Saturday, September 30, 2006

Are You Using a Natural Bristle Hair Brush?


Using the right kind of hair brush and keeping it clean is necessary if you want to have strong hair, which will not fall out in the future.

A Natural Hair Brush

Using a natural bristle like boar's hair is a good decision. The boar bristle hair brush bristles are similar to the keratin of your hair and absorb the dirt and oil just like your hair. In addition the tips of the boar hair brush are rounded and gently massage your scalp and hair.

Kent hair brushes are available in boar hair. But avoid the Kent nylon hair brush if you want the best care for your hair.

The nylon hair brush is not recommended since it is rougher on your scalp and is no where as good as the boar bristle hair brush. The nylon bristles are usually sharp and inflamed your follicles and break your hair when you use it.

Brushing Your Hair

To maintain good hair growth you need good circulation to your scalp. You need also need a clean scalp with little oil and dirt accumulating in your hair follicles. The boar hair brush helps you achieve this when you regularly brush your hair.

Brush your hair when it is dry. This prevents breaking of your hair. When you brush, the gentle pulling of your hair stimulates your scalp bringing in more blood to feed your hair. Also the slight pulling stimulates the release of oil from your follicles which lubricates your hair.

Brush your hair with a boar bristle hair brush twice a day for the best hair care � morning and night. For short hair brush for three minutes and for long hair brush five minutes.

By bending your head to the floor, when brushing, you will increase the blood circulation to your scalp. Now, brush from your neck forward to the front of your scalp, then, from sides to your crown. Lastly, brush from the front of your scalp to the neck.

Cleaning Your Boar Hair Brush

If possible, you should clean your brush every day. If you have two or more hair brushes then it will be easier to do this. Your boar bristle hair brush accumulates dirt and oils from hair when you brush. Without regular cleaning of your hair brush, this dirt and oil will redeposit onto your hair. Over time this added dirt and oil will plug up your hair follicles and lead to hair thinning or permanent hair loss.

You can clean your brush every day when you shower. Clean it with shampoo and scrub the bristles with your hand back and forth. After cleaning, you can dry the brush with a towel and let it sit until the next day. By the next day, it is ready to use and your other brush is ready to be cleaned.

So, using a natural hair brush like the boar bristle hair brush is the best way to care for your hair. Gentle daily brushing stimulates your scalp and keeps you hair healthy. But don't forget to keep your hair brush clean, since your don't want to put the dirt and oil on your brush back onto your scalp.

Friday, September 29, 2006

10 Proven Hair Care Tips

1. Gently comb your hair. A vigorous combing can cause hair loss. Do not comb your hair in the opposite direction. This also can cause hair falling.

2. Do not comb wet hair. You should first dry your hair with a towel, put some oil and gently massage it.

3. To find the best hair comb, you must consider the nature of your hair, convenience and style.

4. Use coconut milk as an inexpensive alternative to salon hot oil treatments. Apply coconut milk onto scalp and hair with a cotton ball. Leave on overnight and shampoo in the morning.

5. If you have fine hair, use shampoos that include wheat proteins and polymers. These
ingredients make your hair look thicker by coating the hair shaft.

6. A well-balanced diet is essential for your hair. A diet rich in protein, complex carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and iron is necessary for healthy, strong hair.

7. For a cheap and effective conditioner, mix one cup of olive oil with one egg and half a lemon to an even consistency. Apply to scalp and hair strands and rinse well with water.

8. If you your hair is short, have it trimmed every 3-4 weeks. If you hair is long, have it trimmed every 6-8 weeks. The purpose of trimming is to remove split ends.

9. Blow drying can damage your hair. Let your hair air-dry whenever possible.

10. You can treat dandruff with anti-dandruff shampoos. But you can use simple home remedies to treat dandruff. Use a mixture of vinegar and water on the scalp. Make a mixture of two teaspoons of vinegar and six teaspoons of water and apply it on the scalp before you go to bed. Keep it throughout the night with a towel around the head. Rinse in the morning.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Sudden Hair Loss � Is stress is the cause??

People often fail to realize how stress affects physical health as well as hair health. However, it affects the overall health of an individual. This does not mean stress is always bad. Sometimes, stress is good for making an individual focused towards an approach and deciding better. In fact, some people perform better under stress and do much better. Stress up to a certain level is good, although there are no fixed parameters to establish up to what level it is good but sever stress leads to disease like anxiety, sudden hair loss and other physical health problems. Many of the people associate stress directly with sudden hair loss.

Telogen Effluvium is a kind of hair loss that occurs due to sever or sudden stress. Heavy stress in a person does the shedding of hair that pushes premature hair follicles into the resting phase. Sudden hair loss due to stress in a person appears within 2 to 3 months after facing of some stressful situations. Although, our hair falls daily and falling of about 100 hairs per day is considered very normal. In stressful circumstances a person losses almost 300 � 400 hair per day and almost 70% of the hair scalps. Sudden hair loss is temporary in most of the cases. However, in some of the cases the sudden hair loss problem undergoes continue till the problem of stress is solved.

There is a well said quote, �every problem has a solution', and so the problem of sudden hair loss too. Treating sudden hair loss naturally is one of the best way to solve the problem. Are you wandering, how?

Here are few tips to solve your hair loss problems and easing your level of stress:

Do physical exercises: Your body secrets out a hormone called adrenaline that is good for you but when body secrets this hormone in excess, this causes stress and sudden hair loss. Doing regular exercise and physical workout reduces the level of adrenaline hormone in your body. If you do physical workout on a regular basis, your body and mind will be relaxed and you will get much better sleep. Your health will also improve as a result of physical exercise.

Take enough sleep and relax: Take proper sleep and do some relaxation. You do not need special techniques to do relaxation. Only you need a peaceful place, which you have to create, be it your bedroom or office desk. Just sit in good posture, keep your body straighten, do some deep breathing and focus on good thoughts. You can use your office desk during a short tea break or lunch hour to do the same. Include relaxation in you daily routine for 20 minutes or so, daily. You will notice the significant change in your lifestyle once you start doing this stress busting exercise. Good sleep is very important in easing stress. Sleep enough and sleep properly to ease your symptom of stress. Once your level of stress or adrenaline in your body starts dipping, the hair loss will automatically decrease.

Have good diet: Eat good diet. Take diet rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals in sufficient amount. Eat whole grain breads, dairy products (milk, cheese, butter, etc) and poultry products like eggs and chickens. Also include in your diet fishes and meats. Avoid added sugars. Eat a lot of leafy green vegetables and whole fruits.

Doing all above will help you in staying in good shape and reliving your stress. This ultimately will solve your sudden hair loss problems.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Biotin and Hair Loss

Falling hair is normal, when you take bath roll in the bed, do combing and such other activities, you lost some of your hairs. It is very natural. But if your hair falls and that too in such a quantity that makes your head poor haired then it is a deficiency, which may ultimately lead to baldness. If this is the case, then you are suffering with hair problems. The causes may be many and you need to identify them, but ultimately your body is deficient of Biotin. Yes, Biotin, it is the vitamin, which makes your hair healthy, strong and good looking. It is clinically proven, so maintaining a good level of Biotin in your body system is as essential as maintaining other vitamins and minerals. Biotin is necessary for your hairs health and overall well being. Medical specialists advise that the persons suffering with Hair Problems must take Biotin in addition to other medications.

So if you are suffering with hair problems, must go for medications with Biotin substitutes. Foods like eggs. Yolk and liver contains a lot of Biotin, you need to consume these foods in rich quantity to maintain your health and prevent hair loss.
Using a Biotin enriched shampoo may also help in improving your hair health.

Some more foods rich in Biotin are; brewer's yeast, green peas, oats, soybeans, walnuts, sunflower seeds, green peas, bulgur and brown rice, etc. Eating these foods and food products will help your body in maintaining a good level of Biotin.

A person who is a patient of heartburn, acid reflux or GERD absorbs less amount of Biotin, and hence may trap into hair problems. This is because; a person suffering with above-mentioned disease takes a lot of antacids.
So now, you will definitely agree with the fact that Biotin is a hair food, and important for good hair health.

What Biotin else does for your body?

Biotin is a member of Vitamin B complex family also sometime known as Vitamin H or Vitamin B7. This is soluble in water, which means, if body has high level of Vitamin H at a certain day or time, it pass out through Urine. This vitamin is produced in the intestine with the help of bacteria in the intestine. Biotin helps in metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins and helps in maintaining steady blood sugar. So, it is good for the persons suffering with Diabetes. Diabetes is a major disease across the globe and affects several men and women.

Biotin do processing of glucose and we know glucose is one of the source of energy of our body to perform work and maintaining wear and tear of the body. Biotin also helps in making of DNA, RNA and nucleic acids and production of fatty acids. Growth and replication of cells depends on Biotin.
Thus on one hand Biotin helps in maintaining good hair health and on the other hand it is important for several bodily functions.

Sources of Biotin

The main sources of Biotin are; liver, kidneys, milk, cheese, butter and other dairy products, egg yolks, oysters, lobsters, poultry, cauliflower, avocados, bananas, strawberries, watermelon, grapefruits, raisins, mushrooms, green peas, blackcurrants, brewer's yeast, wheat germ, nuts, beans, lentils, oat bran, whole grains, oatmeal, peanut butter, molasses, and foods like salmon, tuna, mackerel, and herrings (foods rich in Omega � 3 fatty acids).
A healthy person and pregnant woman must take 300 grams of Biotin in daily diet. Breastfeeding mothers need about 350 micrograms of Biotin.

