Thursday, August 31, 2006

What Plant Extracts Slow Hair Growth

There is a movement in today's consumer world for all things natural. Everything from natural cosmetics to natural foods is lining the store shelves, and being bought by America's buyers. But what plant extracts slow hair growth and can cause problems with your hair loss treatments? Here are a few to keep in mind when you are out shopping that can actually help your hair grow.

Hair loss prevention is no exception to this rule. There are a lot of reasons why many people choose to go the all natural route. Many believe that the herbal remedies are gentler than what the doctor can prescribe. In addition, some people enjoy the fact that most natural remedies don't have as many artificial preservatives, or color additives that can be found in the more commercial products. Many herbal remedies available for hair loss today include a combination
of the plant extracts described below.

Ingredient # 1 Grape Seed Extract

Grape Seed abstract has been used in quantities for years by herbalist to help improve the condition of the hair follicle, and also the condition of the hair shaft. It has been known to help the hair shaft retain moisture, and help it from environmental damage. Today, various studies show that one of its main constituents, azelaic acid, can inhibit the production of DHT, a hormone associated with hair loss by perhaps 80%.

Ingredient # 2 Saw Palmetto Extract

Another common herb that has been shown to have a great affect on helping with hair growth and retention is that of Saw Palmetto. Known for years as an aid to men in prostate and urinary problems, it also has shown promise in helping to curtail the amount of DHT introduced to the area around the hair follicle. If less amount of the hormone is introduced into the area, there is less of a chance of baldness occurring.

Ingredient # 3 Bayberry Extract

This herb has been used for multiple ailments over the years, from calming a nervous stomach to improving the conditions of split ends hair. It has also been shown to help inhibit the production of DHT on a cellular level, making chances of hair loss in some men much less over time.

Ingredient #4 Tea Tree Oil Extract

Perhaps one of the most common causes for a reduction in hair growth that a plant extract can help is scalp inflammation. One of the best known plant extracts. Known to help reduce the swelling, inflammation and redness associated with skin irritation is that of tea tree oil. It is naturally antiseptic, and helps to reduce the size of the pores on the scalp. This extract, along with a few others might just help to curtail hair loss and encourage growth.

Ingredient #5 Aloe Vera

The extract from this plant has been shown through the ages to aid in numerous bodily functions. Its use as a moisturizer and cooling agent for sunburn has been well documented, even making into brand name moisturizers and sunburn cooling gels popular on the market today. It also can aid in the encouragement of hair growth by helping to maintain a healthy and well nourished scalp.

No matter which extracts one decides to use to combat baldness, one should always consult a professional to get an expert opinion on what plant extracts slow hair growth. There are many new options out there, and a few, like the ones mentioned above, do look promising.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Hair Loss and its Cure

Hair loss cure was a big question few years back. Hairy head with healthy hair gives one a smart and beautiful appearance. But hair loss and baldness is a common problem in our society. Not only women but also men face a lot of problem in hair loss. Hair loss can be like thinning of hair, falling of hair, and in men it is baldness.

This hair loss is due to the deficiency of Biotin a vitamin of �Vitamin B � Complex' group in the body. Biotin has equivalent vitamins like Vitamin B7 and H. So it is advisable for any one who loves to be smart and beautiful to prevent hair loss by taking in food rich in vitamin H. Remember biotin not only cares your hair but also important for other functions in our body. But keep in mind that hair loss is not a simple matter to be avoided; it may lead to thinness and baldness.

The moment you feel you are losing your hair constantly you need to take the best step to cure it. There are lots of steps to cure your hair loss depending upon the problem you face in it. We find lot of lotions, oils, shampoos for different type of hair loss. If your problem is too severe you need to consult a doctor and get the apt lotion or shampoo or oil to cure your problem. If you feel you can manage with the product sold in the market you can buy them in a medical store based on the specific problem you face.

The major problem for the hair loss is blocking of hair follicles. Excessive quantity of a hormone called dihydro testosterone is the cause for hair follicles. And this results in hair problem naturally. Dihydro testosterone can be called as DHT. And this can be neutralized using 5-alpha reductase, which is an inhibitor.

