massage your scalp regularly. This is the most important activity that should be done on the regular basis. Do massage your scalp essentially for 5 to 10 minutes. Massage gently with the help of your finger tips. One thing should always be kept in mind that never massages your wet hairs. Allow it to dry by itself or blow it dry.

How does massage help?

This massage helps in two ways. Firstly it improves the blood circulation of the scalp thereby supporting the proper nutrition to the scalp. Secondly it helps in getting rid of dead cells and improves the hygiene of scalp and hairs. These methods in turn help in supplying nutrition to the hair follicles. Our hair arises from the hair follicles that are present in our scalp. When these scalp pores (hair follicles) gets blocked some how, it leads to hair fall or growth bad textured hairs. Through massage these pores gets opened then thus promoting hair growth. Secondly as the nutrition is supplied to the hair roots that are situated in the hair follicle then it gets nourished and again leads to hair grown and its promotion.

Is massaging the scalp is sufficient for preventing hair loss and to promotes hair growth?

The answer here will surely be no. Thought massage is very essential to achieve hair growth but the massage should be done with the help of some nutrient and supplement that are essential for hair growth. These can be hair oils, hair creams and hair packs etc. These work as the food for hairs, providing nourishment to them.

What are these hair foods?

This is the term used for the nutrients that are required by hair follicles to satisfy there requirements. This helps in strengthening the root of hairs and also provides growth of healthy hairs.

Ayurveda, the herbal heath science has mentioned many of these hair foods. Some of them are listed below.

� Coconut oil � coconut oil is one of the best hair food. It helps in revitalizing hairs and makes them look lively. It has certain properties that are helpful in supplementing the deficiency of the hairs is responsible for hair fall. Gentle massage with coconut oil twice a week followed by streaming will give you excellent long and silky hairs. It is also effective in treating dandruff and premature graying of hairs.

� Til or sesame oil � another wonderful hair supplement that not only promotes hair growth but also makes your hair look black and shiny. It nourishes the hair roots that intern leads to the beautiful hair growth. It not only nurtures the hair follicle but also improves blood circulation to the scalp. It helps in curbing dandruff and makes hairs naturally black. Apply til taila (oil) once a week on the scalp and massage gently followed by streaming after one hour.

� Almond oil � massage with almond oil is a great assert to our body. No doubt it helps in good hair growth but it is also very beneficial for our brain, it helps in improving memory and mental concentration. Commonly known as badaam in Indian subcontinent. It is also a dry fruit and is very often consumed in India to enhance the memory skills. It is also helpful in improving the skin texture and makes skin complexion fairer. Almond oil should be applied once a week on the scalp followed by steaming after 1 hour.

� Amalaki powder � Amalaki or commonly known as amla. It is a wonder herb. The powder of its dried fruit is extremely helpful in reducing the hair fall and also stimulates hair follicles to promote growth of new hairs. It can be used in both ways i.e. for local application and for oral use. Its powder is mixed with water to attain a texture of a paste. This paste is applied on the scalp and left undisturbed for an hour. After that it is washed off. For oral consumption 3 to 5 grams of amla powder is consumed with water twice daily.

� Aloe-vera gel � aloe vera is a multipurpose plant that is very helpful in preventing hair loss and skin related problems. The gel or the pulp from the leaves is very helpful in promoting hair growth. It also provides coolness to the head and helps in preventing any infection on the scalp. Aloe vera gel can be applied on the scalp twice or thrice a week.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Keeping curly hair healthy when it's cold

In drier weather, especially when it's cold, special considerations must be taken to keep hair healthy all year �round. My best advice is to stay hydrated. Drinking lots of water can keep you beautiful inside and out no matter what the weather, but will especially help your scalp. Water is one of the most important parts of my routine, making me look and feel healthier head to toe!

If you have sensitive skin, you may want to avoid shampoos and conditioners with a lot of dye and perfume, which can make it worse. If your scalp is dry, a moisturizing conditioner can do the trick. If you ask me, conditioner is a panacea for a litany of curly hair woes. But beware. If you don't rinse well, the build up can also lead to flakes. There are many good choices out there. Olive oil is a great natural conditioner that you can find on your kitchen counter top!

One characteristic of curly hair, especially if it's thick, is that it may not need to be washed everyday. This can be hard if you swim or play on a sports team, but if you don't, try putting on a shower cap before you hop in the shower. This will allow your scalp to retain some of the natural oils and regain its natural balance. The combination of dry air outside, and dry air inside (thanks to indoor heating) can really make your body's own natural conditioner an asset.

We know that heat can dry out our hair, straightening and excess blow-drying being the first examples that come to mind. Long, steaming hot showers (while one of my favorite ways to relax before bed on a particularly cold night) can also have the same effect. Try lowering the temperature a bit so it's not quite so scalding and see if your hair doesn't benefit!

Winter can be a dreary time, but one thing that doesn't have to suffer in the colder months is your hair! So, take good care of it, and enjoy flake free, shiny, curly hair locks from January to July.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Hair Extension NY will give you the perfect hairstyle

Who would not love to hair that is easily manageable and never goes bad? Well everybody would love to have such hair and style them daily just as they want to. However most of us know this is something which is not so easy to achieve. Hair extensions are a relatively new technique which is being used to give a new hairstyle and length to people who are not satisfied with the type of hair that they have. Looking good and appearing presentable is crucial for being successful and your hair style ahs a big say in the way you look.

Hair extension NY is a simple method that can be made use of by women who are staying in that city. Hair extensions have come a long way due to the use of many new techniques and innovations. For someone who has not heard about this, the term may be very confusing and you might be thinking what on earth hair extensions are? These are the initial responses, but believe me once you come to know all about this new technique, you will realize how wonderful this is. To get knowledge about hair extensions, you need a proper source. Make sure that source is authentic; you do not want to be put off about something that is so amazing just because you do not have proper info on that.

The web is a good source from you to about gathering all the information which you want about hair extensions. Hair extensions are nothing, but external hair which is added with your natural hair to give you an entirely new hairstyle, look and feel. You can use either natural human hair or artificial synthetic hair for this that is up to you. However hair stylists suggest using natural human hair is the best option as you can easily find hair which will suit your hair color and texture easily. Also the artificial synthetic hair can look like a wig, if the procedure is not done properly.

With the passage of time certain amounts of damage can also be caused to the synthetic hair. So you have to make sure that you have all the knowledge about the procedure and make a wise choice regarding whether you should undergo the procedure or not. If you decide that you want to undergo the procedure, make sure that go to a hair stylist who is professionally qualified to do this. You would surely not want to take a risk by going to a stylist whop does not have the requisite qualification and experience to do hair extensions.