Symptoms of Biotin Deficiency

People affecting with Biotin deficiency may show dry or scaly scalp, a loss of appetite, hair problems; closely associated with Biotin deficiency, nausea, depression, dermatitis, anorexia, and anemia.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Daily Hair Care

Your hair makes you look gorgeous, bold and beautiful. It is your hair because of which you attract attention of other people. So it is natural that you will always expect that your hair will look good and as that as people like them. But certainly your hair didn't fulfill your expectations on every other day. Even though some time you feel disappointed because of your hair. The reason is simple; you are unable to keep them as you want and as others like them. In such a situation definitely, you would like to spend some time for your hair and then it is obvious to know about Hair Care.

But before jumping into those hair care tips it is equally important to know that what are the factors, which affects your hair and hairstyle?

The biologists argue that the characteristics of hair of a person depend on several factors some of which are inherited. Some factors are genetic means that DNA programming is responsible for your hairs the way they look. The secretion level of hormones also contributes to hair looks. And after all, the entire environment especially the air and water greatly affects your hairstyle. That's why, every person some time experience the bad hair day. But if you are willing to take a little care, you can say good-bye to bad hair day, which might not be permanent and need your attention time to time.

Tips On Hair Care:
Here are few tips that will help you to either not seeing a bad hair day or to come out if you are experiencing at present.

* Stick to a healthy life style. Give up your smoking habits, do exercise regularly, eat balanced diet and use relaxation techniques when stressed.
* Get a deep sleep in night, do not sleep with burdens otherwise you will have a disturbed sleep enough to trap into a bad hair day.
* If you are using hair styling products and cosmetics, try to avoid using products containing alcohol particularly in high concentration.
* Do not put hair styling products on your scalps, this will block the pores on your head and may harm your head and hair both.
* Swimming is a good exercise, do it. But before jumping into a swimming pool wet your hair enough with plain water. Pool water contains chlorine, which is not good to your hair.
* Set your hair dryer on cool settings, hot is not for your hair.
* Keep hair dryer moving, do not stick it to one place for long.
* Before using hair dryer, use a good quality towel to dry hair and then use hair dryer to get the rid of wetness.
* Use a comb that bristles are made of animal hairs, it would be soft on your hairs.
* Always use clean comb / brushes. Clean your comb / brushes with soap or shampoo on a regular basis.
* Always comb / brush your hair downwards.
* Shampooing your hair is important. Always use good quality products.
* Use trial and error method to select a shampoo for you and choose the one that is best suitable.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Natural Hair Loss Prevention and Treatment

In recent times, hair loss has become a common condition, especially among men although, the exact cause of hair loss is still a mystery. Some research studies have linked hair loss with the lack of iron, the condition of the skin on the scalp, an excess of the hormone DHT and probably an under active thyroid gland.

The hair, although it is thought of as dead, is a good indicator of general health and it is the first indicator that shows signs of ill health or lack of essential vitamins and minerals within the body. Oily hair can be a sign of vitamin B deficiency, brittle or dry hair can be an indicator of essential fats deficiency, dull hair color and poor growth can be signs of zinc deficiency and hair loss can be an indicator of lack of vitamin C, vitamin B1, iron and lysine. Grey hair comes with age and has no link to body health or nutrition and in most cases nutrition cannot be used to reverse it.

Although certain types of medicine are known to slow down the process of hair loss and even help with some form of hair re-growth, experts say that natural hair loss treatment can yield some of the best benefits for anyone concerned about the health of their hair.

Most people choose to treat their hair loss with medications or surgery, such as Minoxidil, Rogaine or a hair transplant. What these people fail to realize is that medication and surgery are costly and may carry some harmful side effects and risks. The safest and most cost effective form of hair loss therapy is natural hair loss treatment, which includes healthy dieting, herbal remedies, exercise and proper hair care techniques.

A fundamental principal in natural hair loss treatment is that the same foods that are good for your health are good for your hair. Hair loss can be caused by several factors, but lack of proper nutrition plays a vital role for most people. Foods that are high in protein, low in carbohydrates, and have reduced fat content can help in maintaining healthier hair and preventing hair loss. For example, essential fatty acids, found in spinach, walnuts, soy, tuna, sardines, sunflower seeds and canola oil, are important dietary essentials useful in keeping hair healthy. The omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids contain anti-inflammatory properties that are useful in maintaining healthy hair. Insufficient levels of these essential fatty acids could lead to quicker hair loss.

To avoid hair loss and have good healthy hair, a good nutritional diet is needed. This diet needs to be rich in organic whole foods such as fruit, vegetables, whole grains, poultry, fish, eggs, beans, nuts and seeds which are a rich source of vital nutrients needed for healthy hair roots and the protein keratin. Try not to skip meals, reduce salt, sugar, tea, coffee and chocolate intake, avoid stress, comb your hair gently and avoid using strong chemicals on your hair such as perms and color treatments. Vegetarians are prone to hair loss because their diet generally lacks the important nutrients, vitamin B12, iron and lysine. Vegetarians need to be aware of this and supplement their diet.

Besides taking the right diet pattern, several natural herbs are known to be very good in the prevention and treatment of hair loss. These herbs in most cases are safe; without harmful side effects and also cost effective. Among such herbs include nettles, usually taken in the form of Nettle Root Extract, which has been shown to be effective in preventing and treating hair loss. Nettles are rich in vitamins A and C that are beneficial in inhibiting DHT production and promoting hair growth as a natural hair loss treatment. Other traditional herbs that are useful as natural hair loss treatments are green tea, liquorice extract, horsetail, ginger, psoralea seeds, apple cider vinegar, rosemary and sage tea.

One important herb making the rounds in medical cycles is Saw Palmetto. Although most studies of Saw Palmetto have been for the treatment of prostatic disease, more recent studies have been conducted on its effectiveness in treating hair loss. The herb has been found to work in fighting benign prostatic disease by lowering levels of DHT, which is a known cause of androgenic alopecia, the medical term for male or female pattern hair loss. While there are no clinical trials supporting this herb's usefulness as a natural hair loss treatment, there is some reliable research proving that it can slow down androgen activity within the hair follicle.

The following supplements may help if you are suffering from hair loss.

B complex
Evening primrose oil
Fish oil
Multivitamins and multiminerals
Vitamin C

Hair loss is a common occurrence in almost everyone, though more pronounced in some people. If you are battling with this condition it would be wise to find treatment in your day to day items instead of spending a fortune on medical remedies that come with tons of side effects. Natural remedies are always safe, reliable and very cost effective, all you need is the right knowledge.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Shampoo Killed My Beautiful Hair

Hair is everybody's crowning glory.

The previous paragraph is the sole reason as to why beauty salons and shampoo companies have become the "in thing" in the business world. They earn money by caressing vanity, the very grain that is inherent in human nature. They awe us by parading beautiful girls with long, shiny hair. They instill in us the drama, the magic, the beautiful-girl-stories of finding fame and romance by sporting soft and shiny locks.

We buy these hair products. We try these salon treatments. But of course, none that is similar to those shampoo commercials ever happens to us. None ever will. But then we keep buying these products. We keep trying more salon treatments. Until we fail again.

It is sad that we end up forever victims of what we believe as the "great solution." We don't know that what we religiously follow at the back of shampoo bottles is not really a beauty secret, but actually a deceitful commercial script to bring more business for shampoo companies. In reality, constant usage of shampoo actually diminishes the strength and the shine of
the hair. But because we have so much faith, we never put the blame on these products. Instead, we use more, buy more, hope even firmer that in the long run, we still will achieve the shampoo-model-type-hair.

The rationale for this is simple. Overwashing the hair rids the natural oil from the scalp, therapy prodding the latter to produce more oil to compensate. This results dandruff and grease. Also there are residues from hair creams and shampoos that accumulate in the hair, making it more difficult to wash.

In an article by Natalie in, she gave tips on how to maintain a less-costly but healthy hair:

1. When you wash your hair, lather once, not twice (like all shampoo instructions suggest!). Wash your hair and scalp thoroughly, and then rinse� Your hair might not feel "squeaky clean," but it will be as clean as with two lathers.

2. When possible, leave your hair without washing an extra day. Try not to wash your hair every day. Your hair will become less oily over time.

3. Brush your hair and scalp every day (your grandmother was right). This will stimulate your scalp, distribute protective oils throughout your hair, and combat dandruff.

4. Unless you've had your hair colored or permed in the last month, do not condition the hair at your scalp. This will discourage greasiness, and it will also save you money!

5. If you want a fresh feeling but don't want to shampoo, just run hot water over your hair in the shower. This will rinse away some of the dirt and even out your hair, so that it will look clean without having to shampoo.

There we go. There are actually more less-costly but more effective fixes that we can think of than depending on instant treatments. It is never wrong to look for easier alternatives, but hey, a beautiful mane is a treasure unworthy of being gambled. Let's play it slow and sure. Beauty, after all, is not an overnight thing.

Other articles from the same author:
A-Z Guide for a Healthy Beauty

Friday, September 22, 2006

Do Natural Hair Loss Remedies Have Any Real Relevance?

The effectiveness of modern hair loss treatments is clear for all to see, but many people simply prefer not to use strong chemicals or non-natural substances.