The loss of hair can be controlled by using Nugen HP, Revivogen and Hair genesis which are commonly used by hair losers. It is available in pharmacies and drug stores. These medicines naturally help to reduce the excess hormone. This not only controls hair loss but also help grow healthy hair.

If you take proper nutritious food you can avoid the hair loss problem. Your diet can be rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals; this will improve your hair growth and good health.

Other than lotions and diet you can use hair conditioners to prevent hair loss. There following are a few hair conditioning products like Revivogen, Folligen, Tricomin, and Nisim. Now-a-days youngster face a lot of hair loss problem and a drug named Minoxdil will be helpful to them.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Combing Hair: 10 Tips for Proper Hair Combing

Most people consider hair combing a routine activity. There are people who keep a particular hair style throughout their life. On the other hand, younger generations adopt new hair styles according to new trends.

To have a healthy hair, proper nutrition is required. General health has direct relation with the quality and quantity of hair. In order to make your hair beautiful, you need regular washing, use of hair oil, proper combing, etc.

Tips for combing hair:

1. To choose the best comb, you must take into account the nature of your hair (soft or hard, short or long), convenience and style.

2. Combing hair should be done with greatest care and concentration. If you comb without any care, you can cause damage to your hair.

3. Combing hair should be done gently. A vigorous combing can encourage hair falling.

4. Do not comb wet hair. First dry your hair with a towel and then put some oil and gently massage it. After this is done, the combing will be easy and undamaging.

5. Combing hair in the opposite direction of hairs must be avoided. This will cause hair falling.

6. Vigorous combing in backward direction can cause traction baldness.

7. Frequent combing can damage the hair follicles and the scalp. Combing hair 2 or 3 times in a day is sufficient.

8. The tooth of the comb must not be sharp. The comb should not be pressed too tightly on the scalp.

9. Clean the comb before and after use in order to prevent hair and dirt from depositing in the gap. Combing hair with dirty comb can be difficult and painful.

10. Do not use other people's combs. This will prevent fungal and bacterial infections.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Do it yourself Hair styling tools.

Style and fashion is a reflection of the era we live in. Modern era adds a unique statement to fashion. Now days, almost everyone sport a different hairstyle.Latest hair styles, hair strengtheners and Hair damage prevention have shown that hair care has taken an entire new dimension. All this is thanks to the various hair styling tools and appliance available in the market.

Confusing as it may seem. The varied number of tools serves their own purpose and knowing how to use them can benefit in your hair styling venture. From curling, crimping, smoothening and straightening your hair; right to combs and brushes the variety may astound you. The questions you need to pose are?
� What hair styling tools do I need?
� Will that tool work on my hair?
� What is the function of this styling tool?

Wide toothed combs are designed to detangle and smooth hair that is dried using a towel where as small toothed combs are designed for smoothing and finishing short hair styles. Conditioning your hair will give better results and using a detangling spray is also helpful.

The idea of brushes is similar to that of combs. But the number of bristles and space between them as well as shapes and sizes vary such that they appear a wide variety of them. Bristled brushes are used for finishing and smoothing a hair style. These are also used for distributing natural oils and massaging the scalp to maintain hair and scalp health. Other types of brushes that are used in relation to other styling tools are the paddle brush which has several rows of tines on a flat base. The paddle brush is used in blow drying straightened styles. It helps to keep hair smooth and flat. Round or curved brushes have rows of tines on a flat base and in the blow drying process are used to add soft curves to styles. The vented brush has widely set rows along with a air holes or openings at the base to allow circulation of air. These are designed for use with blow dryers.

Hair Dryers
A directed stream of hot air from the hair dryer is used to dry wet hair. A good blow dryer has a concentrator attachment to narrow the stream of heated air and direct it better. The diffuser is another attachment meant to soften the stream of heated air. It is most often used to dry curly hair.

Hot rollers
For changing the curl pattern of hair hot rollers are used. These rollers use a combination of heat and moisture to cool hair, Hair is wrapped around the heated tools to curl. The roller is allowed to cool and the hair is set. It is the most convenient procedure for curling of hair.