After undergoing the procedure, make sure that you listen to all that the stylists asks you to do. Follow all the aftercare procedures dutifully, if you want your hair to stay healthy for a long time. After all this is your hair and you will surely do what is best for it. Hair extension can not only give you a new hair style but also help in increasing the length of your hair and adding volume to the hair, if your hair lacks that.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Hair extension pictures will show you the wonders of hair extension

Hair extension is a smart and simple way through which you can change your hairstyle. Today, the world is very competitive and looking good is one of the vital essentials for being successful. Hair extension is a technique that can help you in extending the length of your hair, increasing the volume of your hair or simply changing your hair style. It is inevitable that you would want to change your hairstyle, after all who likes to have the same hairstyle all the time?

Hair extension is a relatively new technology that is being used for stylizing hairs and it is but natural that you will have certain questions about this. A good way of solving your dilemma would be to look at hair extension pictures. By looking at hair extension pictures, you can actually see the results that people have been enjoying after undergoing the procedure. The hair extension pictures will give you a clear image and let you know what hair extension actually is.

Hair extension is a new development in the field of cosmetology and it is understandable if you do not have proper knowledge about this. Even after looking at the hair extension pictures, if you are not able to find out exactly what hair extension is you can talk to a professional hair stylist. He or she will be able to tell you exactly what this is. If you want to experiment with your looks, you can go ahead and try out hair extensions. It will be better if you know someone who has undergone this procedure. You can get first hand information about everything you want to know related to this.

Hair extension is nothing but a simple method by using which you can add new extension to your hair. The extensions can be put by using different methods. You can talk with your hair stylist and find out what method can be used for putting hair extension. The different ways are bonding, through the use of coils and clips, and through the use of glues that are made up of certain chemicals. If you are allergic to any chemicals, have a word with your stylist about this. You surely do not want to end up with an allergic reaction after you have done hair extensions.

You can check out the album at your hair stylist's salon and look at the hair extension pictures that they have. Looking at the picture will give you an idea bout the type of work that the stylist has been doing and is capable of doing. Putting hair extensions does not need much time. If you go to a professional who is an expert at putting hair extensions, you can get the work done in about two to three hours.

You will have to take proper care of your hair extension if you want it to stay for a long time. Ideally, you should not wash your hair for at least two days after putting on the extensions. Follow all the aftercare routine that your stylist asks you to keep your hair looking strong, shiny and healthy.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Hair Loss Treatment and Solution

Hair forms a beautiful part of human body. All human beings wish to have strong and healthy hair and people often go to any extent to have a beautiful crowning glory. Hair treatments and hair specialization has become a multi million dollar industry today. But even with the development of modern techniques, hair loss has become a very big problem with many people. In Ayurveda, hair is considered as the excretory product of the bones, which is one among the Dhatus. It also advocates application of oil everyday especially on the head, ears and feet. From this, one can understand the importance Ayurveda, has given in maintaining healthy hair.

Hair loss is a problem that has become a worldwide phenomenon in modern times. The reason for such a drastic increase in this problem is many.

a. Stress and strain of the modern life: - Unlike olden times stress is more with today's life. Tension causes hair loss. Besides other than the courses many beauty parlors offer, people have no time for elaborate hair care that was done years before.

b. Excessive use of chemicals as in hair coloring, dyeing etc.: - With the passage of time instead of using the tested and tried way of using herbs, people are running around for the short time treatment. They are on the lookout for more results in less time and hence undergo many capsule treatments. Most of these use chemical components, which may cause allergy in some people. Besides extensive use of chemicals can harm the hair. It is said that if chlorine water is used for washing hair, then we have to wash it again with good drinking water so as to wash of the residue. Many people while going to a particular city complain of hairball due to chlorine water. Chemicals used for coloring, dyeing etc plays a main role in hair loss

c. Diseases such as anaemia, allopacia etc also is the reason for hair fall. Apart from these, constant use of drugs in many serious ailments also results in hair fall. After surgery some people complain of hair fall.

d. Heriditary: - This is also a main factor. Nothing can be done for the hereditary baldness. To an extent treatment can be provided for hair loss. But if the problem is hereditary then chances for hair growth in a vast scale is negligible.

e. Carelessness: - Carelessness also causes falling of the hair. Tying the hair for many days without proper combing, bathing in hot water can cause hair loss. Besides if left without proper oil application hair strands become dry and often there are chances for breakage of hair. Tying the hair wet can cause broken ends.

These are but a few of the reasons for hair loss. Now we can consider the main remedies for this problem.

Previously people used to have dark, lustrous and abundant hair because they used to pamper hair a lot. In this modern life people can overcome the problem of hair loss and can have good hair if they spare some time for its care. Applying some mild oil, which is slightly heated, and massaging it all over the scalp through gentle motion of the finger improve the blood supply and enhances the growth of hair. Besides instead of using shampoo and other chemicals it is often advised to use some herbal concotions, which are really good for the hair. These products are available in the market.

Ayurveda offers many such good medicines for this problem. Henna is a good conditioner. Include healthy food in the diet. Instead of using the hair drier, we can use some medicated fumes, which will help to dry the air naturally and will not have any side effects. Our grandmothers are all very particular about this. Including fresh leafy vegetables and lots of water is also advised. Amla is good for the hair. Honey can also be used to wash the hair. Kanhunni is an herb, which helps in hair growth. There are many oils in Ayurveda, which uses this herb. Proper care also is necessary. Washing the hair daily reduces the accumulation of dirt and grime in the hair. Once the hair is dry, gently comb the hair. It is good to run the comb through the scalp without getting knots.

In general, hair loss is a big problem. If we have the time and proper care, then we can overcome this problem.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Can Vitamins Grow Hair Back?

Taking hair vitamins and good nutrition are vital to healthy
hair growth, just as it's essential to overall good health. The
question is what vitamins aid in hair growth?

Although your body needs a variety of vitamins and minerals to
maintain proper body functions, there are several that are
specific to hair growth and health.

When starting a new vitamin regime, it usually takes
from 2 to 3 months to see results in your hair's
condition. That means that patience and consistency
is very important. It's also important to check with your
doctor before starting a vitamin program, especially if you
have health concerns.

So just what vitamins aid in hair growth? only you can tell. Have a look at
the list below and decide which vitamin is more suitable for you.

Vitamin A
Antioxidant that helps produce healthy sebum in the scalp. Food sources: Fish
liver oil, meat, milk, cheese, eggs, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, carrots,
apricots and peaches.