If you fall into this category, does this mean you'll just have to accept an ever-decreasing head of hair? The answer to this is an unequivocal NO!

Many natural hair loss remedies, both traditional and contemporary, have shown their worth in reducing and reversing hair loss. They are also perceived as being free from side effects and even deliver additional health benefits.

Why then, don't we hear a lot more about these natural hair loss remedies? Simply because claims of cures cannot be made without FDA approval, and obtaining the FDA seal of approval involves lengthy and expensive scientific research that only major companies can afford. Even the biggest companies could not recoup the costs of such a process as no-one can control the rights to common natural substances such as basic foods and vitamins.

The big question however is, do natural hair loss remedies work? Firstly, hair growth at root level is a living part of the body that depends on sound nutrition, just like any other part of the body. The importance of vitamins, minerals and other nutritional elements in maintaining healthy hair cannot be disputed.

Secondly, the role of herbs and plants in treating numerous ailments is receiving increased recognition after years of neglect, and hair loss is no exception. Many herbal remedies for both internal and external use are offering new hope to people suffering from premature hair loss.

Thirdly, traditional hair loss remedies may still have something to offer. Ancient literature and folklore reveal that our ancestors went to great lengths to treat thinning hair. Some of the more acceptable traditional approaches are now being incorporated into many potential treatment regimes.

Other articles in this series tackle each of these areas in much more detail.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Two Nutrients That You Must Have to Prevent Hair Loss

There are two nutrients that you have to make sure you have plenty of every day, if you want to minimize your hair loss. These nutrients are Vitamin A and the B vitamins. To digest and absorb these nutrients you cannot use antacids.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a key component to developing healthy cells, tissues in the body, and reducing hair loss. Additionally it works with silica and zinc to prevent drying and clogging of the sebaceous glands, the glands vital to producing sebum. Sebum is an important lubricant for the hair follicle.

Vitamin A deficiencies commonly cause thickening of the scalp, dry hair, and dandruff. Air pollution, smoking, extremely bright light, certain cholesterol-lowering drugs, laxatives, and aspirin are some known vitamin A inhibitors. Liver, fish oil, eggs, fortified milk, and red, yellow, and orange vegetables are good sources for vitamin A, as are some dark green leafy vegetables like spinach.

Be particularly careful if you take vitamin A supplements, as vitamin A is fat-soluble, allowing the body to store it and making it easy for the body to overdose on vitamin A. Vitamin A overdoses can cause excessively dry skin and inflamed hair follicles, and in some cases ironically can cause hair loss.

A safe dose of vitamin A is 10,000 IU or 25,000 IU. Most Vitamin supplements are sold in these quantities. Also take all supplements during meals unless you are working with a Nutritionist that recommends otherwise.


B-vitamins work interdependently and therefore all levels of B vitamins need to be sufficient in order to maintain proper health. Vitamins B-6, folic acid, biotin, and vitamin B-12 are all key components in maintaining healthy hemoglobin levels in the blood, which is the iron-containing portion of red-blood cells.

Hemoglobin's primary function is to carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues of the body, so if these vitamins were deficient in your body, then hair and skin would suffer. Fortunately some of the tastiest foods contain these vitamins. Vitamin B-6 is found in protein rich foods, which is excellent because the body needs a sufficient amount of protein to maintain hair growth. Liver, chicken, fish, pork, kidney, and soybeans are good sources of B-6 and are relatively low in fat when they are not fried.

Folic acid is found in whole grains, cereals, nuts, green leafy vegetables, orange juice, brewer's yeast, wheat germ, and liver again. Meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and other dairy products meanwhile provide healthy amounts of B-12.

Biotin deficiencies are rare unless there is a severe case of malnutrition or a serious intestinal disorder, since a healthy gut produces biotin through good bacteria found there.

There is one more important fact in making sure you are absorbing the B-vitamins. If you have heartburn, acid reflux, or GERD and are taking any antacids or drugs to reduce your stomach acid, you will reduce your ability to digest and absorb B-vitamins. Antacids make your stomach acid more alkaline, which does not support the digestion and adsorption of the B-vitamins.

If you are taking over the counter antacids, you decrease your ability to use the B-vitamins that you eat or take as supplements.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Making your own herbal hair shampoo

In 1990 I decided not to use the commercially made shampoos after reading Aubrey Hampton's book, "Natural Organic Hair and Skin Care." In this book Aubrey tells you how to read the label on any product that you put on your skin or hair.

Manufacturers are constantly using toxic chemicals in their skin and hair products and disregard their toxic effects on your body. This is easily seen in the list of chemicals that they use. Here are a few of these chemicals found in many product labels:

1 propylene glycol or glycol� a petrochemical used because it is cheap
2 cetearyl alcohol � emulsifier that can be synthetic or natural
3 methylparaben or propylparaben � typical synthetic preservatives
4 distearate � this is polyethylene glycol or polypropylene glycol which are petrochemicals
5 isopropyl alcohol � used as a cheap solvent to carry synthetic oils.

Here is a natural shampoo that you can make. This formulation is something that I have been using for many years. First collect the following items:

4 oz of castile soap with any scent is that available � plain, peppermint, eucalyptus.

� oz of rosemary - stimulates the hair follicles and helps to prevent premature baldness

� oz of sage � has antioxidants and keeps things from spoiling and is antibacterial

� oz of nettles � acts as a blood purifier, blood stimulator, contains a large source of nutrients for hair growth

� of lavender � controls the production of sebaceous gland oil and reduces itchy and flaky scalp conditions

2000 mg of MSM � provides organic sulfur to your scalp, which improves the health and strength of your hair. It also helps to drive herbal nutrient into the skin and follicles where they can do the most good.

one empty 8 oz plastic bottle, or any other empty shampoo or soap bottle.

Mix the herbs in a mason jar, which has a lid. Boil 2 cups of distilled water. Add 3 heaping tablespoons of the mixed herbs into the boiling water. Pull the boiling water and herbs off the stove. Let the herb mixture sit for 30 � 40 minutes. Put the 2000mg of MSM into the herb mixture after 30 minutes of cooling. After 40 minutes and the MSM is melted, strain the herbal mixture into a bowl.

Pour 2 to 2 1/2 oz of strained herbal tea into the 8 oz plastic bottle. Now, pour the 4 oz of castile soap into the 8 oz plastic bottle. Cap the bottle and shake to mix the ingredients.

The shampoo is now finished and ready for use. Use this as a base for all of the shampoos you make. You can add different herbs as you learn what these herbs do and how they help your hair. You can vary the ingredients according to your taste. But now you have a shampoo that has no additives that can harm you.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Hair-Raising Truth about Biotin

If you've heard of biotin at all, it is probably as a vitamin for hair growth or as a treatment for alopecia. In fact, it is sometimes called Vitamin H because of the health benefits biotin is thought to provide to skin, nails, and especially hair ("H" for hair). In fact, biotin is actually part of the B vitamin family often included in nutritional supplements and other multivitamins. Biotin certainly has many health benefits, specifically relating to hair health, and this is why it is sold in both nutritional supplements and in hair-care treatments such as shampoos and conditioners.

But how useful are these nutritional supplements and other health products containing biotin? Do we need biotin, or are the health companies trying to sell us something we don't need, or is not useful? The answer to these questions lies in knowing a bit more about this vitamin, its uses in the body, and how it is made.

Biotin: The Facts

Biotin is naturally produced by yeast, bacteria, fungi, and algae. Luckily for us, some of the bacteria that produce biotin live naturally in our gut, providing a ready source of the vitamin that we can make use of. Biotin is essential for the maintenance of bones, nerves, and blood. It can boost the health of sweat glands, blood cells, nerve tissues, male sex glands, and bone marrow.

Biotin also plays an important role in the metabolism of fats, glucose, and protein. Vitamin H also plays an important role in maintaining the health of mind, memory, and emotional well-being of a person. It helps in maintaining the health of cognitive function by producing of neurotransmitters in brain.

Biotin is used in hair growth and alopecia treatments because one of the main symptoms of biotin deficiency is hair loss. Other symptoms of deficiency include brittle nails, depression, fatigue, or rashes on the facial areas. Nutritional supplements of biotin are thought to overcome the deficiency of biotin, however genuine deficiencies of biotin are rare. Brewer's yeast and the royal jelly are the richest sources of biotin and are used as nutritional supplements that "boost" vitamin levels to produce added benefits to the hair. Some other rich sources of biotin are nuts, egg yolk, barley, soy, cauliflower, liver, pancreas, kidney, and brewer's yeast.

Benefits of Biotin as Nutritional Supplement for Hair

There is certainly a connection between biotin deficiency and hair loss, so the hair health claims made are not totally unfounded. However, there are many forms of biotin: capsules, pills, royal jelly, or topical creams and shampoos. What is the best way to feel the real benefits of biotin?

Many dermatologists prescribe nutritional supplements of biotin to treat hair loss, and they are also helpful for women who want to keep their hair long and strong. However, it is not thought that biotin can be absorbed through the skin. Therefore, shampoos and conditioners containing this vitamin as a supplement are unlikely to provide any health benefits. Biotin can only be effective in the body by orally ingesting nutritional supplements, or other dietary sources of the vitamin.