Irons Curling/flat
If you need to straighten your hair then the flat iron is the ideal choice. Curling irons allows you to add curls in specific places. The variety of sizes and shapes could be used depending on the length of your hair. Tiny, pencil-thin barrels are used for tight spirals and large barrels for big soft curls.

Well you need latest styles you could look at the virtual hair stylist and change your hair as well as it color on an image of yours and see how it looks. If you need human hair extension you could obtain it and look good. is a site dealing with complete hair care. Latest hairstyles , styling tools, etc�. are topics covered on this site. Hair styling is now become a much needed fashion statement. Visit us and learn more about hair style.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Easy Hair Loss Cure

Hair loss and baldness is a common problem in our society. A number of men and women are facing hair problems and seeking for help. Hair problem badly affects one's social activities and especially the women. About 90% of men and women are suffering with hair problems, some time it is thinning of hair, sometime it is falling of hair and some time it is becoming bald.
In general, a person with less hair on his / her head is considered as less smart / beautiful as his / her counterpart who has hairy head with healthy hair. Hair loss is clinically diagnosed as the deficiency of Biotin a vitamin of �Vitamin B � Complex' group in the body. Vitamin B7 and vitamin H are other synonyms of Biotin.
It is said that, �prevention is better than cure', so a person need to take vitamin H rich diet to maintain his / her body and hair health, as biotin is also important for other bodily functions. But no problem comes calling in life, so if you are being in hair problems, then you need to take necessary steps to prevent further loss and ultimately baldness.
Now, you definitely be interested in knowing, what are the steps, one has to take in case of Hair Problems??
Here is little �Easy Hair Loss Cure' advice, which you will like to follow, if you are facing Hair Loss Problems.
Different types of lotions, various medicines and shampoos in different fragrances are available in the market stores to prevent your hair. You can buy these hair loss products from a medical store in your locality. There are the products, which you can by only after a physician's prescription. The choice of selecting a hair loss product totally depends on the level of suffering you are going with.
The clinical root cause of hair loss may be any, like hereditary, hormonal imbalance and aging etc. And hence an individual need to receive medications accordingly. The blocking of hair follicles is found one major condition for hair problems. A hormone called dihydro testosterone in excessive quantity does the blocking of hair follicles, which ultimately results into hair problems. Dihydro testosterone is also pronounced as DHT. The effect of DHT in hair follicles can be neutralized using 5 � alpha reductase, which is an inhibitor.
Nugen HP, Revivogen, and Hair genesis are some of the common hair loss products available in pharmacies and drug stores. All these medicines help in reducing the level of DHT and thus help in control of hair loss and promote healthy hair.

Nugen HP controls your problems naturally. This blocks the DHT in follicles and thus cures your hair problems. If you are facing hair problems, you must have to take proper nutritious balanced diet. Take a diet full with proteins, vitamins and minerals.

Hair genesis is very effective in hair problems. It is a natural DHT blocker and prevents hair loss in males.

Many more products are available in the medical and pharmacy stores, but while using any product, taking diet rich in nutrition is also equally important.

You also can use hair conditioners to prevent hair loss. Revivogen, Folligen, Tricomin, and Nisim are some of the hair conditioners.

Minoxdil is a drug, which is effective in case of youngsters' hair problems.

So no matter, if you are facing hair problems, a no. of drugs, and conditioners are there to help you and prevent your hairs. But be cautious, take the advice of your doctor and have food enriched with vitamins and minerals and proteins. Hair loss is curable and with little extra effort you can have healthy hair on your head.

Friday, August 25, 2006

How To Buy The Ideal Office Chair

Now that you have your home office set up you are ready to begin working away right? Wrong! Before you get to work, take a look at what you are sitting on. It can be very tempting to drag any old chair into your home office when you are just getting started. Money is tight, and you probably don't have a big budget to work with, so you might be tempted to grab that old folding chair out of the basement and get to work. Never, ever just use any old chair to work from.