Vitamin C
Antioxidant that helps maintain skin & hair health.

Vitamin E
Antioxidant that enhances scalp circulation.

Helps produce keratin, may prevent graying and hair loss.

Keeps hair follicles healthy at the cellular level.

Niacin (Vitamin B3)
Promotes scalp circulation.

Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5)
Prevents graying and hair loss.

Vitamin B6
Prevents hair loss, helps create melanin, which gives hair its color.

Vitamin B12
Prevents hair loss.

You can hopefully make an informed decision about hair vitamins now you
know what vitamins aid in hair growth.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Vitamins and Hair Loss

Vitamins are necessary for your body health as well as hair health. Different vitamins contribute to maintain your body metabolism and hair growth. These also prevent your hair from falling. So it is very important for you to take different vitamins in your daily diet in sufficient quantity. Some of the most important vitamins and minerals that are necessary in maintaining your hair growth are biotin, folic acid, magnesium, sulfur, zinc and inositol. Having these vitamins and minerals in enough quantity will prevent hair loss and maintain your hair growth. However, consuming these vitamins and minerals in excess may cause a lot of problem. So it is very important for you to know, how much of these vitamins and minerals you needs in your daily diet. You can take the help of your nutritionist to gain knowledge of this. You also can get sufficient information from internet websites and magazines etc.

Scientists have performed a number of tests on these vitamins and minerals to know how these helps human hair either to grow or prevent them. And from different studies the vitality of these vitamins and minerals for human hair has been established. For example; scientists have found that a deficiency of magnesium results in hair loss in porches. Similarly, a deficiency of inositol or biotin result in total hair loss or complete baldness. Luckily, the complete baldness has never been the case with females, till date.

If you think that you are losing your hair and need some more vitamins to consume in your diet, you can choose from various food diet rich in vitamins necessary for hair growth. You also can opt for multivitamins. But before choosing any option, it would be better in your interest to consult your doctor or nutritionist to know the exact intake that you need to have. As you know that the excess of vitamins and minerals also leads to problems like hair loss. So think for a minute, if the reason of your hair problems is an over consumption of vitamins and minerals.

For example: vitamin A is good for your immune system and your hair health if you consume in right quantity. But when taken in excess may cause hair problems and many other health problems too. Fatty acids are another example; different fatty acids maintain your hair texture and save them from dryness, but when consumed in excessive quantity leads to problems.

This is also in best interests of yours' to prefer diet rich in different vitamins and minerals rather than opting for vitamin supplements and multivitamins. Make sure that your diet contains all the necessary nutrients and vitamins and minerals. Eat whole grain breads, a lot of leafy green vegetables, especially greens and drink a lot of water. Include in your diet various dairy products like milk, cheese, butter and poultry products like egg, etc. Sea food like cod fish will also help your hair to make good, gorgeous and healthy. Eat a lot of whole fruits. Although, you can have fruit juices occasionally but having more of whole fruits than fruit juices is much better idea.

You also can try on different shampoos and hair oils to maintain your hair health. But don't try any product on the basis of TV advertisements. Ask your doctor or health care expert for the right kind of oil and shampoo that will prevent your hair from falling and make healthy and good looking.

No matter what you try for your hair health, it is always better idea to have food rich in different nutrients and vitamins and minerals to maintain your body and hair health.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

How To Shampoo Hair??

Your hair are your style statement, and you need to take care of these. Though you are taking care of your hair. You wash / shampoo your hair regularly to make them bacteria free. You dry your hair and you comb them too. Some time you also use conditioner to make them looking healthy. But still you are not happy with your hair. Why? It is the method of shampooing which plays a key role in keeping your hair healthy and in shape.
So it is very important to know about hair care in general and shampooing hair in particular. Knowing about hair care and the method of shampooing will make your hair stay in shape and at the same time it will prevent you from hair loss. Hairs are equally important for all the people.

How to shampoo??

Take warm or cool water and saturate your hair and scalp. Take small amount of shampoo about quarter to palm and rub you palms together to distribute it evenly. Do massage of your scalp with finger balls gently in all the areas of your head. If your scalp is oily then repeat the process 2 to 3 times. The purpose of shampooing your hair is to remove the scalp, so don't wrestle with your hair.

How to do conditioning?

After rinsing shampoo, take some conditioner in one palm and rub both the palm together to dispense it evenly. Do conditioning from the middle of the hair shaft down to ends. If you have oily scalp then do massage of the conditioner onto scalp. Comb you hairs gently so that the conditioner get distributed uniformly. Leave conditioner for a minute or so. Rinse properly shampoo and conditioner from your scalp. While rinsing run your fingers from scalp to tip, so that rinsing will be proper and no shampoo and conditioner left behind.

To wash or not to wash?

How frequently you shampoo your hair depends on your hair, curly or straight, long or short, and what type of your scalp is? Depending on the individual choice; you can shampoo your hair on every other day.
Should you occasionally change you shampoo??
The chemical combination of all the hair care shampoos is the same and after all the purpose is same, applying shampoo means removing scalp. So you do not need to switch your brand. Only you need to do shampooing properly to keep your hair healthy, and shaped to give you a cool look.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Hair Weaving and Hair Grafting

What is hair weaving?

It's the science of weaving or braiding human or synthetic hair to the roots of existing, healthy hair so that it grows along with natural hair, thus giving the impression of a thick growth. It's also called hair integration or hair intensification. It's a procedure appropriate for people with thinning hair. It's not something that requires a hospital visit; it's usually done in salons as a temporary procedure.

How does it work?

Two or three shafts of hair natural or synthetic are woven into the root area. Some of the natural hair is woven or braided together to act as an anchor, to which the add-on tufts are sewn, woven, knitted or glued. The extensions have to be repositioned every five or six weeks as the natural hair grows out.

Sounds Complex.

It is. Apart from the sheer tedium of repeated �surgeries', the procedure stresses the existing hair as well. Also, keeping the scalp and hair clean is a problem, as vigorous washing could loosen the new hair. The American Hair Loss Council advises the procedure only for people with plenty of healthy hair, and that too, for periods not longer than a few weeks. A patch test is essential to ensure the person undergoing the procedure is not allergic to any of the adhesives or implants used.

Implants for the hair

A non-surgical implant is the dressed-up term now used for a simple procedure that has been upgraded over the years. Actually, a non surgical implant describes the attachment of a hair system to existing hair with surgical glue, and subsequent trimming to ensure the add-ons blend with natural hair.

What about more long-term solutions?