With the number of miracle hair-grow formulas on the market, it is always worth checking out the claims made by health and nutritional supplements companies. While water-soluble vitamins like biotin are unlikely to harm you, they can hurt your wallet if they turn out to be ineffective. Always remember (and this goes for most vitamins and minerals) that in is better than on. Nutritional supplements will get active forms of biotin to your body, whereas the biotin found in shampoos will probably end up being flushed down the drain. Like your money.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Hair Loss Cause: Blood Circulation

One hair loss cause that is not discussed much is poor blood circulation in your scalp. This must be included in any discussion or listing of what causes hair loss or what can improve hair growth. What is important in blood circulation is the quantity and quality of the blood reaching the hair root. If your hair root does not get a good supply of blood, lymph, oxygen and nutrients, it will shrink and die.

Reduction in blood to the scalp is one hair loss cause that is caused by yet another body condition - tension or stress. Excess stress causes muscles to tighten and reduces blood flow to the furthest parts of our body - feet, hands, and head. Capillaries become constricted and feed your hair follicles and hair roots less blood.

Stress also works with androgenic hormones to tighten the scalp, making it thinner, and making it more susceptible to hair loss. Women, however, seem to maintain a thicker scalp which is a better condition for continuous hair growth.

Your blood circulation can also be caused by harden crystals that form from sebum and hair perspiration. These crystals plug up the follicles causing surround tissue to harden and then restrict the flow of blood to the follicle. Use of apple cider vinegar as a final rinse during shampooing and using jojoba oil as a hair gel will help limit these crystals.

Any arthritis or tightening of neck muscles can restrict blood flow to the head. Here you need neck massages. Regular exercises or movement activity will help you increase your blood circulation to your head.

In the hair loss cause due to blood circulation, moving your head below your heart regularly can bring more blood into your scalp. For those of you that have high blood pressure or circulation problems, you need to avoid these techniques. You can lie in bed with your head hanging over. Bring you head near the floor and count to 10 then bring it back level with your body. You can repeat this 6 - 7 times once or twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. Also you can increase the count from10 to longer times as you continue to do this exercise.

The are also slant board that are sold, which allow you to lie on the board so that your head is near the floor and your feet are up in the air and the height will be determined by the angle of the slant. You can also do a yoga head stance, if you are doing yoga.

If you want scalp massage to be effective you need to do it at least twice a day. Place your fingertips on your scalp and move the scalp in two directions - forward and back and in a circulating motion. Do not rub or scratch your scalp to avoid breaking off hair or damaging your scalp.

Blood circulation is one hair loss cause that you can work on. By doing some of the recommend techniques listed here you can help yourself to have better hair for a longer time.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Men and Women Now Stop Hair Loss Using Herbal Hair Loss Products

Herbal hair loss products are the best and safest way to combat hair loss. This is because they have natural ingredients that don't cause the harsh side effects that synthetic drugs do. There are a number of herbal hair loss products that are available to help stop hair loss. You will want to check out each of them before you decide which one to use. Here are some of the different types of herbal products you can use.

One: Saw palmetto or Serenoa repens � This product will effectively promote hair re-growth.

Two: Nettle root � This is a popular product with a lot of people. This product inhibits the enzyme alphs5 reductase which causes hair loss.

Three: Gotu kola � This product will improve the health of the skin and hair. It stimulates blood circulation in the brain and the scalp which then rejuvenates the hair follicles.

Four: Pumpkin or Cucurbita maxima � This product is made from oil extracted from the seeds of pumpkins. This product is still being tested to see how well it helps with hair re-growth.

These four products are just a small demonstration of what is available. There are so many other types of hair loss products that you can choose from that are herbal products. You will want to do a search about each one before you try them. You will be able to figure out which one will work best for your hair loss.

If you can't, you will need to talk to someone that knows a lot about hair loss and the products that can be used to treat it, such as a doctor or a dermatologist, before you use any type of product. You want to be safe about what you use so that you don't cause yourself other types of problems.

Most of the herbal hair loss products will not have any or very little side effects. However, you have to know as much as you can about anything that you use. You don't want to use the first product that you find. It is important for you to check out as much information about each one as you can. When you know what it is used for and how it can help you, you will be able to decide which one you should use. Always remember that information will help you choose the best one for you. So do your homework before you decide anything.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Hair Extensions Manhattan can be attached in various ways

It is a known fact that beautiful hair adds to the looks of a person. And if they are given a perfect cut and style, then it is difficult to match that awesome looks. Moreover, it s tested truth that no one is born with healthy and beautiful hairs. It is with time that the texture of the hair develops. Every other individual wants that their hairs should be wonderful and be responsible for enhancing their looks. And it is for this reason that the concept of hair extensions has been developed. Hair extensions, not just in Manhattan but also in many other states, have been preferred to a large extent.

As hair extension Manhattan gives a desired length to your hairs, more and more women are seen visiting their hair specialists. When it comes to the matter of looks, then no compromises can be made at any cost. Hair extensions have the ability to do wonders with your looks. If you are given thousands of compliments for your look, then your hair style plays an important part in fetching these compliments. Moreover, nothing can be comparable to smooth and silky hair that has got shine in them. If you are blessed with silky hairs that slip from the hands, then you surely are the luckiest girl. But if it is not, then hair extensions are the best thing that can happen in your life.

No one likes to continue with the same hair stylist for many years and people go for change. After all, changing your personality all over again will enable you to look fine and special in your own group. Just imagine the response of your spouse, whom you will be meeting after longtime, after undergoing hair extensions process. You will surely feel elated when he will shower compliments on your new looks. Hair extensions are made from human hairs, so that you don't feel as if something unnatural is attached to your hairs that look awkward. Obviously, you would be shrinking from going to social gatherings if you have a bad haircut or hairstyle.

There are a variety of ways that are applied for attaching the hair extensions with your natural hairs. Some of the hair stylists may make use of copper coils that are attached to the base of the natural hairs. In this way, they merge with the texture of natural hairs that no one can make a difference between your natural hairs and hair extensions that you have worn. Many other hair specialists make use of glues and bonds that attach hair extensions with your own hairs. In this way, you can get your damaged hairs repaired within much less time. After all, you would not like to move around with the damaged hairs.

As far as the texture and color of these hair extensions are concerned, every bunch of extension is selected carefully. It is already kept in mind that different people have different hair textures. Hair extensions come in a variety of colors and textures, so that your hair specialist can match it and place the order accordingly. After getting the process done on your hairs, you have to take special care of them. Specialists suggest that you have to visit them again after every three months for getting the maintenance process done. Moreover, you also have to apply special conditioners for maintaining the softness of your hair extensions.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Day Spa Melbourne � Who should be interested in laser hair removal?

A Day Spa is a place where people go in order to benefit from cosmetic procedures well implemented with the latest medical technologies. Their purpose is to adapt to the needs of the modern lifestyle and help people receive personal care and rejuvenation.

The Internet is certainly one of the top resources when it comes to finding suitable Medical Spas. The wide variety of offers is great but it is important to choose the one that takes care of the customer concerns and needs in the best possible way.

If a person is interested in one of the Day Spa Melbourne, then it should be obvious that Kiora is famous on the Melbourne market as their very first medical spa. They have fully trained medical doctors and skin specialists working in synergy as a team and offer the most advanced care. Their technologies make use of the best of both the cosmetic and medical industries - resulting in visible long-term effects and true aesthetic improvements for their clients.

Kiora Melbourne Day Spa is known as one of the most prestigious and oldest companies on the market. They offer long term journeys, and integrated courses of treatment. They practically guarantee a life-changing experience. Specialists, including Cosmetic Doctors, work with commitment and dedication, to provide the best techniques and results available in a relaxed atmosphere of luxury.

There are many spas in Melbourne, but Kiora has managed to distinguish themselves from all of them and attracted the eye of the Melbourne public as something extraordinary. People enjoy the incredible saloons, all made in voguish styles - not to mention the cutting-edge medical procedures. They have a reputation for their excellence of services and the Internet does a very good job at promoting the top Day Spa Melbourne.

Among the cosmetic medical procedures Kiora uses, there are face lifts (non-surgical), anti-wrinkle injections and laser hair removal. Fillers, laser skin rejuvenation and lipodissolve are also special procedures that can enhance ones appearance. Because, after all, this is what spas are about, fighting the ravages of time with all the weapons possible.

As we age, our skin changes and problems such as wrinkles, crow's feet, uneven pigmentation and loose-lax skin appear. There is no need to sit and spend useless time worrying about this. Kiora Medical can dramatically improve your outlook by giving the customer, a fresh appearance, making him or her look a full five to ten years younger and bringing back that glowing, youuthful skin.

Aside from the non-surgical face lift, another modern medical procedure is the laser hair removal Melbourne. This procedure is equally popular amongst both lmen and women. Both sexes desire to have beautiful skin and they do not want to spend any more painful hours to epilate or wax.

Achieving hair-free skin is vital for many women. They want to benefit from the most recent technologies in order to escape the need to wax and such procedures include the laser hair removal Melbourne and IPL hair removal presented by Kiora.

By using experts in electrotherapy, the procedure of laser hair removal is well applied to various persons, having a 90% chance of success. The method is quite simple and relies on the preferential absorbance of the red wavelength by the melanin in the hair. The hair is heated and the follicle beneath the skin is destroyed. Over a course of treatments the hair follicle is permanently destroyed resulting in a loss of hair density of better than 92%. Many people are ecstatic after this procedure, as problems such as ingrown hairs and regrowth, common after waxing or shaving, are a thing of the past.