Even if money is tight, this is one area in your home office where you should spend a little extra money. The office chair that you sit on is very important to your overall success. How could a chair be responsible for your work success you might ask? Well, if you have to be sitting for long periods of time, you are going to want to be comfortable, or you will think of every excuse in the book to not get down to work. Or the chair you're sitting on will be so uncomfortable that you simply can't concentrate on your work for more than a few minutes at a time.

So when you are looking for an office chair for your work space, pay close attention to the design of the chair and your own individual needs. How high is your desk? Be sure you find a chair that is height adjustable. Why? Because if you find a great chair that is too high, you will not be able to comfortably sit at your desk and work. Likewise, if your chair is too low, you will be putting a lot of strain on your back, neck and arms reaching up to work.

Lumbar support is very important in an office chair, particularly if you have any type of lower back problem. The lumbar support will keep you sitting straight and protect the lower part of your back from undue strain. Without proper lumbar support, you will be likely to slouch which can cause long term back problems. Because everyone is a different height it is important to test out the chair to be sure that the lumbar support fits in the small of your back. If it's possible, or more than one person will be sitting in your chair, find an office chair that has adjustable lumbar support.

A good office chair can cost you a lot of money and since you will likely have a low budget for starting up your home office pay attention to sales and discounts. You may be able to find a good quality used office chair at an auction or when a business is being liquidated. Just be sure to inspect the chair carefully if you are purchasing it second-hand. Tears in the fabric on a used chair aren't a major issue but any problems with support for your legs, arms or back is.

Remember, an investment in a good quality office chair is a long term investment in your business as well as your health. It's not something you want to take for granted or cut corners on.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Understand Male Hair Loss and Prevention/Reversal Treatments

There is no magic potion that will instantly give you back a full crop of thick, lush hair. But if we look at the way advances in hair loss treatments have evolved recently, perhaps we're not far from it.

Hair loss can be caused by many factors, the most common being Pattern Baldness which affects more then 40% of the male population. Women also suffer from hair loss, although the causes can be quite different than in men. Baldness can be quite a degrading condition for millions of men and women, and can lead to psychological problems and feelings of self worthlessness. But the scientific discoveries in recent years have made the treatments for balding more effective, and like all medical conditions, if you act on the problem when it is in it's infancy, you've got a better chance of minimizing the effects, or even reversing the condition.

The causes for hair loss are many and varied. Genetic 'Pattern Baldness' is the most common, but there are other very common causes such as Hormonal Imbalance, Illness, Poor Diet, Poor Hygiene, Drug Abuse and Stress. These are just the core issues that contribute to the hair loss. To get a better understanding of exactly how the hair stops to reproduce entails a bit of a scientific look at how hair actually grows .....

Hair grows in 3 stages. In the first stage (Anagen) a new hair is produced and this is the stage where most growth occurs. Next, in the Catagen (Regressive) stage, the hair has stopped growing but is yet to shed. In the final stage (Telogen) the hair is resting and eventually falls out, and a new one begins to grow. In Pattern Baldness, DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) miniaturizes hair follicles by shortening the Anagen (growth) stage and at the same time can also lengthen the Telogen (resting) stage. This is usually a gradual process, and the end result is an increase in the number of short, thin hairs which are barely visible above the scalp.

There is hope, because while any hair is growing then various treatments can be administered to re-balance/block the DHT and promote healthier hair growth once again. There is no single hair loss treatment that works for everyone. In fact, it would be quite amazing if somoene used a single baldness treatment that completely solved their problem. The best hair loss treatment is in fact a combination of the best known products in a way that is tailored to your individual circumstances.

Generally, the most effective regime for preventing/reversing hair loss is a combination of 3 or 4 products:

1) DHT Inhibitors - Work to inhibit the negative effects of DHT
2) Growth Stimulators - artificially stimulate growth in the hair follicle
3) Hair vitamins - these products actually provide all the clinical proven vitamins and minerals required to help hair grow to its fullest and thickest
4) Hair and Scalp Cleaners - these products provide proper hair and scalp hygiene and nutrition.