Hair Graft. This is the most popular surgical method, but it can be done only on people who are partially bald. The results are permanent and can be achieved in four or five sittings. The procedure involves removing hair follicles from the back of the head (where the growth is the most persistent) and implanting them on the pate. This hair grows naturally, requiring no follow-up action. It'll never resemble a thick mane, but it's presentable.

Tissue Expansion

It involves implanting silicon balloons with hair bearing skin on either side of the head. The implants are inside the skin over the ears so that the hair bearing part of the head expands. The expansions are then re-grafted in front of the head, so the hair appears to grow naturally from there.

This calls for two surgical procedures, one at the time of implantation and the other for re-grafting.

Any drawbacks to the surgical procedures?

There may be swelling, bruising or mild pain inhibiting normal activity for a couple of days after the procedure. There may also be numbness on the back of the neck, from where a strip of skin is removed. Also, it's important to remember that individual hair types and characteristics- such as wavy or curly hair- affect the results.

Thursday, November 9, 2006

More Vitamins and Minerals Needed for Hair Growth

In another article, I pointed out the importance of making sure you get plenty vitamin A and B-vitamins every day for healthy hair. There are addition vitamins and minerals that you want to make sure you maintain your diet to make sure you reduce hair loss.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is responsible for the development of healthy collagen, which is necessary to hold body tissues together. A vitamin C deficiency can cause split ends and hair breakage, yet this is easily reversible with an increase to normal vitamin C levels. Vitamin C can be found in foods such as fresh peppers, citrus fruits, melons berries, potatoes, tomatoes, and dark green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is necessary to provide good blood circulation to the scalp by increasing the uptake of oxygen. Vitamin E is derived from foods such as green leafy vegetables, nuts, grains, vegetable oils, and most ready-to-eat cereals, which are fortified with vitamin E. Vitamin E deficiencies are rare in people in North America and Europe.


Copper is a trace mineral that is also necessary in the production of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is vital to the process of carrying oxygen to tissues and to the hair follicle. Good sources of copper are liver, seafood, nuts, and seeds.


Another key mineral vital in the production of hemoglobin is iron. Iron is found in two forms, heme and non-heme; heme iron is much easier to absorb into the system. Of course most people know that red meat is a good source of iron, however red meat is non-heme iron and is difficult for the body to absorb, as are many iron supplements.

Good heme iron sources are green leafy vegetables, kidney beans, and bran. Also, one can increase the absorption of non-heme iron into the body by consuming non-heme food sources and vitamin C sources in the same meal.


Zinc is another vital component of healthy hair. Zinc is responsible for cell production, tissue growth and repair, and the maintenance of the oil-secreting glands of the scalp. It also plays a large role in protein synthesis and collagen formation. For this reason, zinc is important for both hair maintenance and dandruff prevention.

Most Americans are deficient in zinc. Most foods of animal origin, particularly seafood, contain good amounts of zinc; oysters are particularly rich in zinc. Zinc is also found in eggs and milk, although in much smaller amounts. Zinc from sources such as nuts, legumes, and natural grains differ from than those found in animal sources and are not easily used by the body. Oats are a good source of zinc, which is readily absorbed by the body.

If you take antacid for heartburn you lower your ability to digest and absorb vitamin C and iron. As you make your stomach acid more alkaline, with antacids, your ability to absorb vitamin C and iron decrease.

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

How To Treat Dry Hair

Hair is a remarkably tough material but over time abuse can wreak havoc with its natural properties. The hair becomes weakened, loses its elasticity and shine and becomes dull, brittle and eventually breaks. Hair is composed primarily of proteins (88%). These proteins are of a hard fibrous type known as keratin. Keratin protein is comprised of what we call "polypeptide chains". Hair normally has a moisture content of approximately 10%. Dry hair is hair that does not have enough moisture and oil to maintain its normal sheen and texture. Dry hair may result from too much washing, harsh detergents, a dry environment, inadequate diet, or underlying conditions, such as those due to malnutrition. Dry, brittle hair may be a symptom of metabolic diseases such as hypothyroidism and Menkes kinky hair syndrome. Dry hair is often caused by too much time in the sun, chlorine, salt water, over-shampooing, permanents, heat styling, or neglect. Healthy, silky hair is something we all want, but in our fast paced, fast food world, dry hair is what many of us have.

The long, luxurious locks on models in fashion magazines and the flowing curls of the girls on shampoo bottles may seem out of reach for the rest of us, but take heart. Dry hair may be the result of several factors, such as an unhealthy lifestyle, poor diet lacking vitamins and nutrients, or the usage of products containing ingredients too harsh for your hair. Dry hair does not need washing as often as normal or greasy hair. Dry hair should be washed with a gentle shampoo. Massage the scalp to stimulate the follicles and loosen dandruff/dirt that may be clogging the pores. Use a swimming cap while in pools or salt water, and always rinse hair thoroughly after swimming. Heat styling such as hair dryers, curling irons, and hot curlers all cause dry hair. Perms, bleaching and color treatments cause dry hair as well. Use a soft brush for dry hair, taking care not to tug through knots.

Brushing the hair from top to bottom will also stimulate the scalp and bring sebum down to the ends. Exercise and a good night's rest are good for the rest of your body, but they also help treat dry hair. Exercise contributes to proper blood flow, and sleep will give you better health overall. Many times dry hair indicates a poor diet or even mild dehydration. Always drink plenty of water, eat a balanced diet of good proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and consider vitamin and mineral supplements. Vitamins A, C, E, and calcium are all good for treating dry hair. Do not wash your hair every day. Let your scalp's natural oils help treat your hair. Use a shampoo that contains humectants (like panthenol or glycerin) which will encourage water to bind to your hair to reduce dryness. Avoid coloring, straightening, or perming your hair. Apply a few drops of safflower oil to your hands, rub them together, and then work some of it into the ends. Eat plenty of essential fatty acids (but avoid cholesterol).

Dry Hair Treatment Tips

1. Take a few drops of safflower oil in your palms and carefully take your hair (while dry).

2. Leave this in your hair for atleast 2 hours before washing.

3. Use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner (on ends only) every other day. Rinse with water alone on off days.

4. Avoid heat-styling (blow-drying, flat-ironing) as often as possible because it damages your hair.

5. Use a cold water rinse (this closes hair shafts, makes hair shiny, and lessens the chance of breakage and split ends).

6. Apply 5 tablespoons of honey on the scalp and hair.

7. Massage your hair with warm almond oil.

8. Do not wash your hair every day. Let your scalp's natural oils help treat your hair.

9. Apply the conditioner only to the ends of your hair.

10. Avoid coloring, straightening, or perming your hair.

Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Hair Loss in Men � Provillus to the Rescue!