The technique uses a specific wavelength of red Intense Pulse Light in the 600-1040nm wavelength resulting in the hair follicle being destroyed over four to six sessions. Kiora has thousands of clients who enjoy such treatments, as body hair has been a problem for many people. All procedures are performed in a modern environment that exudes an ambience of luxury. At Kiora we are proud to have clients who look healthy and refreshed � not unnaturally plastic.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Hair Loss Remedy - Easy and Effective Herbal Treatments

A healthy body has healthy beautiful hair. Our hair is a reflection of our health.
At any given time, about 90 percent of the hair on the scalp is in its growing phase. This growing phase lasts for 2 to 6 years. Each hair grows approximately 1 centimetre per month during this phase. The rest, 10 % are in their resting phase. After 2 to 3 months, the resting hair falls out and new hair starts to grow in its place. It is normal to shed some hair each day as part of this cycle. However, some people may experience excessive hair loss, if more hairs enter the resting phase.

Some facts you need to know about hair loss:

� It is normal to lose 50-100 hairs from the head each day.

� Frequent shampooing does not lead to hair loss.

� Hats and wigs do not cause hair loss.

� The famous 100 strokes of the hair brush daily does not lead to healthy hair, but it definitely does improve blood circulation to the hair follicles.

� Cosmetic products do not cause the hair to grow thicker and faster.

� Some hairstyles, like braiding, tight ponytails can cause hair loss.

� Blow-drying can worsen hair loss.

� Scalp hair grows at a rate of about 1 cm a month.

� Each hair on the head grows for about 3-6 years before being shed.

What are the causes of hair loss?

- Stress � hair loss is temporary, but can trigger off a genetic hair loss in many people.

- Extensive use of birth control pills by women.

- Hormonal problems - Hair loss may also occur if male hormones (androgens) and the female hormones (estrogens) are imbalanced.

- Post delivery hormonal changes: Many women notice hair loss about 3 months after they've had a baby. This loss is also related to hormones.

- Nutritional deficiencies: A diet deficient in nutrients such as protein, iron, zinc deficiency is a main cause of falling hair. Excessive intake of tea, coffee, alcohol; and fried, oily, spicy, sour foods can reduce the nutrients reaching the hair follicles and may lead to hair loss.

- Drugs and medicines such as anticoagulants, chemotherapy drugs to treat cancer and antidepressants.

- Hereditary

- Infections of the scalp: Fungal infections of the scalp such as ringworm, or a sexually transmitted disease such as Treponema pallidum can cause hair loss.

- Any underlying disease: such as lupus, lichen planus or diabetes.

- Age: Hair loss is a common symptom of the ageing process. The age of onset varies from one individual to another.

- Physical and emotional stress

Is there any treatment for hair loss?

Depending on the type of hair loss, treatments are available. If the hair loss is drug related, the doctor might change the medication. Correct diagnosis along with treating an infection may help stop the hair loss. Correcting a hormone imbalance may also prevent further hair loss.

Treatment of hair loss -

- If loss of hair is due to a temporary situation such as drugs or deficiency of serum, iron, it will stop when the cause ends.

- Hair loss due to infection may require oral antibiotics or drug treatment.

- Finasteride is a prescription medication that is prescribed only for men.

- Well-chosen hairstyles often hide thinning hair and hair loss effectively. Wigs are recommended if hair loss is severe.

- Hair transplantation, hair weaving and hair bonding has improved dramatically over the last several years. If done meticulously, the result is extremely natural appearing.

Some tips for beautiful lustrous hair:

� The key to beautiful hair is a clean scalp. Gently rub lemon juice all over the scalp and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse off. This treatment ensures dandruff free and absolutely clean hair.

� Include a lot of calcium in diet, through dairy products, sesame seeds, figs.

� A mixture of an equal quantity of fresh amla juice and lime juice, used as a shampoo also stimulates hair growth and prevents hair loss.

� Avoid strong shampoos and conditioners. Also avoid exposing hair to harsh weather such as wind or sunlight for long duration.

� Home made shampoo - Soak equal amounts of dried shikakai, amla and reetha powder in some water, preferably in an iron vessel. Next day, use it to wash hair. This promotes hair growth as well as cures dandruff.

� For dry hair, increase the intake of polyunsaturated oils such as sunflower oil, margarine and eat food rich in Vitamin B like pulses, brown rice, bananas etc.

� Regularly wash hair with Fuller's earth (Multani Mitti). This will not only reduce the oil, but the hair will feel much cleaner.

� Amla is an excellent hair tonic and a hair nourisher. It also helps cure graying of hair.

� Boil dried amla pieces in coconut oil for a few minutes. Cool and sieve. Massage hair with this oil regularly to get black, thick and lustrous hair.

� Henna or mehendi is an excellent conditioner for hair.

� Boil some tea leaves in 2-3 cups of water. Strain the liquid, cool it and use it on hair as the last rinse after shampoo.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Hair Loss Solutions at Home

Let's be honest. This whole idea of having a full head of hair, that somehow bald is bad, is fueled largely by vanity. There are simple, low-cost, dietary solutions to attack hair loss, but, you do know that it's a good idea to consult a healthcare professional before you make any drastic changes in your diet, right? You do not want to create or exacerbate health problems just for the sake of a full head of hair.

Let me begin with 3 cases examining cases that focus on attitudes about hair loss.

A friend of mine has spent $25,000.00 and many months having hair plugs inserted into his forehead area. I do not want to seem unkind, but, at first it looked like a forest missing some trees. Eventually, they made it fuller and fuller, but, to me, it still looks fake. I do not tell him that, of course.

I have another friend who is bald as a cue ball. He has a full wig. It looks pretty good on him actually. Without it he looks like Howie Mandel (Deal or No deal?). He has a little bit of real hair so he has to shave his head so the wig fits properly. It's made of human hair and cost him about $500.00.

I have a cousin who is thinning too. Jimmy is a real character. He says he doesn't have friends, he has aquaintances because friends are too much work! His answer to his thinning hair? Jimmy says" Who am I going to impress? I'm married!".

That's three ways of attacking the problem from the expensive to the comical. Well, here are some simple and cost effective alternatives to try before you go the money route taken by my first two friends. I'll deal with cousin Jimmy in a minute.

There a number of different specific hair vitamins and minerals that can play a major role in helping you have a healthy head of hair. If you are not getting sufficient hair vitamins, the deficiencies can lead to thinning hair or even total baldness in the most severe cases. The fact is that the state of your hair could be reflecting the overall condition of your body. Extra hair vitamins are likely to be needed if you are generally unwell or are undernourished. Your hair will show damage and may even stop growing.

Some of the most important hair vitamins that you may need to have healthy hair include B6, biotin, inositol and folic acid. A good balanced diet is the absolute best way to protect the health of your hair. Failing that, the second best way to ensure that you get enough of these essential hair vitamins is to take vitamin supplements. It is not just hair vitamins that are necessary for healthy hair. There are a number of minerals that are essential as well, including magnesium, sulphur, silica and zinc.

The most essential hair vitamin is Vitamin A and the best form of this is beta-carotene. This is because Vitamin A can be toxic if consumed in large quantities. Beta-carotene has no such problems and is converted easily by your body into vitamin A to promote healthy hair. Of course, vitamin A is not just a hair vitamin, it is also needed for a number of other functions including normal growth of bones, skin, nails and the protective sheath surrounding nerve fibres.

Protein is another essential hair vitamin. This is because hair itself is essentially protein. The amount of this hair vitamin that you consume in your diet can affect the hair directly. If a lot of protein is included in your diet then this hair vitamin will lead to improved hair growth and a far fuller head of hair. However, a person who has a diet that is lacking in this hair vitamin will suffer from thinning hair and slow hair growth.

There are many ways to get protein. Meat and eggs are good sources. You can also purchase protein supplements. Always be watchful of what you add to your body however. You do not want the cure to be worse than the disease!

Of course, it is not just hair vitamins and minerals that are needed to ensure that a person has healthy, strong hair. There are a number of researchers who have found that there are direct links between the overall health of a person and the condition of their hair.

If a person is under a lot of stress or suffers from a lack of sleep then their hair is also likely to suffer and it is likely that their diet will not provide enough hair vitamins to counter these effects. Smoking is also a factor as it restricts blood flow to hair follicles and causes hair to die and fall out.

Vitamin and mineral supplements for hair health just might be the solution to your weak and damaged hair. They are a relatively cheap alternative worth trying before you have that forest planted on your head.

As for my cousin Jimmy, I wonder if he will still be cracking jokes when most of his hair falls out?

Yours for Success in Life!
Jim DeSantis

P.S. - Please forward this article to someone who may benefit from it.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Proper Hair Care

The hair is the crowning glory not only because it is at the top of the head but because it makes a lot of difference to a person's appearance. In fact, the hairstyle of a person can completely change a look the same way that an outfit can. Unkept hair for instance can signal someone who is untidy and disorganized while properly maintained hair shows a person who is in control of life and who is organized and easy to work with.

Although the hair is actually dead cells that are continuously growing, this does not mean that we don't have to take care of it or that we should just take it for granted. Generally, the condition of the hair is inborn. Some people are just born with hair that can launch a thousand shampoo commercials the same way that there are people who were born with thick hairs while others have thin manes.

Just because you are not given great hair does not mean that you should complain and not do anything about it. The same can be said of people who are given shiny hair. Both should take care of their hair.