In all cases, the most effective hair loss treatment will involve a combination of the above options. That is because there is no single solution that tackles the cause and the effect of baldness in everyone.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Hair Color Trends - The New You

Current hair color trends are defined within the move towards relaxed glamour. Healthy, shiny hair, with lots of movement, yet still well groomed. Color is defined - it's either pastel blondes, in clean, icy tones. Or cool browns, or brilliant reds. The move has definitely been away from red browns, although if that's a personal choice, or suits your skin tone best, don't be a slave to fashion!

Here are some ideas to incorporate the latest hair color trends into your style:

Double sided coloring - underneath, choose a darker color like chocolate, and over the top, and for most of the hair, choose lighter shades like copper and bronze. The darker color will frame your face, and if you go for any flicks or curls when styling, you'll see it contrasted against the lighter colors. But the main colors when hair is straightened will be the lighter ones. It's great for variety.

Try color combinations like coffee, honeycomb and golden syrup for a more subtle, layered effect.

For brunettes who like their chocolate browns, try a few golden highlights to break up the block of chocolate, unless your face and skin color can handle the density of such a rich dark color. It really helps define your hair style, and is much easier to wear.

If you like very dark colors, try a brown black instead of a straight black. Or get your hairdresser to mix in some blue black into the brown black to give it more intensity, but without the harshness of a solid black that is not flattering to all skin tones. Also, try mixing in some caramel and pink-red foils with a violet brown black base. If they're used creatively, and with restraint, you can keep the overall look very dark and mysterious, with a few hints of color showing.

For blondes, try mixing golden blonde with a very light ash. Or for a more subtle but contrasting look, have the ends of a bob colored a pale pastel coral.

If you want to try platinum shades, instead of going for a harsher white white, try a softer platinum white tinted slightly with pink.

For a pretty natural blonde look, try splicing a few clove and light ash foils through a pale, golden base shade.

Redheads: Go for a rich, fiery copper with a darker brown underneath, like clove. This works well on long hair and mid length hair.

For another red combination, try cayenne, nutmeg and paprika.

For really vibrant colors mixed with a darker base, away from the coppers, try a pink red combination of cassis and raspberry coulis.

For something a little more outrageous and individual, go for a brightly colored fringe, say in pink, and a few purple ends.

If you want something quite striking, but not so colorful, just go for a lighter than usual highlight. As long as it's tastefully done, it'll look great. Don't try this at home!!!

When choosing colors, be aware of whether it's a warm shade or a cool shade. And keep in mind how much of each color is going to be on your hair. Which shade, or tone, do you want the dominant one to be? Do you want a subtle effect, or a more striking one? Unless the contrasting color is going to be in small amounts, keep warm tones together, and cool tones together, irrespective of whether they are blond, brown, black or red. For example, chocolate brown highlights look good with warm vanilla, even though the colors themselves are quite distinct.

You can use different tones together. But it depends on both your skin tone, the way the colors are applied, and how much of each are used. If you're going for this approach, think of the contrasting tone as a painter would, and be judicious about it's placing.

1. Hair Now, N2/06

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Popular Permanent Hair Removal Alternative Processes

Whether you're male or female, at some point in your life, hair removal becomes an issue to come to terms with.

There are people who choose to allow all of their body hair to just grow, wherever, however. Then there are people who don't want hair on some part(s) of their body at all so they elect to undergo the expensive, extensive and painful experience of electrolysis - The only hair removal process that has been proven to be permanent.

Between these two ends of the spectrum of what to do with body hair, most people remove hair from some part(s) of their body and, depending on the body part, hair and skin type, employ a variety of processes to do so.

Let's start at the top, shall we?

For those males, and females, who enjoy having a bald head, there is no better hair removal process than shaving. And while there are those within this group who get very satisfactory results with one of the newer tri-blade razors, true aficionados of the smooth, shiny and healthy looking scalp say there is nothing to compare with the results achieved with a straight edged razor - Once you know how.