Hair Loss in Men � Provillus to the Rescue!

Over 50 million men in the US suffer from Male Pattern Baldness today and that has created a billion dollar a year market for hair loss products. If you're one of these 50 million you'll be looking for help with hair restoration while preventing thinning hair from turning your head into a solar panel for a sex machine!

Provillus may sound like a Russell Crowe type gladiator from the Roman war flick, but in fact it is a combination of active hair replacement ingredients that have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This hair loss remedy has been uniquely formulated to promote hair growth faster than Maximus chopped the heads off those guys in the arena!

Male Pattern Baldness is caused by testosterone, and specifically dihydrotestosterone or DHT in your body getting out of control and beating up on the slave hair follicles. The DHT and testosterone are vital for your body as it makes you the man that you are, but after you become an adult it starts to have some adverse effects and hair loss is one of them.

Hair follicles need a good supply of blood and nutrients in order to make good, strong hair. The DHT ties itself to the follicles and slowly puts a choke hold on their blood supply. It takes some time, but you'll notice first of all thinning hair leading to bald areas as the hairs fall out and are not replaced. When this happens you will not be entertained!

If you leave the bald area untreated the follicles will permanently stop working and no amount of hair loss treatment will get them to work again. When this happens you'll need a hair transplant, so it's really important that you deal with hair loss before it gets to that stage.

Provillus works by promoting hair growth and hair regrowth where follicles have only recently stopped working. Unlike prescription medications such as Finasteride (Propecia) it won't upset your body's natural hormonal balance or make your scalp feel like it's on fire.

There is nothing in Provillus that is not natural. Vitamin B6 works together with zinc and magnesium to help promote healthy follicles and naturally control the level of testosterone that affects the scalp. Eleuthero, Saw Palmetto and other herb and plant extracts that have been known to help cure baldness since Roman times are also included and these promote good blood flow and deliver essential nutrients for building strong healthy hair.

Provillus will also not cut your testosterone levels. As any gladiator will know, having a healthy level of testosterone is essential; it makes you the man that you are for a start. If you already buy Propecia you may have experienced some of the less than manly side effects such as a loss of interest in the opposite sex and man boobs! Many doctors who order Propecia tend to gloss over the detrimental effects that tinkering with your testosterone can have as they focus on what you're asking for � some more hair please.

It pays to give side effects some special attention when you are looking at a hair loss treatment program. Many users with hair loss prescriptions tend to forget that there is a little slip of paper in there that outlines the side effects of using the medication. These may include impotence, loss of male characteristics (growing man boobs), and depression to more serious ailments such as blood pressure and heart complications. If your partner is pregnant she should not even come into any physical contact with the medication and that may mean you if you've just slapped some solution on your head.

You can use Provillus as a prevention treatment for hair loss if you come from a family that has a history of baldness (just look at your dad to see if you're in the same genetic cohort) � unlike Finasteride, you can use Provillus to keep your follicles in great shape and reduce the risk of developing Male Pattern Baldness to begin with.

Provillus is simple and safe. It has no side effects that are going to make you come downstairs in the morning and sound like one of Emperor Commodus' eunuchs. You can buy Provillus online and you'll notice a hefty difference in the price of this 100% natural remedy compared to other brand name formulations.

Monday, November 6, 2006

How to Prevent Hair Loss � 9 Easy Steps to Save Your Hair

As men start to mature unfortunately there are some physical changes. We start to get wrinkles and our bellies start to get bigger. One of the worst changes though and one that can keeps many a man awake at night is the loss of you hair.

Hair Loss actually begins for most men in their late 20's early 30's. The loss is most evident around the crown and temples. It is put down to a chemical called DHT. This hair loss can be stopped and even in some cases reversed with the use of certain hair technology systems (which we will come to later).
There are though a series of measure listed here that may seem obvious but if followed are easy steps that can naturally slow hair loss.

1. Don't' pull you hair

By pulling ones hair you are placing strain on the hair follicle and may cause permanent damage which results in that particular follicle not being able to grow hair again.

2. Be careful not to rub you scalp against a towel to dry it.

The same reason as for not pulling your hair rubbing your scalp can damage a hair follicle. If possible pat away excess moisture and then leave the hair to dry naturally.

3. Don't use wigs (unless advised to by a doctor)

The scalp needs to breathe for the hair follicles to work to their maximum effect. Using a wig suffocates the follicles and leads to damage which results in further thinning of the hair.

4. Use the correct shampoo according to your hair.

Follow the directions and use the right shampoo for your hair (i.e. for thin hair use a thin hair shampoo). Shampoos are formulated for a reason and giving your hair the most help possible is a good idea. Also never over wash your hair otherwise you deprive it of all its natural oils and it will lead to irreversible damage.

5. Don't use permanent or colorants.

Using any chemicals on the hair can lead to damage of the scalp and hair follicles and thus leading to these follicles no longer being able to support hair growth.

6. Always wash you hair thoroughly after using shampoo

Shampoo contains soap and chemicals and needs to be washed of thoroughly after use otherwise they will also ruin your scalp.

7. Don't eat greasy food.

Your hair is a good way to measure you health. In fact scientist now use one single strand of hair to test if a person has been taking drugs or test if a person maybe allergic to any foods. The old nugget "You are what you eat" is never more accurate than with your hair. Treat your body well and you hair will show the benefit.

8. Don't led your head get sunburn (Be careful of exposure)
If you are going out in the sun be sure to use cream on your exposed scalp or use a hat so that you don't damage your scalp and follicles.

9. Wash your hair after bathing in the sea or in a chlorine swimming pool.

This is for similar reasons to making sure you wash you hair after shampoo. Washing your hair gets rid of the salt/chlorine making sure your that your hair and scalp are protected.

These simple steps will help any man to slow down the effects of hair loss. There are other systems out there that can help revive hair follicles so that it can support hair growth again. Most of these systems use laser technology such as the Androhair laser comb for example.

Sunday, November 5, 2006

Hair Loss Prevention- Why Do Castrated Men Never Go Bald?

Note-This content only presents overviews of hair loss prevention research for educational purposes and does not replace medical advice from a professional physician.

The best start to preventing hair loss is understanding the basics of hair: what it is, how it grows, what system malfunctions can cause it to stop growing.