One of the main problems of the hair is breakage and split ends. This is mainly due to the lack of nutrients and also the frequent styling and the chemicals that are being applied in the hair. Another reason for hair breakage is improper maintenance of the hair, from the way one brushes or combs the hair to the shampoo and the conditioner that we use.

Below are some of the things that one should do to make sure that the hair remains healthy and becoming one's crowning glory.

Untangle Them

The moment that you wake in the morning, use your fingers to untangle the snarls and tangles in the hair. Do not force it and make sure that you use the gentlest possible way.

Proper Brushing

Improper brushing cannot only hurt the scalp but can also lead to breakage and falling hair. when brushing the hair, bend forward and allow the hair to fall. Use only brushes that have wooden base natural bristles as these are very gentle on the scalp and rarely cause tangles. Brush from the nape of the neck to the head then all the way to the ends of the hair strands. Repeat this in the hairline areas. Be observant though and make sure that you check your scalp for oiliness. Brushing tends to release the scalps natural oils. But although this is actually good, too much oil can lead to bacterial growth.

Another reminder is to never brush your hair when it is wet. Use comb, a large-tooth comb to manage the hair when you have just finished showering.

Proper Combing

When combing, it is good to separate the hair in several sections. Work from the roots downward. Be careful not to scrape the comb on the scalp as this can lead to irritation and sometimes wounds.

When you encounter tangles, patiently untangle the hair strands one by one. Never pull or force the comb through.


If you must dry, dry the hair the natural way. Using the blower all the time can lead to damaged hair as the hot air can easily dry up the hair. The same goes with the use of the blower in styling.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

The Real Cause of Hair Problem and the Solution

Hair is an important composition of women dressing. Hair style can either encourage women face to be more gorgeous or low down women's look. To create a beautiful looking, the health of hair is important. Hair care is then one of the most important step of women beauty treatment.

Environment and lifestyle of women nowadays can damage their hair. The most problem found in women in the modern days are all the same worldwide. The solution is finding the cause of those problem and resolve it. Most problem on women hairs that irritate you can be solved, know what your hair problem is and just solve it by the cause.

Hair loss

Falling hair may results from the way you make your hairstyle. Pulling your hair back too tight or heavy pulling your hair in to a ponytail are the cause of hair loss. .

If your hairs are falling out because of heavy hairstyle, change your hairstyle which more relax your hair. You can also recover your hair by massaging your hair with a mixture of vitamin E and rosemary oil.

Also check out your diets, may be you have not enough vitamin b which is necessary for strong hair. So ensure that your diet includes enough vitamin B complex which found in rice, bread, fruits, and some meat

Another cause of falling hair is the hormone levels decline. Most women in the menopausal years encounter the problem of thinning hair. Women in the age of twenties can find this problem if their hormone levels decline. So check the estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone levels with the doctor. The testosterone and the enzyme 5-Alpha-Reductase in hormone is a main cause in this case. If you have a problem with your hormone, the doctor will give some advice how to balance the hormone or keep it in normal level.

There are also specialist doctor for hair loss you can consult with if you can not really find out what is the cause of it.

Damaged hair because of coloring or other chemical substance

Coloring your hair can damage your hair as the two most destructive ingredients in color are ammonia and peroxide which can ravage even strong hair. Monoethanolamine is also another dangerous ingredient in the hair color products. It is not only harmful to your hair but also to your body. To avoid the possible damaged hair, you should also avoid color your hair. But if you need some color to cover your grey hair, you may use henna instead. The natural ingredients are more safe and can be a natural sun block for the hair as well. You can see it in the shampoo containing henna which can be used as well. For those who are willing to change the hair color, you may use the color products which is free of peroxide, ammonia, and.

Dandruff and itchy head

Dandruff is an accelerated renewal of the epidermis which process speeds up 14 days instead of 28 days. There are several cause of dandruff, mostly are hormonal imbalance and poor hygiene. But stress, nutrition, and the hair treating are also the cause of dandruff. The way of dandruff eliminating is still controversial.

However nowadays there are dandruff shampoos that make a good result such as nizoral and Head & Shoulders and etc. The main point is to select the mildest shampoo as the intense ingredients can cause drying which will make the flaking worse.

For the severe case, only shampoo will not help, you should go to see the doctor.

There are also some other alternative advice that the garlic and oregano oil are able relieve dandruff. It can be used internally and externally.

Other advice

Hair is also important thing so treat it carefully with high quality shampoo and always nourished it with conditioner. Beware of the hairstyling products which contains harsh chemical or harmful ingredients.

Hair is made of keratin, a form of protein. The best way to nourish it from the inside is always eat up meats, fish, eggs, and beans. The omega-3 fats which found in salmon, almonds, flaxseed oil, and avocados is also recommended. Also be sure you have a good enough nutrition everyday.

Saturday, September 9, 2006

Natural Ways to Stop Hair Loss

Hair loss can become a big problem, especially in today's world where appearances count for the greater part of everything. And if hair loss and appearances weren't enough of a burden to people, the cost of having treatment for hair loss is sure to crush them. There are so many clinics and specialists out there offering their own version of hair loss medications and treatments that even the folks who can afford these exorbitant prices usually try three or four different medications and treatment before finding one that can help stop the hair loss. Luckily, there are some very natural and inexpensive ways that can help stop your hair loss.

Because the normal amount of hairs the average person loses on a daily basis is accepted as 50-100 hairs, many shampoo and conditioner products are formulated for people who lose an abnormal amount of hairs a day. Many of these products contain Keratin which is the protein found in hair, and helps to strengthen hairs from the roots. These products also contain essential minerals that nourish the scalp, and some of these shampoos and conditioners even offer extra moisturizer to keep the scalp from flaking, which is one common way many people lose too many hairs. The great thing about these products is that they can be incorporated into your everyday grooming routine rather than having to spend hours in clinics or treatment centers.

Another way to really care for your hair is to watch your diet. Now while there isn't any specific diet to prevent or stop hair loss, it has been reported that adopting a healthier, natural lifestyle generally improves the state of the entire body. For instance eating disorders like Anorexia and Bulimia can cause many people who suffer from these disorders to lose abnormal amounts of hair, but when these suffers changed their eating patterns, hair loss was reduced dramatically. Also, people with a low iron supply in their blood are encouraged to eat foods with more iron since it is one of the minerals needed to maintain the entire body so with the right amounts of minerals in the body, there is a general, noticeable improvement in vision, circulation and hair growth.

Vitamins are also great ways to naturally reduce or stop hair loss. Since the body needs vitamin E and A to produce strong, healthy hair, supplementing any diet with vitamins are sure to help reduce or stop hair loss and keep the entire body functioning as it should. These vitamins can be obtained from the foods you eat and from fruits, or can be bought in capsules and taken orally, which many people prefer since it is easier to take one capsule a day rather than specially preparing food or fruit.

Essential oils have never ceased to amaze humans with their healing properties, which is no wonder why so many people use them as a massage therapy for hair. This has a few advantages. Firstly, it has been recorded that massaging the head and scalp at around the same time everyday can improve circulation and lessen tension in the head which will make hair grow and grow faster. The second advantage is not only massaging the scalp and head, but doing so with essential oils like balsam, bergamot, geranium, cypress, eucalyptus, rosemary, rose wood and sandalwood, all of which have properties that replenish and moisturize hair, create a mild heat that improves circulation and diffuse its minerals and vitamins over the scalp. You will also love the aromatherapy too!

Friday, September 8, 2006

Hair Retexturing (Curl Reforming)

Q: My hair is curly and frizzy. I like the curl but not the frizz. What can I do?

A: Try getting your hair retexturized. This chemical process is basically like a perm but it reforms your curl, making it smooth while keeping the curl. Remember to discuss hair retexturizing like all chemical processes, with your stylist because not everyone is an ideal client for it. F.Y.I. below are the steps your stylist takes when giving a client retexturized hair:

1. No.1 Lotion is applied throughout the entire head. No. 1 Lotion is used to soften up the insides of hair protein chains (where frizz originates and the natural shape of your curl is formed.)
2. Rinse hair and condition. Hair is relaxed and almost ready to reform.
3. Hair is rolled in big rollers. No. 2 Lotion is applied to reform hair to the size and shape of the roller. (The curl or wave is as big as you desire.)
4. Rinse well.
5. Naturalizer is applied to lock hair into its new shape.

The Result: Frizz-free, smooth hair with luxurious curls or waves.

Q: Is retexturizing recommeneded for everyone?

A: No. A professional stylist is the best person to decide whether or not retexturizing is right for you. In general, multi-chemical processed or super fine hair will not have the best results. Retexturizing is more for strong, coarse hair with naturally kinky tight curls.

Q: Does the retexturizing process damage hair?

A: Retexturizing is a chemical process and like all chemical processes, if it is not done it can dry hair. Finding a professional with a lot of experience is the most important thing you can do for your hair. The word "retexturize" may sound scary but the reality of this chemical process is actually much milder than a regular hair perm, straightening, relaxing or hair coloring. Hair damage risks are very minimal.

Q: My hair had Thermal Reconditioning (TR). Can I still try the retexturizing process?

A: No, please wait until your processed hair has grown out.

Q: My hair is highlighted with bleach. Is it safe to try the retexturizing process?

A: Our first response is no, but it is best to have a trusted professional actually look at your hair and decide. Hair with only one hair color (some highlighted hair) is usually safe, depending on the strength and health of the hair.