Shaving, either with a wet razor or an electric shaver, is the traditional way most males remove their facial hair. Although today, there are wet and dry shavers that are gaining in popularity.

For some males, convinced they're really female and committed to becoming one, the process of electrolysis is sometimes employed to eradicate the facial hairs hormone treatments don't affect. Just as many females endure electrolysis to remove unwanted hairs on their face.

But again, most females and transsexuals opt for alternatives such as tweezing or depilatories specifically formulated for the face, as opposed to electrolysis. For these people seeking a smooth and hairless face, shaving is not an option.

When it comes to chest hair - Some females seek electrolysis, but most often simply tweeze hairs from around the areola, (about the nipple of the breast). But because males have such a large area to contend with, electrolysis really isn't a viable hair removal process. Neither are laser hair removal treatments simply because of the cost and time involved.

So most males who desire to remove their chest hair often go to a salon and get it waxed. Or regularly apply a depilatory or shave.

This applies to the back as well. Although to effectively use a depilatory or razor/shaver on his back, obviously a male needs a friendly accomplice.

While we're still dealing with the upper part of the body, there are the armpits, for which shaving is the most popular process. Depilatories are not recommended because the caustic chemicals can be too easily absorbed. And waxing, well, it's an option, but not a popular one because it's s-o-o-o painful to have hairs yanked from this super sensitive area.

For those males and females who choose to remove hair from their pubic areas - Yes, some people do elect electrolysis, but most employ alternatives.

The most used hair removal alternative to electrolysis is the handy-dandy wet razor. One cannot say that it's the most popular because of the inherent dangers of wielding a razor sharp blade around this area and because the skin is so sensitive, the results are more often than not uncomfortable after the first few hours, but still - Millions of people around the globe repeatedly remove their pubic hair with a wet razor.

Research reveals that a sizable group of people pay the high price for laser treatments to remove hair in the pubic area, but it's a bit of a mystery why. Because it takes several sessions over a period of time to remove all the hair, and by that time, the hair has already started to grow back in where it was first removed. Not to mention the side effects along the way that can leave one feeling quite raw and sore.

There is waxing, but only for those with a high pain threshold ... Although many can endure bikini line waxing as it's a small area that can be done in about 15 minutes at a salon, so one could say it's a popular hair removal process. But - It's recommended that the skin be allowed to heal a few days before "agitating", it.

Depilatories are only suitable for use strictly along the bikini lines. Again, the harsh chemicals that "melt", the hair could cause severe problems if allowed anywhere else.

There is a rumor that there are those who tweeze their pubic hair - But that one's too painful to even consider.

When it comes to legs - Well, shaving beats out all other alternatives to electrolysis. In fact, not much can be found about legs being a major target area for electrolysis or laser treatments. Probably because shaving is so easy and leg skin is not so sensitive that the results are quite satisfactory.

Of course, there are those who have their legs regularly waxed and they say it's worth it because their legs stay smooth for as long as 3-8 weeks. And as long as they apply a good sunscreen, they don't have to keep their legs hidden.

The same is said by those who use a depilatory every few days. They say it's much easier than shaving every few days.

So there you have it - The most popular, or at least most used, alternative hair removal processes to electrolysis, from head to toe.

Except one -

With just a little bit of research, you can discover the latest hair removal tool that has been streaking up the popularity chart. It's inexpensive, easy to use, and removes hair quickly and safely from any part of the body without any unpleasant after effects.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Vitamins and Minerals You Need To Reduce Hair Loss

Some common myths have arisen concerning hair loss. Because of medical advancements many of these myths are being corrected. For starters, although androgenetic alopecia, pattern baldness, is genetic and can be hereditary, it is not passed down through only your mother's side of the family. Either side of the family can pass down the genetic disposition toward baldness. Also, contrary to old family tales, wearing hats does not cause baldness either.

Most common hair loss comes under what has been commonly known as Male Pattern Baldness (MPB). Although referred to as MPB, females also suffer from MPB, so it is better to call MPB androgenetic alopecia.