Most common hair loss comes under what has been commonly known as Male Pattern Baldness (MPB). Although referred to as MPB, females suffer a similar syndrome, so it is more properly called androgenetic alopecia. Although hair loss is not life or health threatening, it can cause serious problems with a person's psyche and self-confidence. There has been no absolute cure found for hair loss, and many factors of hair loss are hereditary, however there are several preventative measures one can take to maintain healthy hair and scalp.

Although both men and women can suffer significant hair loss, over 50% of men will suffer with Male Pattern Baldness (MPB), also known as androgenetic alopecia, at some point in their lives. The reason behind hair loss is a genetically inherited sensitivity to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and 5-alpha-reductase. The enzyme 5-alpha-reductase converts testosterone, a male hormone, to DHT, the substance identified as the end-cause for hair loss.

Hair loss has been noticed and studied throughout the ages, and some interesting discoveries were made in ancient times. For one it was noticed that eunuchs: those males without genitals-never went bald. Men who were castrated as a result of accidents in battle also never went bald. This was the first indication that testosterone had something to do with hair loss. It has also been found that the more recessive the hair gene, the more propensity toward baldness one has.

Some common myths have arisen concerning hair loss. Because of medical advancements many of these myths are being addressed and corrected. For starters, although androgenetic alopecia or pattern baldness is genetic and therefore can be hereditary, it is not passed down through only your mother's side of the family. Either side of the family can pass down the genetic disposition toward baldness. Also, contrary to old family tales, wearing hats does not cause baldness either.

Beyond the genetic propensity of certain people toward hair loss, there seems to be various dietary triggers that activate the process, a notion that is promising since this can be controlled.

The effects of high-fat diets and the increase of DHT (Dihydrotestosterone), a chemical produced by the body found to cause hair loss, is not conclusive at this time. However, there does seem to be a connection; as societies that consumed relatively low-fat diets such as pre-World War II Japan experienced almost no pattern baldness, whereas in post-World War II Japan there is an increase in pattern baldness as their society consumes a higher fat diet. In fact, Asian and African men in their native countries traditionally suffer very little Male Pattern Baldness (MPB). Although when the same peoples come to North America, they begin to develop MPB.

Because people of all races and ethnicities tend to develop MPB or androgenetic alopecia, yet do not exhibit these tendencies before moving to America, changes in diet may be a leading contributing factor. Diets high in fat do increase testosterone, which is the main component in DHT. More research needs to be done on this topic to reach conclusive evidence, although it certainly could not hurt to lower one's fat intake.

There are a number of foods and substances to avoid and limit the intake of. Substances such as alcohol, caffeine, sugar and nicotine can deplete the body of nutrients and raise adrenal levels, which will cause a chain reaction of producing more androgen and causing hair loss. High levels of saturated fat and cholesterol rich foods are also linked to increased DHT levels and their consumption should be limited. Additionally, common table salt has been linked to hair loss. And the average diet provides the recommended amount of sodium intake; therefore, salt should never be added to food. However, when using salt for seasoning during cooking, be sure to use salt with Iodine being that it is a nutrient that is vital to hair growth as well, unless you are a regular consumer of seafood, which contains high levels of Iodine.

Although hair loss can be caused by many other variables, lack of proper nutrition will assuredly cause hair loss in many people. Fortunately, adopting a proper diet that includes the proper nutrients can reverse hair loss caused by malnutrition. One thing for certain, regardless of whether your hair loss was caused by malnutrition or not, adopting a healthier diet will help the function of other areas of the body.

There are some methods that have been used that prevent hair loss on some people, in addition to the dietary improvements, there are some naturopathic remedy suggestions. Massage and aromatherapy have been used with some success. In minor cases of temporary hair loss, hair growth can be stimulated by massage, since blood and oxygen flow to the scalp must be healthy in order for hair to grow. A blend of six drops each of lavender and bay essential oils in a base of four ounces of either almond, soybean or sesame oil massaged into the scalp and allowed to sit for 20 minutes has been used by aroma therapists to stimulate the scalp. Once the mixture is in the scalp for 20 minutes, wash your hair and scalp with your normal shampoo mixed with three drops of bay essential oil. Massaging the scalp in general for a couple of minutes a day can stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles and in mild cases stimulate some hair growth. Of course, one must be careful to be gentle when massaging and not tug at the hair or use the fingernails when massaging the scalp. If one is concerned about fingernails getting in the way due to extra long fingernails, there are several options. One is a flat-handed massage, which while not as effective as the finger massage can provide some circulatory benefits and results.

There are several electric massagers on the market that have an attachment for scalp massaging as well. An oriental method called Qi Gong (pronounced Chi Kung) has been used to increase circulation to the scalp and face also. The fingers should be placed at the center of the skull base and then begin to tap approximately 30 times. Work your way outward toward the ears continuing to tap gently. After reaching the ears go back to the center of the skull a little higher up and work your way around to the ear region. Keep going up about eight levels, each time repeating the process.

There is a definite connection between the prostate and hair loss for men, and therefore a connection between breakthroughs in BPH treatments developed and their effectiveness in restoring hair growth. There have been some herbalists that have experimented with the herb Saw Palmetto in order to block the production of DHT in treating BPH. Although most studies of Saw Palmetto have been for the treatment of prostatic disease, more recent studies have been conducted on its effectiveness in treating loss. The herb has been found to work in fighting benign prostatic disease by lowering levels of DHT, which is a known cause of androgenetic alopecia. Studies have shown Saw Palmetto extract is an effective anti-androgen and therefore there is promise for its effectiveness as an effective treatment for hair loss prevention.

Rosemary and sage are two herbs that have shown benefit traditionally when used externally. It is suggested that to promote a clean scalp, stimulation of the hair root, and thickening hair one should boil together in water rosemary, sage, peach leaf, nettle and burdock. Then strain the loose herbs from the liquid and use the liquid to wash the hair daily. Also recommended is steeping one ounce of ground rosemary, two ounces of ground sage, and a half ounce of ground nettles in one pint of ethyl alcohol for a week, straining the solution and adding one ounce of castor oil and one ounce of water to the liquid. This is said to make a great hair lotion to apply at night before bed or just before shampooing.

Hair is a living protein, and as with any living part of our bodies we must be sure to maintain proper health to optimize our chances of maintaining a healthy head of hair. Proper nutrition is vital to maintaining healthy hair, since the hair is a living and growing part of the body's system. Viewing it in this manner can help us to treat our bodies different and raise expectations through proper care. A healthy balanced diet, occasionally with the help of vitamin and mineral supplements and exercise are all key components to a healthy regimen of maintaining healthy hair.