Thursday, September 7, 2006

Hair Styling

Q: At home how do I turn my curly hair straight?

A: Try these steps:

1. After using shampoo and conditioner, apply a heat protecting lotion.
2. Blow-dry hair using a flat brush. *Make sure to apply a lot of tension to the hair, from the roots to the ends.
3. After hair is completely dry, use an Ionic or Ceramic flat iron for an all-over smoothing quality.
4. Apply anti-frizz and block humidity.

Q: I have curly hair. How do I style my hair and keep the curls smooth?

A: Try these steps:

1. After using shampoo and conditioner, apply hair styling gel* evenly throughout the entire head.
2. (Optional) Take about ¼ to ½ inch square sections of hair and twist them around your finger to enable a more uniform curl.
3. Use a diffuser and make sure not to scrunch your hair. (The more you touch your hair before it is dry, the more frizzies will develop.)
4. When hair is 80% to 90% dry, allow the rest to air dry.

*Different gel holding powers are designed for different types of hair. For hair that easily to frizzes, a strong hold is the best.

Q: I have tried everything. I can not fight my frizz. What can I do?

A: Sometimes it’s a good idea to work with your frizz, instead of against it. Frizzy hair can produce some nice hair styles. Try getting your hair cut and styled specifically highlighting your frizzy hair. You may find frizzy hair works for you.

Q: My hair is really dry from flat ironing and blowing dry. What can I do?

A: Start by changing the products you are using and the way you style your hair. When using a hot tool, (flat iron, blow-dryer) leave-in conditioners, styling lotions and sealers are a must for dry hair protection. Try these additional heat-related dry hair tips:

1. Use a deep moisturizing treatment after every shampoo.
2. Always use a heat protecting lotion before any hot styling tool.
3. Invest in an Ionic or Ceramic blow-dryer and iron.
4. Use a flat brush.

Q: How hot should my flat iron be?

A: The heat depends on your hair and the way you style it. Strong, healthy hair can handle higher temperatures. Fine hair always needs a lower heat setting. For all hair types remember not to clamp hair for too long and make sure hair is tangle-free before ironing.

Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Top 5 Biggest Hair Mistakes

1. Washing your hair everyday � Unless you have oily hair, it is not necessary to wash your hair everyday. The natural oils in our hair prevent it from drying out, and actually help in achieving some looks such as up-dos and spiral curls. If you have combination hair (oily scalp, dry ends), just wash the hair around the scalp and leave the ends. For those who just can't stand to go a day without washing their strands, try a gentle cleansing shampoo with natural moisturizing agents. A good one to try is the ISH Color Lock Shampoo, which uses coconut and jojoba to add a moisturizing aspect to this pure cleanser.

2. Sticking by the same product � Think of hair products as exercise. When you do the same exercise day in and day out, your body get used to it and the initial results diminish. If you vary your work out routine, however, the outcome is much better. Hair is no exception. Your tresses get used to certain products, just as your body acclimates to certain exercises. To keep you hair looking in top condition, change your shampoos, conditioners, and other products at least once a month. You can use the same type of products, just in different brands for the same effect. For example, one month try Matrix Sleek Look Smoothing Shampoo and next month, switch to Redken Smooth Down.

3. Skipping your deep conditioning treatment � Even if you don't heat style your hair often, it's important to use a deep conditioner at least once every two weeks. If you have oily hair and are afraid of hair being weighed down, simply pair the deep conditioning treatment with a clarifying shampoo. An excellent deep conditioner is the Healthy Sexy Hair Soy Tri-Wheat Deep Conditioner and a good clarifying shampoo is the Kenra Clarifying Shampoo.

4. Always wearing your hair tied back � Wearing your hair pulled tightly back does several negative things. First off, it can pull on the scalp causing possible breakage. Also, your hair can become trained to lie in a pulled back fashion so that when you do want to wear looser styles, you may have a hard time. Last but not least, your current hair cut is not suited to your lifestyle if you must always wear it up! It is understandable that some of us have jobs requiring us to wear our hair pulled back. If this is the case for you, I suggest wearing your hair down when you sleep or wearing it down during your days off. If you must wear your hair back while sleeping, use a scrunchie instead of a rubber band.

5. Using heated appliance with styling products � About 95% of styling agents, such as mousses, hair sprays, and gels, contain plastic polymers and alcohol. When plastic polymers are applied to the hair and then used with a heated appliance, like a flat iron or blow dryer, the plastic actually melts onto the hair, creating an unhealthy build-up. Unfortunately, it takes more than a simple shampooing to get rid of the residue. Alcohol is known to be very drying. Apply alcohol to the hair in combination with a heated styling tool and you're drying and frying your hair simultaneously. If you must use heat and styling products together, try some of the new all natural styling products, such as ISH I Love My Hair Styling Spray, which utilizes rice starch as its holding agent.

Kristen L � Beauty and Hair Consultant

Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Hair Loss Remedy and Treatment

The most obvious and noticeable part of the human hair is the hair on the head, which contributes a lot to a person's good looks and beauty, and so the lack of it, or loss of it is always a source of distress to the person. Hair is an outgrowth that emerges from the follicles of the head and there are as much as 1 lakh follicles on the head. It is from these follicles that hair roots emerge .A single hair grows from one such hair root, and grows longer to a shaft, which is visible. The black color of the hair is due to a pigment called melanin, which is stored in a bulb found in the lower part of the hair follicle. One strand of normal hair looks so thin, yet it is very strong since it is made up of a protein called keratin. The hair that grows once is not permanent. It is shed periodically. There is a growth cycle and so it is normal for everybody to lose up to 50-100 hairs per day, which then are replaced by new ones. Actually at a time, about 10 percent of the hair on the scalp is in a resting phase while the other 90% is in growing stage. The hair in the resting stage falls off, once in every 2-3 months, only to be replaced by new ones. This growing phase lasts for 2 to 6 years and during this phase, each hair grows approximately 1 centimeter per month. If a person loses more hair than its growth and this loss is more than 50- 100 strands per day, the person is said to be suffering from hair loss. The disruption in the normal growth cycle of hair will lead to hair loss.

Hair Loss: Hair loss can be caused by a variety of conditions ranging from sudden stress (caused by illness), certain types of medications (like those given in treatment of gout, arthritis, anticoagulants, and also during chemotherapy for cancer treatment), hormonal imbalances (like hyper or hypothyroidism caused by overactive or under active thyroid gland, or in case of imbalance of sexual hormones like androgens in males and estrogens in females2), poor nutrition, (also causes hair loss as the body is not getting enough proteins or vitamins needed for growth), fungal infection of the scalp( like psoriasis) , male pattern baldness3,( which is an inherited trait is the most common cause of hair loss in men.) Men who start losing their hair at an early age tend to develop more extensive baldness. In male-pattern baldness, hair loss typically results in a receding hairline and baldness on the top of the head. Women may also develop female-pattern baldness. In this form of hair loss, the hair becomes thin over the entire scalp. Alopecia areata is the development of bald patches on the scalp, beard, and, possibly, eyebrows. Eyelashes may also fall out. This condition is attributed to an immune disorder. Tinea capitis (ringworm of the scalp) is another reason for hair loss. Finally, hair loss is also due to diseases (like lupus, diabetes).. But sometimes hair loss may occur out of sheer negligence and improper care of hair, even without any of these above mentioned problems. It can occur when lot of pressure is exerted on the scalp (by tying extra tight pigtails), or by excessive chemicals and hot oil --treatment used during perming. Such rough practices damage the hair follicles, which leads to hair loss.

So the underlying problem causing hair loss must be detected and treated accordingly. People experiencing hair loss must seek medical help from a dermatologist, so that the doctor can perform tests and investigate the cause. Blood tests will reveal hormone deficiencies like that of thyroid gland, estrogen or androgens. If a problem is detected, the doctor prescribes the synthetic hormone and thus hair loss can be controlled. In case of male pattern baldness, medicines may help in slowing down or preventing the development of common baldness. The most common one is, minoxidil (brand name: Rogaine), which is available even without a prescription. It has to be applied to the scalp and can be used by both men and women. However, another medicine, finasteride (brand name: Propecia) is available only with a prescription. It comes in the form of pills and can be taken by men only. Alopecia areata if treated early, can be treated with steroids injections like triamcinolone into the area. The other factors causing hair loss can be determined by the doctor by asking the patient a lot of questions to find out about his diet, family history and also his recent condition. . In cases of stress and illness hair loss is often temporary and hair will start growing once the body attains normalcy. In case hair loss is attributed due to a fungus or ringworm infection, antifungal preparations are given. The ultimate desperate measure one can take if no treatment arrests hair loss, is trying out different hairstyles or wigs, hairpieces, hair weaves or artificial hair replacement. This is also called hair transplantation, which has become more common over the years. During a hair transplant, healthy hairs are harvested from an area of the scalp with normal hair growth and then these individual hairs are then placed into areas of hair loss. The transplanted hair looks very natural if the procedure is done with dexterity.

Monday, September 4, 2006

The 5 Most Essential Hair Products for Healthy, Beautiful Hair

Imagine having healthy, shiny, manageable hair everyday � whether you're at work, out on the town, or just hanging around. Now, imagine all the products you think you'll need to maintain your locks. I bet you're getting white hairs just thinking of all the bottles, sprays, and jars piled up on your bathroom shelf! Clear away all that junk and make room for just 5 types of products that will keep your hair looking fabulous all the time.