Although hair loss is not life threatening, it is an indication of your internal health and it can cause you serious problems with an image and self-confidence. There has been no absolute cure found for hair loss, and many factors of hair loss are hereditary, however there are several preventative measures you can take to maintain healthy hair and scalp.

Diet, Nutrition and Hair Loss

Keeping your body healthy reflects on the health of your hair. If your lifestyle is not healthy, it will eventually reflect on your head. You will start to lose your hair and fulfill your genetic coding. To keep healthy, as a reminder, you need to eat in the proper fashion, exercise, and stay away from any kind of drugs - both medical and recreational.

To define what a healthy diet is, to preventing hair loss, can be individual and quite complex. But the main vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that you need to take or eat to maintain healthy hair are:

* vitamin A

* all B vitamins-particularly vitamins B-6 and B-12, folic acid, biotin

* vitamin C

* vitamin E

* copper, iron, zinc, iodine, silica

* essential fatty acids

* protein

* four - 6 glass of water.

The best way for you to maintain a healthy vitamin and mineral intake is a good diet. Vitamins and minerals are abundant in raw fruits and vegetables. Eat them in the morning or as in between meal snacks. A good mineral supplement would be an electrolyte liquid mineral product.

It is not necessary or advisable to go out and buy a bunch of over-the-counter vitamin supplements in order to achieve your suggested nutritional levels. Many over-the-counter vitamins are chemically processed and are not completely absorbed.

It is also easy to overdose yourself with over the counter vitamins, particularly when taking supplements of fat-soluble vitamins and minerals, causing toxicity and adverse reactions. The likelihood of doing this is far less with food; therefore it is always best to obtain the bulk of your vitamin and mineral requirements from whole organic raw foods.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

How Excessive Testosterone Leads To Your Hair Loss

Hair loss has been observed and studied for ages, and some interesting discoveries were made in ancient times. It was noticed that eunuchs:

* those males without genitals-never went bald.
* men who were castrated as a result of accidents in battle also never went bald

This was the first sign that testosterone had something to do with hair loss. It has also been found that the more recessive the hair gene, the chances you have of becoming bald.

Androgens Testosterone and Adrenaline

What exactly are androgens? Androgens are sex hormones mainly produced by males. The main male androgen is testosterone. Androgens are produced by your adrenal glands - testosterone and adrenaline - which protect your body in stressful situations and give you the power to respond to dangerous situations.

When you are under constant stress, you have adrenals that are overactive. Under this stress, you are are producing both testosterone and adrenaline. The excess testosterone, you create can be a cause in your hair loss. Also if you constantly over eat fatty foods and red meat, this will cause an overactive adrenal gland.

Hair Loss and Prostate Gland

There is a definite connection between Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) and the prostate gland. The prostate gland is actually a cluster of small glands in males surrounding the urethra, located just below the bladder. There is not a lot known about all the functions of the prostate, except that it serves to squeeze seminal fluid into and through the urethra during ejaculation.

Prostate problems can cause serious problems with urination if it becomes enlarged, and sometimes the prostate becomes cancerous. Non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate is called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

DHT is responsible for the division of cells in the prostate, and is normally expelled by the prostate. However, when the prostate fails to expel the DHT, it builds up and causes enlargement. It has been confirmed that typical North American and northern European diets lend to the perpetuation of BPH and prostate cancer, whereas these are uncommon phenomena in other lands and was even uncommon here in the past.

This is significant since the overproduction of DHT is responsible for BPH and prostate cancer, and is also responsible for MPB or androgenetic alopecia.

The findings in research for BPH cures have usually simultaneously produced benefits in hair growth.

So to minimize the genetic tendency for hair loss be aware of excess stress in your life and work on reducing it. Learn what kind of diet is necessary to keep your prostate healthy.

Two additional facts about hair loss are:

* If you are blond-haired, you have a greater tendency toward hair loss than darker-haired people. But if you are Caucasian, then you have a greater tendency toward hair loss than non-Caucasian people.

* Beyond the genetic tendency of certain people for hair loss, diet seems to play a factor in hair loss. This is good to know, since this is one additional you can make changes to you to your lifestyle.