There is an obvious link to hair loss and prostatic health and this only increases the pace of hair loss discoveries. Most treatments for prostatic diseases such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) also have the pleasant side affect of growing hair on the heads of those taking it. With the pace of research and discoveries today, there is a great deal of optimism in the field of hair loss prevention and treatment. Hair is an important part of our dress and appearance, therefore a large part of our self-esteem. It is likely that there are answers for your situation presently or coming in the near future.

Remember, the restoration of hair growth is not an overnight process. The process takes time regardless of the method chosen. Be patient and follow as much of the advice given by professionals as possible. Keep in mind that the body is a system, and it is the abuse of this system by food intake and environmental causes that lead to most common hair loss.

Saturday, November 4, 2006

Hair Care Routine - Some Tips

Hair are a reflection of your health & personality. Hair is a remarkably tough material. It can stand up to considerable abuse, but over time your hair gets damaged or loses its natural properties. If taken care off they can add to your beauty. Nutrition is the key to healthy hairs. Nutrition is the most effective way of getting awesome hair. Hair is a filamentous outgrowth of dead cells from skin, found only on mammals. It projects from the epidermis, though it grows from hair follicles deep in the dermis. Although many other life forms, especially insects, show filamentous outgrowths, these are not considered "hair" in the accepted meaning of the term. Humans have three different types of hair: Lanugo, the fine hair that covers nearly the entire body of fetuses. Vellus hair, the short, fine, "peach fuzz" body hair that grows in most places on the human body. Terminal hair, the fully developed hair, which is generally longer, coarser, thicker, and darker than vellus hair. Hair texture is measured by the degree of which one's hair is either fine or coarse, which in turn varies according to the diameter of each individual hair.

Many hair care products is available in market. Head massage is a beautiful relaxing treatment practiced for thousands of years. Shampoos are designed to cleanse the hair and scalp, removing dirt and grime without stripping away too much of the natural sebum. Hair straightening is a technique used to eliminate curls and reduce wavy hair in which the basic structure of curly or wavy hair is changed to a straight form. Some important hair and scalp care is necessary for those donning the stylish braids. Dabbing a bit of sunblock on the scalp is critical to preventing sunburn. Hair extensions are a huge self-esteem booster because they give women the opportunity to get the long hair style look without the wait Hair extensions are individually glued to your own hair, causing damage to your hair and head. Hair rinse is one of the important ways by which we can protect the hair, make it smooth and easier to manage. Instead of running for costly hair products. Hair Brush is very necessary for getting beautiful hair. Beautiful Hair is an asset for any woman. Hair Conditioner is a way of giving the hair the nourishment it needs to look good. The hair follicles receive nourishment from the bloodstream, but the hair shafts ceases to receive nourishment by way of external care.

Hair Care Tips.

1.Castol Oil is better to apply castor oil for a healthy growth of hair.

2. If your hair is thin, wavy, curly or stick straight, try to accept the fact and don't be embarresed and torture your hair by using strong chemicals that may damage it just to straighten it or curl it.

3. Wash hair with tea once in a week.

4. Proper hair care is the use of proper hair care products and proper hair care techniques. Different types of hair need different hair-care products. The use of wrong products for hair care may even damage your hair permanently.

5. Apply besan in the hair and wash it with water drained from the cooked rice.

6. After cleansing, the scalp and hair need toning exercise. The toning of scalp and hair is achieved by gently massaging the head. This helps in stimulating and invigorating the blood circulation required for the healthy growth of hair.

7. Soak a handful of gooseberry in a cup of milk for two hours. Make it as a paste and apply it on your hair.

8. Maintain your hair with pride and consistency. Depending on the length and style, have it trimmed appropriately. If you wear your hair short, have the style refreshed every 3-4 weeks. If you are growing your hair longer, have it trimmed every 6-8 weeks to remove split ends.

9. Coconut Oil Massage: Massage hair with warm coconut oil an hour before washing with a hair shampoo. Let it soak. Cover your head with a hot towel and wash your hair after an hour or so.

10. Apply the mixture of an egg white, 2 spoon of castor oil, 1 spoon glycerin, in the scalp and hair. Wash it after some time.

Friday, November 3, 2006

What Are The Best Hair Loss Treatment Products?

Hair loss products are many and varied � from simple shampoos to hair pieces. They come in liquid form, gels, tablets, etc, etc. You name it, they are out there. The best advice I can give you is read all the information very carefully before committing yourself. Look for words such as �up to'. This means that in some cases there will be this much improvement, but there is no claim that this is so in every case. Some products really will help your hair loss, but are very expensive and if you find that you can no longer afford it your loss may end up as bad as ever. Some claim to give you healthy hair, but this may mean just the hair you have left. Some products are suitable for both sexes and others should be avoided by women, especially if they are of child bearing age.

Remember too that although most hair loss is hereditary there may be other causes. Not all treatments are suitable for all causes, though some such as sprays which darken your scalp so that the hair appears thicker can be used by anyone.

You may prefer to use a safe herbal product such as saw palmetto. Again read the label carefully. Is the herbal component high on the list of ingredients or is it just one of many ingredients, some of which you might wish to avoid.

There are products such as Nanothik which don't actually promote new hair growth, but will thicken up what you do have.

Nanofibres will attach themselves to your remaining hair and give the appearance of a thicker matt of hair. Products such as Nanogaine have had clinical trials. Others, such as saw palmetto baldness treatments, while there are no known side effects, are not controlled by Drug Administration because they are considered to be food supplements.

So remember, read, read and read again and if in doubt consult your doctor, and don't let a little thing like hair loss bother you too much.

Thursday, November 2, 2006

What you need to know about an adequate computer chair

When you work for hours on your computer, you must have an adequate computer chair. In addition, computer chairs should be an important issue at the workplace. These computer chairs help you have a correct posture of the body and they can even improve your performances at work.

Computer chairs come in different sizes, shapes, colors, and fabric. They also come in various prices, so that anyone should afford a computer chair. After all, your health is the most important. Moreover, you should take care of it even though you might think that a computer chair is not so important for your health. Actually, it is. If you do not take care of your health no, you will regret it later on.

You will probably wonder what your health has to do with the computer chair you are sitting on, day by day. However, it does have a great deal to do. Just think about it! If you sit on a normal or inadequate chair, very soon you will start feeling back and neck pains. As time passes, you will also start feeling even headaches. Inadequate chairs can be rather damaging for the health of an individual, particularly if he or she has to stand in one place, in a chair, for the most time during a day's work.

In addition, these problems appear at the majority of people because everyone has a computer nowadays, at the office and as well as at home. Of course, this does not mean that we all have to give up our computers and start writing everything by hand, as people used to. It only means that we must acquire good computer chairs to prevent any potential health problems generally caused by the incorrect posture of the body.