1. Conditioning Shampoo/Moisturizing Shampoo: This type of shampoo basically eliminates the need for a separate conditioner, which can weigh down fine hair. The best types of conditioning shampoos are those containing natural moisturizers, such as jojoba (the closest natural element to the oil on human skin and hair). You may also want to use shampoos that are made especially for dry, damaged, or color-treated hair. A good one to try is the ISH Color Lock Shampoo, which contains all natural ingredients, such as coconut, vitamin E, and jojoba. If your strands still could use a drink even after a hydrating shampoo, consider using a small amount of light-weight conditioner just on the ends of your hair every other day. I recommend Matrix Biolage Conditioning Balm, a delicate rinse-out conditioner that won't leave a residue.

2. Deep Conditioning Treatment (use weekly): This is a must, especially if you use any kind of heat on your hair (blow-dryers, curling irons, flat irons, even if they are ceramic/ionic). Everyday your tresses are exposed to sun, wind, humidity, and other environmental elements. It's so important that you treat them at least once a week to a deep conditioning. If you've had a particularly eventful week, putting your strands under a lot of stress, a deep treatment can also provide damage control to avoid breakage and frizzies. After a dose of intense conditioning, such as with Framesi Options Drench Deep Moisture Masque, your hair will thank you!

3. Leave-in Conditioner: These light-weight moisturizers are not meant to be rinsed out, so your hair is protected from heat and other damaging factors. Leave-in conditioners also provide a defense against heated appliances. Without the use of a good leave-in, your hair style will look dry and frizzy, especially at the ends. To avoid distressed looking strands after styling, be sure to invest in a leave-in conditioner or moisturizer that is weightless, yet provides adequate resistance against elements harmful to the hair. Joico's new Daily Care Line has an effective Leave-in plus Detangler. For men, go with American Crew's Leave-In Conditioner � the smell is irresistible!

4. Shine Enhancing Hair Spray: After primping for that special night out, you want your look to last all night! In order to dance til you drop and still have fabulous hair, you need a hair spray that will hold up. Because 95% of holding agents contain alcohol, your strands are likely to become dried out with hair spray usage, robbing your hair of moisture and shine. A quick solution is to use a hair spray that also contains a shine enhancing agent, such as the very popular Paul Mitchell Freeze and Shine Super Spray. To save money, purchase the larger 33oz size and refill your own spray bottle as needed.

5. Purifying Shampoo: This is one of the most over-looked type of products, but definitely one of the most important. In addition to damage caused by the climate, hair also attracts dirt, oil, dust, and any other things floating around in the environment. Not to mention, there is also potential for residue build-up from using styling agents and heavy conditioners. It is necessary to use a purifying shampoo (also called clarifying or detoxifying shampoo) at least once a week to keep your luscious locks free of build-up and other toxic elements. Not thoroughly cleansing your hair with a purifying shampoo will result in limp locks that will look greasy instead of shiny. Try Pureology Purify Shampoo, which promises to detoxify hair using witch hazel, tea tree oil, and baking soda.

Kristen L � Beauty and Hair Consultant

Sunday, September 3, 2006

What Type of Hair Brush Should I Use for Healthy Hair?

Discover what type of hair brush to use
When you use the right kind of hair brush and keep it clean you will have strong, healthy, hair, which will not fall out in the future. Then by taking a Collagen and Hyaluronic Acid supplement, you can strengthen your hair.
Hair care starts when you brush your hair. There are at least three things you need to know about how to brush your hair to bring more blood circulation to your scalp. Increasing the blood circulation to your scalp keeps your hair strong.

A Natural Hair Brush
Using a natural bristle like boar's hair is a good decision. The boar bristle hair brush bristles are similar to the keratin of your hair and absorb the dirt and oil just like your hair. In addition the tips of the boar hair brush are rounded and gently massage your scalp and hair.
Kent hair brushes are available in boar hair. But avoid the Kent nylon hair brush if you want the best care for your hair.
The nylon hair brush is not recommended since it is rougher on your scalp and is no where as good as the boar bristle hair brush. The nylon bristles are usually sharp and inflamed your follicles and break your hair when you use it.
Brushing Your Hair
To maintain good hair growth you need good circulation to your scalp. You need also need a clean scalp with little oil and dirt accumulating in your hair follicles. The boar hair brush helps you achieve this when you regularly brush your hair.
Brush your hair when it is dry. This prevents breaking of your hair. When you brush, the gentle pulling of your hair stimulates your scalp bringing in more blood to feed your hair. Also the slight pulling stimulates the release of oil from your follicles which lubricates your hair.
Brush your hair with a boar bristle hair brush twice a day for the best hair care - morning and night. For short hair brush for three minutes and for long hair brush five minutes.
By bending your head to the floor, when brushing, you will increase the blood circulation to your scalp. Now, brush from your neck forward to the front of your scalp, then, from sides to your crown. Lastly, brush from the front of your scalp to the neck.
Cleaning Your Boar Hair Brush
If possible, you should clean your brush every day. If you have two or more hair brushes then it will be easier to do this. Your boar bristle hair brush accumulates dirt and oils from hair when you brush. Without regular cleaning of your hair brush, this dirt and oil will redeposit onto your hair. Over time this added dirt and oil will plug up your hair follicles and lead to hair thinning or permanent hair loss.
You can clean your brush every day when you shower. Clean it with shampoo and scrub the bristles with your hand back and forth. After cleaning, you can dry the brush with a towel and let it sit until the next day. By the next day, it is ready to use and your other brush is ready to be cleaned.
Collagen Supplement
One super supplement to take to strengthen your hair is called Super Collagen + C. Take this supplement with Hyaluronic Acid. Both these nutrients provide collagen for your skin, hair, joints, and many other body areas.

So, using a natural hair brush like the boar bristle hair brush is the best way to care for your hair. Gentle daily brushing stimulates your scalp and keeps you hair healthy. But don't forget to keep your hair brush clean, since your don't want to put the dirt and oil on your brush back onto your scalp.

Saturday, September 2, 2006

Precautions while combing hair

Hair combing is a routine activity of almost all people.Some people keep a particular hair style throughout their life and some especially younger generation adopt new styles according to new trends and fashion.Hair styles has got close relation with the personality of a person.The hair of an unhygeinic person is usually tangled and dirty because of lack of washing and combing.To have a healthy scalp hair proper nutrition is needed.General health has got direct relation with the quality and quantity of hair.Regular washing,use of hair oil,proper combing ect are also needed to make the hair beautiful.General hints for combing is discussed here.

1) Different varieties of combs are available in the market.The best comb is selected by considering the nature of hair(hard or soft,long or short) ,style and convenience.

2) Combing should be done with utmost care and concentration.Some people especially gents think about some other matters and comb without any care which may be harmful to the hairs.

3) Combing should be gentle .A vigorous combing can increase hairfalling.

4) Do not comb if the hair is wet. First dry it with a towel and then put some oil and gently massage it.Now the combing will be easy and harmless.

5) Should not be combed in the opposite direction of hairs.This can increase hair falling.

6) Vigorous combing in backward direction can produce traction baldness.

7) Frequent combing can damage the scalp and the hair follicles.Those who carry pocket comb use it frequently and make it a habit.Combing two or three times in a day is sufficient.

8) The tooth of the comb should not be sharp and it should not be pressed too tightly on the scalp.

9) Always clean the comb before and after use because hair and dirt deposited in the gap will make combing diffucult and painful.

10) Others comb should not be used.This helps to prevent fungal and bacterial infections.Head lice can also spread from one person to other by sharing the combs.

11) Combing the tangled hair is difficult and painful.Hence use some shampoo for cleaning and after drying put oil and make the hairs free for an easy combing.

Friday, September 1, 2006

Why is My Hair Falling Out?!

At any single moment, at least 10 percent of the hair on your scalp is in a resting phase. The hair that is resting will fall out after a period of two to three months, and new hair will begin to grow in its place. The growing phase lasts between two and six years. During this phase, the average growth rate for hair is approximately one centimeter per month. At any single moment, approximately ninety percent of the hair on your scalp is in its growing phase. It is normally for you to shed each day as a part of this cycle, although there are people who experience hair loss at rates much higher than normal. This type of hair loss can affect everyone; men, women and children alike.

Excessive hair loss is caused by several factors, including illness or major surgery which cause stress-related temporary hair loss, hormonal problems, an under-active or over-active thyroid, childbirth-related hormones, medications like blood thinners, gout medications, chemotherapy, vitamin A, anti depressants and birth control pills. Infection of certain types can also cause hair loss, including fungal scalp infections in children. Underlying disease like lupus or diabetes may also cause hair loss. It is important to find out the cause of the excessive hair loss, to make sure it is not something that is detrimental to your health as well as your hairstyle.

Improper hair care can also cause excessive hair loss. Hairstyles or products that pull on your hair a lot can often cause traction alopecia, but your hair will grow back as long as the scalp has not scarred before the pulling has stopped. Hot oil treatments for hair and the chemicals used in perms may cause hair follicle inflammation which can also result in scalp scarring and sometimes permanent hair loss.

Common baldness is the term used to describe male-pattern baldness, or permanent-pattern baldness, the most common cause of loss of hair in men. Men typically inherit the pattern baldness trait, and some can begin to lose their hair at an early age. Hair loss typically results in a receding hair line and baldness on top of the head in male-pattern baldness.