After all, health problems can make us lose our focus on our jobs and even on our family. Because when you feel sick, you cannot face all the daily problems and tasks with the same attitude you assume when you are healthy � but we guess everyone is aware of that.

In addition, a good computer chair can make you feel relaxed. Moreover, you really need to feel this way, taking in consideration that most of us spend eight or more than eight hours a day in front of the computer. The last thing we need is a bad computer chair. We always think of buying the latest computers, latest programs and even special glasses so that the radiations will not cause us problems.

Nevertheless, no one thinks of buying something that will be beneficial for his or her back. Also, if you are not the type of person who, after work or after finishing what you had to do on your computer, goes out for a walk or practices any kind of sport, then you really have to get yourself one of these computer chairs.

When you are feeling physically well, you are feeling mentally well, too. Remember, if you have one of these proper computer chairs, your performances will improve by day. In this manner, you will be able to stop thinking about those nasty back pains and focus more on the important things.

What happens if you want to see a film while you are at your computer desk? Just think about that uncomfortable old chair. Nevertheless, just think how this situation will improve, if you buy one of these special designed chairs for your computer. Specialists design them, just so that you can enjoy the times you sit at your computer.

Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Baldness: Home Remedies for Baldness, Hair Loss Causes

Hair loss avoidance is a must, but many people found that it is harder to find a cure to help with this. Both among men and women hair loss is a general problem. There are certain things that you have to think before it begins, if you are dealing with this problem, or are trying to prevent it from happening. You can keep your hair healthier and thicker by allowing for different resources to avoid hair loss or baldness.

Although hair is not important to life, it is of enough cosmetic concern to provoke unease in anyone when it begins thinning, lessening or disappearing. To a woman, the view of a comb or brush enclosed with lost hair can cause strong mental strain. Hair is created in little pockets in the skill called follicles. An up growth at the base of the follicle, called the papilla, normally produces hair when a particular group of cells turn amino acids into keratin, a sort of protein of which hair is made. The rate of production of these protein 'building blocks' decides hair growth. The average enlargement rate is about 1.2 cm per month, increasing fastest on women between fifteen to thirty years of age.

Hair loss Symptoms

Lose hair found after comb-out, baths
Main hair symptoms are seeing hair on clothes after comb, bald patches and receding hairline. Symptoms are pretty clear for hair loss!

Hair Loss Causes

Lack of vitamins, insufficient nutrition

The most vital cause of hair loss is insufficient nutrition. Persons lacking in vitamin B6 lose their hair and those lacking in folic acid often become totally bald. But the hair grows generally after the liberal intake of these vitamins.

Stress, Prolonged Illness, impure conditions

Other important causes of hair loss are stress such as worry, anxiety, and unexpected shock, general weakness caused by severe or long standing illnesses like typhoid, syphilis, chronic cold, influenza, and anaemia; an unclean situation of the scalp which weakens the hair roots by jamming the pores with the collected dirt; and heredity.

Hair Loss Remedies, Hair loss prevention

1. Treatment for Hair Loss by Rubbing Scalp

An energetic rubbing of the scalp with fingers after washing the hair with cold water is one of the most efficient home remedy for the prevention and treatment of hair loss. The scalp must be rubbed forcefully till it starts to tingle with the heat. It will make active the sebaceous glands and energies the circulation of blood in the affected area, making the hair grows well.

2. Hair Loss home remedy with help of Amla Oil

Amla oil which is made by boiling dry pieces of amla in coconut oil, is regarded a helpful hair tonic for enriching hair growth. A mixture of an equal amount of fresh amla juice and lime juice, used as a shampoo also arouses hair growth and avoids hair loss.

3. Treatment for Hair Loss treatment with Lettuce

Lettuce is helpful in avoiding hair loss. A mixture of lettuce and spinach juice is supposed to help the growth of hair if taken to the degree to half a litre a day

4. Hair Loss home remedy with Amaranth

Amaranth is a good remedy for hair loss treatment. Its fresh leaf juice must be applied to the hair to avoid hair loss. It assists in the growth of the hair and keep it soft.

5. Hair Loss treatment with Alfalfa

The juice of alfalfa, in combination with identical amounts of carot and lettuce juice, taken daily, also assists in the growth of hair to an amazing extent. The combination of these juices is rich in elements which are especially helpful for the growth of hair and prevention of hair loss.

6. Hair Loss treatment with help of Margosa

The leaves of the margosa tree are also helpful in the treatment of hair loss. If hair has been falling or has stop to produce it should be washed with the decoction of neem leaves. This will stop hair from falling and make stable its blackness. It not only lengthens hair but also kill lice.

7. Home remedies for Hair Loss with Mustard Oil and Henna Leaves

Mustard oil, boiled with henna leaves, is helpful for healthy growth of hair. About 250 ml of mustard oil must be boiled in a tin basin and about sixty grams of henna leaves should be slowly put in this oil till they are burnt in the oil. The oil must then be filtered using a cloth and stored. Normal massage of the head with the oil will create abundant hair.

8. Treatment for Hair Loss with Coconut Milk

The application of coconut milk all over the scalp and rubbing it into the hair roots is also useful in the treatment of hair loss. It feeds the hair and endorses hair growth. Coconut milk is made by crushing the coconut shavings and squeezing them well.

9. Hair Loss treatment with Lime-Pepper Seeds

Certain home remedies have also been found helpful in the treatment of patchy hairlessness. The most valuable of these remedies is the seeds of lime and black pepper, ground jointly to get a well paste. This paste applied on the patches, has a gently irritant action. This increases blood circulation to the affected area and rouse hair growth. This paste must be applied two times in a day, for a few weeks.

10. Hair Loss treatment with Liquorice

The paste of liquorice, made by crushing the pieces in milk with a pinch of saffron, is another precious remedy for patchy baldness. This paste must be applied over the bald patches at night before going to bed.

11. Hair Loss treatment with help Onion

Onion is also useful in patchy baldness. The affected area should be massaged with onions morning and evening till it is red. It must be rubbed with honey after that.

12. Hair Loss treatment via Pigeon Pea

A fine paste made from pigeon pea or red gram can also be applied often on bald patches for better results.

13. Hair Loss treatment with Other Remedies

Daily application of refined coconut oil, mixed with lime water and lime juice on the hair, avoids hair loss and lengthens it. Application of the juice of green coriander leaves on the head is also regarded helpful. Daily use of castor oil as hair oil assists the luxuriant growth of the hair.